Chapter 10: I AM ME!

Name:Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel Author:
Chapter 10: I AM ME!

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~


"Sometimes we must lose ourselves to find ourselves"


In my past life I was never a very religious guy. But since I ended up in this new world I have to rethink my concepts. Gods exist here, beings who can decide my fate without my consent. Either because they have the authority to do it, or simply because they are insanely powerful.

That's why I feel a little uncomfortable in this church. I don't remember how Marvel treats Christianity or Catholicism. I know there are a lot of demons who call themselves "Lucifer", but I don't remember if there's a Heaven or Almighty God Yahweh that I don't even know about, like in DC with the Presence.

I know of The One Above All, but I don't know if he has representation in that religion. Or if the god of bible here is like Odin, I know that exist a Greek pantheon. And Baast from Wakanda. And many others.

Tch. It's uncomfortable not to know. I'm so behind that is not even funny.

But let's focus on the ceremony.

As expected, a priest is preaching at my parents' funeral. Then we will have the procession for the burial. And in seven days we will have the seventh day Catholic Mass.

Which consists in directing the soul of the deceased to God. Seven days I think is for the soul to solve any unfinished business or regrets on this plane.

So I'll be here for a while.

No problem, my classes return in two weeks. Staying here will be good for my mind and body.

I realized before by looking at the large land that my grandparents have. I can use it for training.

I'll be able to test my abilities without worrying about being watched like I would in New York.

I will start tomorrow. For today I will focus on my family. Both the one that left and the one here on land.


It was very different from the burial in New York.

First the tradition is different.

And second, having my grandparents, people who are really devastated by the loss of my parents, makes it all the more emotional.

I know few people here, but a lot of people came to talk to me. Give their condolences, talk about my father's childhood, who had seen me when I was just a baby. And I really feel like they're being genuinely nice and kind. Restores my faith in humanity.

In this small community there is rarely an asshole.

The cynical part of my mind just argues that this is normal, in such a controlled social group, if someone gets a tarnished reputation their life is much more complicated.

But I just want to believe that there are people who are good just for being good.

If I get to be this cynical, I'll become Lex Luthor.

Many people confuse cynicism = intelligence. And goodness = naivety or foolish. In that regard I prefer to be more like Superman.

He's not a blind idiot who ignores what suits him. He knows very well that people have great potential for evil. He can hear them goddamit. He can listen to people suffering and doing atrocities better than anyone.

But he believes they also these same people have infinite potential for good.

Huh. Maybe because I'm in a similar place to Kent Farm, my thoughts are growing a little more optimistic.

That is good. I like it.

"You Always Think The Worst Of People - It Gives You An Edge...But It Also Blinds You To The Possibility Of Trusting Anyone." -Superman to Batman

"Justice Doesn't Always Have To Come From The Darkness." It's something Batman himself realizes after Superman's death.

hmm. Am I gaining Batman memories? Subtly at least. Memories make us who we are, then I will become more like the characters that I assimilated.

Well... as long as my body and mind isn't taken by anyone. No big problem. People change over time. And I'm still in control without being swayed. It's like watching a movie. You can learn and you can apply what you have learned to your life. But I'm not becoming a puppet to these thoughts.

The proof is that my way of thinking is much more Superman-like than Bartman-like, and I'm assimilating Batman.

But I'm Hector. I had a good life. Relatively wealthy, parents who love me. I have zero reason to be an edgy teenager who broods over everything or to become a villain. nove(l)bi(n.)com

I'll deal with the Kingpin, it won't be pretty. But I'm not of the night, the vengeance, the Batman. I'm Hector.

I'll do things my way, because any way I do it will be Hector-like. And I will make all these powers, experiences and knowledge my own for real.

Simple like that.


After my little epiphany, the ceremony went off without a hitch. We're back at my grandparents' house. My grandmother went to rest. She is mentally exhausted. My grandfather and I talked for a while, before he left too.

It's still 5pm. I'm not tired. So I think I'll take a look at Gacha, plan what I'm going to train during my stay in Brazil.

I want the screens to appear in front of me.



Gacha Points: 16


[Hector Belluci de Carvalho

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilated:


In Progress:

- [Funny Valentine - 28%] [Batman - 33%]

Summoned Characters:



- Source of All Living Matter

- Dirty Dees Done Dirt Cheap (Stand)

Equipped Items:

- None


- Chakra Books

- Unstable Molecule Suit

- E.D.I. Bio-Mech Suit V2.0 ]


It's not my limit, I feel like I can go over 100 meters. It's probably my minimum, similar to the cart titan that is 4 meters. I've tried my best to be as small as possible, but it looks like I might become smaller, perhaps.

Now, regarding my appearance, as far as I can see there is no deformity. Very human, no exposed muscles, but exposed bones.

I have bony protusions in several places, like on my ribs, elbows, and shoulders. I don't know about my face.

I look at my smartphone, realize it's still pointed at me. And I start doing poses, so I can observe my body later.

Now it's time to test my skills.

First harden, and it comes naturally with the skin on my arm hardening and darkening. Then it crystallizes. It looks so much like the hardening of the armored titan at first, in that a layer of armor, the shade darker than my skin, covers my arm.

As for the crystallization that the other titans usually use.

Removing the armor I brace myself and moves to wall of the ravine. And punch its.

A large crater opens, but my hand is destroyed. And it starts to regenerate almost instantly.

Strength and regeneration tested.

After that I text my fingers and teeth. They are extremely durable like the ones on the Jaw Titan. In fact, all my teeth look sharp and exposed from the mouth. But I can only tell by touch.

After that it's time to test the strongest of them all.

The titan warhammer, which can form any object with its hardened titan substance. I close my eyes and imagine my body being enveloped in this. White armor begins to cover my body.

The titan skills are coming very naturally, after that I start to form various objects like swords, hammers and even more complex structures like character statues.

They didn't come out perfect, but apparently I'm good.

(AN: Hector don't know but he is very good with using his powers in general. This factor is the result of the Gacha giving the possibility of using everything without problem, Batman control over his own body and Hector natural and hidden talent in using super powers. He can be cosidered a genius in this, a natural, and is only showing now.)

After several tests I want to get off the titan. I kneel and struggle to get out. I have to locate my real body at the back of my nape and wish to regain control of it.

With that I make the back of my neck open and emerge from the neck of my titan form. Parts of the musculature are still attached to my body. Like my cheeks and arms.

Hmm.. Before I completely withdraw I decide to try moving my titan body like this.

It's difficult... but possible. Like a mecha. I can make my Titan arms move and even Make my Titan body to get up. But it lacks precise control.

It's better to be fully fused with the titan. After I completely exit, steam begins to emerge from the body in greater quantities. I try to get one last look at the face.

Very human. Long black hair, teeth sharp and exposed, with the canines protruding more.

Very cool.

After it completely dissolves I approach where it was before and collect different substances that are the result of my hardening. Crystals and others. I'll study it later, to see if it has my genetic material and consequently a danger for me to let it drop anywhere.

Depending on the outcome, I won't be able to use my titan form carelessly. In fact, I never intended to use it in fighting. I find it useful just for the regeneration and the possibility to say "fuck it" and nuke my enemies in case of a desperate situation. Very American of me, by the way.

Then I'll go check my smartphone. Finally looking from a third-person perspective to my titan form.

As I sit down, I decide to cut and on my calf. A very long cut.

And don't transform...okay. I did it.

I won't have any accidents in case I cut myself.

Steam starts to come out of the cut and it closes almost instantly.

I want to cut off one of my limbs to confirm, but i think better of this.

The limbs have fingerprints and obviously genetic material. What will I do with a severed hand of mine? Bury probably...

But someone can find, a dog sniff and dig up. This could bring complications. My paranoid side will rest better knowing that no part of my body is lying around. Thank you very Much.

I still have two hours until lunchtime.

For some reason I decide to meditate, I feel it will be a good idea.

"..." Breathing in and out.

Then it happens, I can finally enter my inner world. In my mind.

The view is a night sky. The world is covered in water, like a endless lake that reflects the night sky, with few stars. There are a few clouds in the sky too.

But the main thing is the big beam of light on the horizon. Like a big tree made of energy. I see, it is similar to the "paths" of the subjects of Ymir. Only instead of sand it's a big lake.

Now I understand why I can finally access it. It's my knowledge about my abilities, the knowledge about myself. Previously I was afraid of making a mistake, so I was cautious in using my powers.

But now I have a good idea of what I can do.

How can I visit my own mind, my inner world, without knowing myself?

Ah. Feels good to learn.


After lunch (too Much by the way, grandma, you know?), I catch a ride with my grandfather to visit the city. He's going to meet some of his friends, they have a tradition of getting together in a bar, drinking and talking about their lives, and that of other people who pass by. Watching soccer also when it's on TV.

I have another objective, I will take a walk around the city and visit certain establishments. I have things to do and things to buy.


"Are you sure that you want to take them off?" the dentist asks me while I sit in his dental engine.

"Yes. My teeth are good enough, I will put them back in the future. I just want to escape my Other dentist in New York." I lie. My teeth had improved a lot, and they were being hurt by the dental braces.

I know they are now doing more harm than good. I know my teeth will get perfect over time. So I'll take off my braces right here, with someone who doesn't know my dental historic. So as not to be suspicious of my so rapid improvement.

"Okay, if you insist. But I have to say. With time you teeths can go back to they previous positions. I advise to find a dentist trustworth and to finish your procedure." The dentist talks helpfully to me.

"Thanks, doc. I will." I lie again. Dentist never again.


"Soldering Gun and station; oscilloscope; multimeter; solder remove; hot glue gun; Rotary tool; drill and power suplly. That will be everything?" the clerk at the electronics store asks.

"Yes. And I will pay with this card. Is accepted here?" I respond by giving the card.

I'm walking around town buying everything that might interest me. I'm going to start working with electronics. I have a long way to go to build my own batcave-like hideout.

I also bought some fabrics and leather. Metal belts and compartments. I intend to make my own utility belt.

After I buy everything I think I need, I'm meeting my grandfather and friends at the bar.

I spent the rest of the afternoon drinking coke, playing pool, gossiping and hearing histories of the past.

With that I have a routine, training, eating, spending time with my grandparents, working in my utility belt.

I am completely focused on extracting as much of my abilities as possible.

With this, days later I finally complete the assimilation, exactly on February 1st, I finish assimilating Funny Valentine and Batman.

It took more than ten days to assimilate these two. I felt better than ever. And it was at the best possible time.

I'll use Gacha to get 40 cards and see who's next.

On February 4th, Friday, I will return to New York. And I will return much better than leaving.

Now. It's time to Gacha.