Chapter 28: Ugh... Can I Escape The Cliches?

Name:Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel Author:
Chapter 28: Ugh... Can I Escape The Cliches?

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"I don't understand... What is strength exactly? Is it to keep quiet and get hit so that others don't get hurt? Is it to hurt other people to protect you and your family? Or is it to not even turn to face your family that says they want to be by your side, so that you can go off fighting alone?"

-Kamui, from Gintama


Before going back home, I go around the neighborhood of my house to install micro-hidden cameras. I've made these cameras before, just enough to look around my house without leaving any blind spots.

Only 900 cameras should do for now.

In the future I will place more cameras at points of importance like Hell's Kitchen, Oscorp, Midtown High, Stark Tower and Shield New York Headquarters.

This last one I have to check if it's similar to the movies.

Here in my neighborhood, I will put it in several places, which almost cross the line of privacy of my neighbors, at least I didn't put it inside their house. Just to watch the public space.

I'll investigate my neighbors later, who knows what kind of people they might be, right?

Using D4C I appear in my room. Hmm..?

Removing my cloak I start walking down the stairs to the living room.

"I told you not to wait up for me..." I tell Isabella who is sitting on the couch reading a book while the TV is on.

"I was learning about the world..." Isabella said getting up from the couch.

"I see I've already arrived, as you can see. I will go to my room. Tomorrow I will go to school, I will only return in the afternoon. I will send you to buy certain things. So get some rest." I say going upstairs.

"Goodnight, Isabella."

"Goodnight, Master Hector."

Well... I'm not going to sleep. I barely sleep 2 hours. First I will see if all installed cameras are operating as expected.

And then I'll do my daily meditation session, practice the magic I gained from Loki's card, increase my mental defenses even more.

Mental defenses are never strong enough.

In the future I think I will be able to replace the need for sleep with meditation. Heck, I think I can go months without sleep.

But being sleep deprived is not something I want to experience. Increases the chances of making mistakes. So I have the habit of sleeping daily when I can.

In the world of BNHA I had a record of 17 days without sleep. I didn't feel affected too much, but when I rested for like 3 hours, I felt much better. Then I saw the difference that lack of sleep can make. I think my mind is still human...


Next Morning

Coming back from a little jog, I enter the house and smell a delicious breakfast prepared by Isabella.

In fact, I don't need to run, I don't get much out of it. But it became a habit. And it's good to think. Running and bathing... Very good to have ideas.

On the plus side, it's nice that people see me leading a healthy lifestyle, because of my physical changes.

"Breakfast is ready, Master Hector." Isabella talks while she finishes setting the table.

"Thank you Isabella. I'm just going to take a shower first." I say going upstairs.

15 minutes later I'm already sitting at the table, eating and watching TV looking for any news about heroes and villains. But it doesn't look like anything interesting is happening...

No one is talking about any weird happenings from last night either, that's good.

"The breakfast is delicious too, Isabella" I say thanking her.

Like my father said. "There is no harm in being polite".

"Thank you. You had said earlier that I was going to have to go out and buy something" she says.

"Yes I've made a list of everything I want and places to get it, there are instructions to follow as well. It's on paper and has already a photo on your smartphone. The credit card with the password is here too." I say handing a handbag to her.

"Buy something to you too, like clothes or whatever. And one last thing... I know you're not doing anything dangerous, but you never know. If the situation calls for it, just teleport away. Don't mind the consequences, I will figure something later... Your life is more importantYour power can turn your body into mist, so just run away." I say.

I may be exaggerating, but you never know...

"Allright, I will be careful." She says with a small smile.

After that I go back to my room to finish getting ready and getting my stuff for school.

Taking a look in the full-length mirror, I notice...

"Damn, I'm hot."

Even trying to disguise it with baggy clothes, a jacket and glasses and leaving my hair messy. There's no denying the difference.

I'm a lot taller and I'm more muscular.

I thought about using some powers to make myself look smaller and thinner, but I gave up.

Honestly, I want to look good too. Sue me.

And my changes will happen anyway, better now. I can blame everything on puberty.

I will try to be inconspicuous, but I don't think will work for long.

"*Haah* I'm suffering from success" I say narcissistically.

After my little joke, I left my room.

Walking down the stairs, I see Isabella looking at her Smartphone.

"There's my number in it, and the number of everything you might need You don't have to leave now. It's early yet. I'm off. Bye Bye." I say grabbing a helmet and heading to the garage.

"Very well. Have a good day, Master Hector." She says bowing a little.

Riding on my newly painted Triumph Bike, I take it off.

I will finally see more people of interest. Let's see how the day go.


Midtown High School

Midtown High School is a public school located in the Forest Hills neighborhood of Queens. I'm the first to arrive. Of the students, of course.

I want to take a walk around the school while it's still deserted.

Know the layout of the school, routes, everything.

In the outside I'm just a student walking around the school, because I arrived very early and wants to kill time.

There's a little problem with this school, which is why I'll have to be careful.

The problem is: Peter Parker is Spiderman. And no way in 9 hells that S.H.I.E.L.D. don't know about it.

The guy has never been the most careful, he literally walks out of his bedroom window dressed as Spider-Man. I think that's how Mary Jane discovered his secret identity in the comics...

Honestly, I can't blame Peter, he doesn't even know that a spy organization is monitoring the entire world 24/7. And by the time a super-powered vigilante showed up, they must have focused on him pretty quickly.

Maybe they've already approached him, or realized he's just a teenager and are probing him. So far he hasn't done anything bad after all. He is a potential asset.

So maybe there are agents at this school. Maybe the teachers, janitors, maybe even the students...

At least there are cameras.

I've already located some, which are certainly not for the safety of the students, I can say.

Who would put a camera behind the bathroom mirror? Or in the trophy cabinet? Heck... There are 30 more in my classroom, and I bet that's because Peter is there too.


It limits my movements a bit, but ok. I just need to be careful not to show strength or reflexes above human level.

Returning to my classroom. I grab a chair in the back and try to be inconspicuous.

Over time more and more people arrive. Gwen Stacy, Liz Allan, Michelle Jones, Mary Jane, Sally Avril of the girls. Flash Thompson and his followers Brian McKeever, Jason Ionello and Seymour. I remember them because they sometimes implicated with me. But I usually just avoided trouble.

Betty Brant and Ned Leeds is in my class too.

And also Harry Osborn.

Um, looking at their appearance, I can see that they're not exactly like the actors. No Emma Stone, NoKristen Dunst... But MJ2 looks a little like Zendaya.

They are similar, I can't deny it. But it seems that this world is actually more comic. Judging by the events of Iron Man, Fantastic Four and Hulk... I would say the Timeline is similar to the movies. But with all the characters from the comics.

And judging by the fact that Luke Cage seemed to have a strength between 70 and 100 Tons, I'd say the power levels are comic based too.

Well... Even though I'm on hard mode, my power is very broken too, with time and luck I'll be the strongest. I just can't falter.

Now looking at appearances I notice... Is everyone pretty here? At least the relevant ones. Mainly women, with special focus on Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy. Everyone has the comic book pretty perk?

And Mary Jane... Damn. I think she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. And I literally meet anime girls. No wonder she is Spider-Man's main love interest.

Well... It's not like I'm going to make a move on them. I made a rule not to start anything with normal women. Never ends well. Too many bad examples...

Could I make them "super" too? Yes. But it's not worth the effort. Better not force anything.

I will focus on myself. Women can't be my focus now, maybe a consequence. But is no good going out of my way to seek pussy.

After the teacher arrives, I notice that the classroom star hasn't arrived yet... But when I'm thinking about it.

A panting Peter Parker comes through the door quickly.

Heh. Difficult to reconcile the double life Peter? I notice some bruises in his knuckles, a slightly broke lip and he probably has more wounds hidden by his jacket.

*Haah* Peter Parker, Peter Parker... If he didn't have spider sense he would have died so fast. He just threw himself head-on into the world of heroes. Did his webshoothers and suit, and BAM! Friendly Nightborhood Sider-man. No wonder so many things go wrong for him.

Well... I'm not his nanny, if I cross paths with him, (And I know will ahppen) I can lend a hand. But I won't interfere too much...

Peter still has some score with the teachers, so Mr. Myers lets him in without a problem.

Um...No Tom Holland, huh? If I had to pick one of the actors, I'd say he looks more like Andrew Garfield. But also not exactly.

He takes a seat diagonally across from me, next to Ned. This Ned seems to be the CEO of sex Jacob Batalon, so I don't think he's going to become a villain, like the Hobgoblin. Or maybe he will... Who knows... I will keep an eye on him too.

The Ned Leeds from the comics is a blondie and quite different from the movies, he impersonates the Hobgoblin for a while I think...

(A.N.: Although the characters don't look like the actors, you can still imagine them that way. They're similar, they're just not carbon copy. )

Peter and Gwen are exchanging certain glances, and my powers accuse the intention of the two. Ugh. Get a room you two, or a web...

Hmm! Someone is me looking... Turning my face slightly I see Michelle Jones looking at me with narrowed eyes, when she notices that I notice she turns forward.

Damn... I think she was the only one who noticed my changes. I remember she was thoughtful and insightful in the movies. But whatever... Using My Observation Haki I look at her, to see her emotions, to find out if she's suspicious and... EH...

She has a crush in me?

And she must not have developed today. Has she had a crush on me since last year? So taht's why did she look at me more closely today? Whataheck. The few times she talked to me she offended me in some way in that condescending way of hers.

Weird way of trying to get noticed, I might say...

Well, I don't see any romantic development happening anyway, sorry. But I'll be careful, now that I know she's looking at me more closely.

While multitasking and listening to the teacher talking about what the future class schedule will be like, I think about more important things.

Marvel has too many characters. Holy fuck.

I mustn't remember 20% of everything, I was a casual fan that got more delved into because of the MCU.

Because of that, I can't hold onto this preconception that everything is going to be the same as in the movies. Thor being Donald Blake is the biggest sign, and all these people who are a cross between the comics and the MCU...

I need to know more, I need to have some contact with people of interest. Confirm my assumptions. But with whom?

The best option would be the X-men.

I still don't know what version of the X-Men exists in this world. I don't even know if they were ever created. Are the founding members just students? Or are they already teachers? I need to expose myself a little...

Going to find the X-Men in Bayville will also allow me to complete other objectives. Most important is my personal growth in power.

And the best method would be to copy powers, apart from Gacha obviously. But Gacha depends on luck.

But copying powers is not that simple, because of one simple fact... No one wants to have their powers copied.

It's only natural that people want to keep their uniqueness. I wouldn't like either...

Well... the exception would be people who don't like their own powers...

But most would not like to see someone else copying their skills, it's a natural reaction.

So in the world of BNHA I did "Dis", if I was nice and went around asking if I can copy people's powers, most would deny it. For obvious reasons...

Hell... I doubt I could copy [New Ordder], that power is practically a national asset to the U.S.A. of that world. Polictics would only complicate matters.

"Better to ask for forgiveness than permission"

But that tactic cannot be used now, in Marvel. I need Eidolon to have a good image in the supers community. So I can't go attacking the X-men for no reason.

Could I create another persona? Yes... but I don't think it would stay a secret for long. Eventually it would backfire.

Whatever... It's not like I want to copy everyone's powers. My focus is just one person... Jean Grey.

For many reasons.

I need a real [Telepathy], not this nerfed version I have. Other telepaths are unavailable... Xavier, Emma Frost, Moondragon, Cassandra Nova and I don't even know if Quentin Quire was born yet.

Jean Grey has the strongest power, and is probably the most inexperienced.

I also need to check if she is a flaming ticking time bomb.

So I guess I'll look for her and see if I can talk to her alone. Let's try to be reasonable.

We can talk to each other, right? Let's exhaust the options before moving on to more drastic measures. Honestly... If it proves that she will become Dark Phoenix, and nothing can stop it . I won't hesitate to take Wolverine's place and kill her.

I won't feel too guilty if I have no other choice. Who knows... Maybe she'll even come back.

*Hah* Another problem... People resurrecting. I really hope dead people stay dead, like in the Ultimate Universe.


But thinking about dead people reminds me... My parents.

I know it's possible to resurrect them, but I didn't want to think about it right now... or rather, I don't dare think about it right now. Resurrecting someone usually comes with a price. Especially here in Marvel that I know there are gods of death. Even Lady Death herself.

And Lady Death of Marvel is a fucking cunt... Those who read the comics know.

I don't know anything about souls, underworld, hell, heaven... But I have Gacha. And in fiction there are several ways to resurrect someone, but then I would depend on my luck. It's not something I control...

So there's no use thinking about resurrecting my parents.

I incinerate my parents, apart from being able to do the double funeral, for mainly two reasons.

The first is that I wanted to protect the genetic material of my closest relatives. If someone were to discover my identity, I can already imagine someone digging up my parents' graves. To try to make another of me... Like Mr. Sinister or High Evolutionary.

Obviously, I have my parents' hair saved in case I need it.

But the main reason incinerate my parents is more of a deterrent to myself.

Sound silly. And is a little logic flawed but...

If I don't have a method to resuscitate my parents, without needing their bodies, it means that this method is not that strong. So it won't be worth the risk.

I need to be strong enough to fight demons or whatever... Like Doomslayer.

So it's no use thinking about resurrecting my parents. In Marvel there is no safe method, which will not bring attention and perhaps unimaginable consequences.

And for Gacha... I don't control what I earn.

The only thing I can do now is get stronger.

To be prepared for whatever comes.

I will advance some plans later this week.

'Time waits for no one'


The rest of the class is completely uneventful. I just used the time to observe the people of interest and see how they are doing.

No surprises. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Peter is Ned's friend, Gwen sometimes talks to both of them. MJ2(Michelle Jones) too. But Gwen and MJ2 are more loners too. Although Gwen also talks to the popular group...

The popular kids, Flash Thompson little group... I wasn't surprised that MJ1 is more with that group, my surprise was more that Harry was more a part of that group too.

I swore he bonded more with Peter, even defended him against Flash, or something in the media, right? But here, Harry sticks more to the popular ones. He exchanged a few words with Peter. But they seem more "acquaintances" than "friends".

And there's me. No one comes to talk to me. Huh. It's ideal, I didn't go talk to anyone anyway.

I'd be happy to spend this semester unnoticed until I can graduate and go to college.

"..." *sigh*

But... It doesn't seem possible. I feel a basketball approaching my head.

I'm just getting some stuff out of my locker before I go home.

With my luck, my locker is one of the lower ones.


The basketball hits my head, obviously I am not dodging. It didn't even hurt...

"OOoh~ Headshot! Nice One!" Seymour, one of Flash's croonies, speaks.

I sigh in my mind, why this clich development?

"Sorry Heinous Hector, I just thought I could fix your face. But I was not able... I recommend a plastic surgeon... Or be born again! HAHA" He talks and laughs with his friends.

I don't show any change in expression, and just keep pulling out my stuff.

But like a dog, bullies don't like to be ignored.

He starts to be more aggressive with the offenses... Nothing very original... My appearance, nationality and others.

I wonder if I should beat him.

Taking a quick look around, I see that a small crowd has already gathered.

Flash has grabbed my hair, and seems to be trying to get my head closer to his crotch. Obviously I don't bulge, he's trying hard, but outwardly he tries to look like he's not.

Tryin to look nonchanlant, huh?

So we're in an awkward situation.

I see people gathered together and judge their reactions.

Most don't care, others laugh, some feel sorry for me.

And the reason? Obviously I hideout outside of U.S.A.. I will abuse of my double nationality.

I have some big plans and I need a land for myself.

"Wanting to do things by yourself, huh? Well... It won't be bad. I think I have some acquaintances who are selling some land nearby. I will ask for you."

"Thank you, grandpa. I'll find someone to take care of, I don't want to overwhelm you. You should rest more grandpa. I already have plans to retire at 30." I say joking.

"HAHA. I can't stop even if I tried. Work is my life, Hector. And remember this: Work keeps a man honest. Nothing better than doing something productive with your own hands." He shares some wisdom with me.

"Hehe... I couldn't agree more, grandpa. It's really satisfying that feeling of accomplishment. Well... I have to go see the lawyer now. I call you later." I lie out of necessity.

"All right. Bye."

"Tell my grandma that the next time I visit I'll bring a couple of girlfriends taht she wants to see so much. I'll take more than she expects since she asks so many times" I say playfully.

My grandpa guffawed.

"HAHA HA. It's in the family blood. Then I will give you some tips. You have to enjoy your youth... I'll tell you my stories... I've had 5 simultaneously at one time . And none knew about the other and..."

"...And.What?" I hear my grandmother's voice in the background.


"Pfft. Bye Grandpa. Kisses to grandma!" I say and quickly hang up.

Joining my hands I say a little prayer.

"Stan Lee protect my grandfather. Excelsior"


I think I can go to Bayville now.

"Isabella, sorry to make you go out again. But can you take these documents to that address?" I say after having used D4C to get the folder the documents are in.

"I don't want to see Matt Murdock right now. My body has changed a lot in a short period of time. He have super senses by the way. Speak only what is necessary." I say to Isabella.

I prefer to avoid contact with Daredevil for now.

"No problem. I will go immediately." She says taking the folder.

"You're a lifesaver. Thanks. I will leave now. I don't know when I'll be back. But will not take long. Bye." I say quickly as I disappear.

Time to meet some interesting people.

I can't help and get a little excited.


Katherine "Kitty" Pryde, aka Shadowcat P.O.V.

Ugh.. I hate Mondays.

After a not so good vacation, doing X-men stuff like training and the likes.

I have to go back to school. And now do more X-men stuff.

Serious, Brotherhood? I already have a pile of homework and I have to train too, and you had to ambush us???

Phasing to dodge Toad tongue.. YIKES! I begin to go in the direction of the most problematic but taht I can't take easily, Blob.

Me, Jean, Rogue, Scott and Evan (Spyke) were ambushed on our way back to the Institute. Unfortunately, Kurt, Bob, Jubilee and others had already returned early. So we can't use our numerical advantage against these guys.

They seem confident with the new guy, Pyro or something. Now is 5v5, and Avalanche, Blob, Toad and Quicksilver don't care too much about property damage, so it took us a while to lure them to this forest far from the city.

But that would give them a bit of an edge... Forest you know... Against a Frog and fire and guy that can do earthquakes...

*Sigh* Well, Logan says that you can always do something with what you have on hand. So let's find a way.


Damn... That guy is a pyromaniac, this way the whole forest will turn to ash. Has Jean managed to contact the Professor yet?


Huh? Is over?

The brotherhood was defeated and now there's a guy in a black hood talking to Jean.

I know in my life it's normal for crazy things to happen, but I just want to go home.


Hector P.O.V.

What mess.

Looking from above at the 5v5 metahuman fight below, the only word that can sum it up is: Chaotic.

Like... I expected the X-Men, who have formal training at Danger Room and others, to be a little better than the Fantastic Four and Spider-Man acts I've seen on TV.

But I disappointed.

The BNHA world pro heroes are leagues above these guys in seriousness... They may be inherently weaker. But they are better heroes professionally.

I think I will change that. I will make a mental note about this situation.

I remember Civil War started because of that, right?

The amount of damage to the location is atrocious. Point to the X-men for guiding the fight to a place away from people. But they could have chosen better, couldn't they?

How many years have you lived here? Don't know any open spaces? So Cyclops and Jean can use their powers effectively? Toad and Quicksilver is toying with them... And I won't even mention Pyromaniac.

And shouldn't Jean be stronger than that? Like just shutdown the brain of these guys or something? Theoretically she could win 1v5.

Well... With that I confirm that the X-men are in my age group. Although I'm not seeing everyone apparently.

Now I have to make a decision. Jean and Rogue are my main goals in coming here today. I just wanted to observe, but this is a good opportunity.

Should I blitz and take the two? Nah. It would be the easiest way... But considering the long term, it's not ideal.

It's okay to use this tactic in a world where I have a limited time, but it's not right to do it here... I've seen how bad my image can get with it.

Let's try to talk with them first. Focus on Jean today.

But first, let's try to make a good first impression by saving the day, or something like that...

Using [Whirlwind] I put out most of the fire, and then I freeze the rest.

Slowly descending in front of the stunned combatants I just raise my hand and clench my fist.

The five of the Brotherhood are yanked to make a ball of people. Everyone except Blob is knocked unconscious. When I touch the ground, the earth moves and swallows the bastards, burying them leaving only the head out.

"Ms. Jean Gray I suppose... Can I have 10 minutes of your time for a little chat? Alone" I say.

I look to the side to convey a message to the observer of this whole situation: Mystique.


Raven Darkholme aka Mystique


I've lived a long life, longer than the vast majority.

So my sixth sense is very good at warning me of dangerous situations. And from enemies I know I have no chance to face.

Magneto is one of those. And that person in a black robe is another.

Looks like today's tests are a failure. I gave the new suits to the Brotherhood to test.

I even used my identity as Principal of the School to make theses 5 stay longer, and separate them from their X-men fellows.

All for nothing. A man showed up and ended the tests.

Let's retreat for today.

Charles' soft heart won't allow anything to happen to the boys, and he doesn't want mutants to be arrested either... It will further worsen our public image. I almost snort out loud.


He looked in my direction. He knows I'm here. A warning, huh...

Okay, okay. I'm going away. Talk secretly whatever you want.


Hector P.O.V.

For a moment I thought about capturing Mystique, maybe read her mind, interrogate, bug her... But let's get her off the hook for today. Not because I'm nice... But I've already watched her with [Search], so I can find her whenever I want...

Let's make her think she escaped, then I can find her base.

And now even if she changes her appearance, I'll know it's her instantly. Giving a false sense of security to potential enemies is always good.

And I also want to know what the Magneto of this world is like.

Looking ahead again, I see that the five X-men have already gathered and are staring at me.

Jean, Kitty, Rogue, Spyke (I think) and Scott... They just look at me silently. Talking telepathically? Maybe...

"So what do you do with them?" I say pointing to the fallen Brotherhood. Just Blob trying to escape, but he doesn't have leverage to exert force.

"... There's no reason to do anything. If we turn them over to the police, it will only cause more problems." Scott is the only one who answers, staring at me.

"Sounds like a very shitty reason, if I could say... Half measures will change nothing..." I say. This cycle of defeating the enemy and him coming back always bothers me.

"And what do you want us to do? Kill them?" he practically barks back. Don't like a little criticism?

"Well... There are a lot of better ways, but you already have your minds made up... There's nothing I can say that will convince you anyway." I shrug. "I'm here to have a little chat with Jean Gray. It won't be long..."

There's no reason for them to deny it, right?


Katherine "Kitty" Pryde, aka Shadowcat P.O.V.

Hmm... Tall, dark, smooth voice... I don't know this hero. But heroes are popping up like mushrooms after a rain so it's just normal I guess.

And how do I know he's a hero? Well, clothing is a good indicator... And the fact that he didn't start attacking us while looking down from a above position... This hints, you know.

"I'm here to have a little chat with Jean Gray. It won't be long" He says.

Uh-oh. Scott, Mr. Loveboy will not allow any man who can tarnish his precious Jean. I think sarcastically.

I don't think this meeting will end well if this hooded guy presses this issue.

"Jean isn't going anywhere with you!" And there we go.

"...I would like to hear it from her own mouth. What you are? Her boyfriend?" No. He is not.

"We don't know nothing about you. You came out of nowhere and just tell her to follow you alone, Obviously we won't trust you." Scott says.

Meanwhile telepathically we are having a little conversation.

'Jean... Who is this guy? Can you check?' Scott communicates on the telepathic channel.

'...No... I can't read his mind... I... I... have never seen a mind like that.' Jean replies with a slight frown.

'Is he a telepath too?' Evan asks.

'No... I mean, I don't know... But his defenses don't resemble a telepath. In fact, I didn't even feel him until he announced himself... And if he weren't in front of me I would almost not believe he exists. But focusing I can feel his mind... Like... high density metal concentrated in one spot... no weakness... Simply impenetrable' Jean in her telepathic analogies, to try to explain these sensations to us.

"You know... It's not cool to go probing someone mind." The hooded guy talks." But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and I'll consider that you just don't control your powers Don't. Repeat. It." He concludes. I gulp.

But he looks nice.

I mean, it shouldn't be a problem to listen to what he has to say, right?

But the final decision is Jean's.

"Eh... Sorry. I'm just curious and cautious." Jeans says apologetically.

"You can call me Eidolon. That's all I can say until you agree to have a little talk with me." The hooded-guy, I mean Eidolon says.

And isn't that a cool name? I still like Shadowcabetter, it even matches my nickname "Kitty".

"You seem to know a lot about us. And you just give us a false name, obviously we won't trust you" Scott interjects again.

Eidolon seems to sigh.

"First of all, it's not a false name... Is my identity as a "Meta", or at least it will be in the future. And second, the fact that I know about you and you don't know about me comes to my own merit and advantage. I won't give you my real name or show my face, just to make you feelbetter, putting me at a disadvantage... Next time try not to fight with civilian clothes in public space." Eidolon says.

Ehh... Fair. I can't argue with that. And it appears that Scott doesn't have an answer either. By the way he clenches his fists.

"Anyway... I want to hear from Jean Grey. Do you want to talk 10 minutes with me? It could be right here, just far enough for no one to hear... After the conversation, it will be your choice if you tell anyone what we talked about..." Eidolon speaks.

Honestly, it's reasonable... Jean can call us telepathically at any second. It's not like he's kidnapping her.

"Like I said. We don't want to hear anything from you!" Scott continues, I almost sigh out loud.

"I'm afraid that I need to force a little the subject until I receive an answer from someone with at least two braincells. And what do you think you're doing answering for her? I think she can make her own choices, you don't have to treat her like a glass sculpture... Don't you realize you're just objectifying her? 'Don't speak, don't listen... Just look pretty'. You are very machist, Mr White Knight..." Eidolon speaks and my mouth drops.

Damn... I almost laugh. Oh no.. Pfft. Oh god. I will laugh. Someone do something.

Scott removes his glasses and attacks Eidolon with his power. Oh no... When I told someone to do something, it wasn't you... And not this!!!

Eidolon is thrown about twenty meters, destroying several trees in the process until he comes to an abrupt stop. Unharmed... Scott didn't hold back in that attack, and I've seen Scott destroy a building that was falling.

Damn, he is tough..

I don't wanna fight him. But when your friends make a mess, you throw yourself in the middle first and ask questions later.

"I see... Even if your attack doesn't hurt me, I can be thrown because of the force... After all, I weigh less than 100kg. I need to always make a conscious effort to stay in place." Eidolon speaks as he walks calmly towards us.

Maybe he won't take this attack seriously,right?To don't escalate the situation.

"It's no wonder that in those fighting in anime, the fighters are thrown for several kilometers, even though they don't take damage. As thanks let me teach you the same lesson..." Eidolon disappears and when he reappears he is already in front of Scott.

Damn, he is fast too... And does he watch anime? I want to talk to him more now...

He punches Scott throwing him a few meters until he hits a tree.

After that he stops in place and takes a paper from somewhere, and scratches something with a pen. "Minus one" he says. Weird...

"Well Now the conversation's been thrown out the window, by the way you all are in combat stance. Now I'll have to be a little more forceful and rough with your guys. Sorry, but we'll talk later." Eidolon says.

I can't resist and talk. "Foceful is with Rogue... Yeah, I had see your porn history. Kinky." She looks bright red now. "KITTYY!" A a friend I have the moral obrigation of always embarass her.

From the hand of Eidolon Black whip-like things begin to stretch...

"But tentacles are up to you, Kitty. I know you watch that japanese shit.." Now is my turn to blush. Damn. Nice comeback. Touche, Rogue Touche.

"Huhu... Your two are funny. No hard feelings after this, right? We could even hangout in the future..." Eidolon says, and I'd agree, but all I can think when dozens of those things he's holding out come my way is...

Fuck you, Scott!


A.N.: Hello boys and girls.

Long chapter, hope you all enjoyed it.

Stay with me now just a little longer and I'll answer some questions okay?

I thought about answering directly, but I think it will give more visibility here.

Well, first about the MC alignment. I've answered in the past, but it fits more with "Chaotic Good". Overall he wants to do good things, but he won't hesitate to do bad things for his goal.

I have already shown this in several instances. The BNHA arc is a good way to see the MC Moral Compass. He knows that in order to accomplish certain things, it is necessary to get his hands dirty. He can't be a good guy like Superman.

Little Spoiler: A long-term plan for Hector is to replace the criminal underworld oppression with his own group. Dominate all organized crime. He feels that it is impossible to stop crime, so the best option would be to control crime. And replace the activities, so as not to affect the lives of ordinary people: No more protection feed, threats, black mail, harmfull drugs... Like Old School Mafia.

Obviously it will be a summon that will take care of that. He won't want to publicly associate himself... See the importance of summons now?

About my schedule release, is in general at the weekend, But sometimes I can't post... Too much to do.

Now about Kaina and the child...

I have several ideas, but I haven't decided yet. And I won't bring the two into the story for now. I feel like it's not the time for Hector to have that emotional baggage... Let's the man be free a little.

The child was conceived a few hours before Hector left, which is the main reason Hector didn't notice. IF he stayed a few more days... Maybe.

He made a mistake.

But if even Batman can have Damian Wayne with Talia AL-ghul, and not know for 10 years... We can forgive our MC.

Now I'm going to answer some specific questions from a reader... "DaoistIITOkv". I liked the questions, construtive criticism is always apreciated.

1.- Solitary Pinnacle. Hector has a lot of charisma. But will he make any real friends if he keeps this up? Luke Cage reconsidered his mistake, but the protagonist has no plans to give second chances. Hector is being as paranoid as Batman. What good is he to have power or money, no friends, no family? Summons are just puppets based on how Gacha Essence treats it. They cannot fill that void.

ANSWER- Hector doesn't know that Luke Cage has reconsidered the mistake. When someone gives you a bad first impression, it's hard to overlook, right? But Hector didn't take it to heart, in the future they will get along well... I like Luke Cage.

And Hector has a preconception of the comics, movies, cartoons he's seen... So he doesn't really trust people in the Marvel world that much. Because almost all of them, screw up badly at some point... That's why he's leaving them all an arm's length. And I think this is normal. Over time he will live and open up more. And relax, he'll have people to trust besides summons... It's just hard for him at the moment. Trust in my character development.

2.- Brainwashed by Essence This option should be optional. Summons are sentient beings. In marvel it is very dangerous to play with love, affection and will. Love and will are the authority of the 'One Above All'. Also the BNHA arc showed that Hector has a moral compass. Essence is too overbearing and looks more and more like an evil product.

ANSWER- Essence does not have a concept of "Good and Evil", Essence only acts with the best interests of the host in mind. The power, when notflawed, will not harm the host. And bringing people in is a high risk.

Now it will be up to Mc, on how he will treat summons. A more amoral guy, or a perverted... Well, you can imagine what they would do.

3.- Loyalty levels It seems that Hector doesn't appreciate what comes easily. Obtaining loyalty must have its own difficulty. I recommend dividing it into stages: 1-3 Low 4-6 Medium 7-9 High 3-6-9 would work as control points, for a geometric increase. While 10 would become a quest in the original world of the summon.

ANSWER- But it's exactly like that, haha. But Hector doesn't have a guide to know that. At first it will be easy. But reaching the maximum level is really difficult. But without the quest part, a lot of work goes into doing a quest for one person. But Hector can help with regrets and ambitions of a person and level up. Things to the future.

4.- Balanced as it should be Thanos was right. The gender of the invocation must be balanced. Or this novel will become a generic ecchi. Readers who were looking for something different will disappear in ashes. It is my prophecy. If GGach Essence engraves love towards Hector, what will happen to the male or other summons? He will create embarrassing situations or flaws in your logic about Essence It is better to replace love with fanaticism or respect.

ANSWER- First, there will be male summons. They will come in the next Gacha. I just picked the women at first, to appeal to the audience. I know most are men, and we all like badass Woman.

And "Love" is very broad. Brother's love, mother, father, friend, subordinate, fan, pets... I think fanaticism would be too much. Fanatism becomes obsession. And obsession is dangerous. Yanderes and stalkers...

As I've already said, Essence has Hector's best interests in mind, not that it's sentient. So love is very Strong.

No yaoi, sorry. Unless he summons someone Gay, who might like Hector. But he will not reciprocate.

5.- The hidden problem of Longevity Longevity... Wolverine, Loki, Zeus, Apollo... Do you know what they have in common? They are pansexual. Many authors forget this point, time is merciless and people change their tastes. Hector is straight, but will he give up the entire forest for a few trees? In the omniverse there is a diversity of admirable characters that can attract Hector by the 'light' of him.

ANSWER- I'm not a part of the LGBT community, so I don't feel comfortable trying to write about it. It's hard enough to write about women P.O.V.s

And what I think it's about longevity... There are many instances where people don't change that much. Superman remained loyal to Lois, even for a million years. After her death.

In cultivation novels, people live a long time. But strong feelings remain.

It's a difficult subject, the human mind adapts really easily. But I don't think this story will show Hector as 15,000 years old or something like that. So I'm not too worried.

But that's why Harem is a thing in this story, sorry. Hector has all the Omniverse at his figertips... Is hard for a man don't make a Harem. Realism...

That's all. Sorry for being long.

Be well and until next time.