Chapter 30: How To Make An Organization 101: Part One

Name:Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel Author:
Chapter 30: How To Make An Organization 101: Part One

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"There's a fine line between manipulating people and motivating them."

- Brad Turnbull


There's a reason I keep these smart Marvel guys at arm's length... They always think they know best, and end up fucking up something.

Civil War, Ultron, World War Hulk, Secret Invasion, and Much more... All caused by these smart guys.

Obviously, not everyone is that bad... Hank McCoy, the Beast is pretty chill.

But with examples like Hank Pym, the wife beater who created Ultron. We see that we are one step away from being fucked by a mistake of these guys.

And the worst one is the "Smart Guys Club", the Illuminati always think they have all the answers. And if someone who doesn't have an I.Q. on the same level as they offer another option, they don't even consider the idea.

Brightest minds my ass, they're arrogant and thoughtless. They work with absolutes and only talk after bullying the other party in submission.

They try to manipulate the true strong guys like the Sentry, and if they can't they say the person is too dangerous and make them an enemy. Like Hulk, or Thor when he didn't want to sign the Super Registration Act.

Hmm... I have to be careful, I'm smart too. I hope I don't become like these guys.

I try don't make mistakes, and I don't think that I have all the answers, I always prepare myself before making a move. And I have the example of these guys of what "not" to do...

I'll keep an eye on my actions as collateral... Self-awareness is always a good thing.

I will try to surround myself with people down to earth too. To give me other perspectives, maybe even keep myself in check.

Huhu. I remember that Batman doesn't even trust himself, only Alfred.

I think that is one of the motives that he doesn't pursue superpowers, would be hard to stop the guy if he goes rogue and be on the same level as the heavy hitters. He wants his own humanity as a weakness...

Anyway, getting arrogant is the beginning of one downfall. But with so many bad examples, I just need to do the opposite of what these guys did.

Because of that, I'm trying to be reasonable and try to resolve things on the basis of conversation... So I talked to Jean and went upfront with her. And I feel it was a good step taken... Let's see how it develops in the future.

Even if Dark Phoenix is inevitable because of Xavier's fuck up, now I know Jean can trust and listen to me in the future.

And with that common cliche route of trying to bring her back to their senses. She wouldn't listen to me if I were a total stranger. Now I have a chance.

But seriously... If someone sent Scarlet Witch to a psychiatrist many catastrophes might be avoided. But no one takes the initiative...

It seems that Marvel's heroes prefer to punch problems when they arise rather than trying to do a steady job of making things better.

Half measures, huh.

Descending from the sky to an isolated area of Africa I think again about the problem at hand... Xavier altered the memory of Jean and those involved with her.

Did he feel the Phoenix? I didn't feel the Phoenix... Using Power Manipulation I didn't find any traces of the Phoenix in Jean.

Either Phoenix isn't in Jean at the moment, or she's too above me to feel it.

Did Xavier sense because a telepath would have an easier time detecting a Psionic Entity?

There's much I don't know... Jean thinks that her parents didn't care about her and that her childhood friend is dead.

In reality, her parents don't even remember that she exists, and her childhood friend is alive and doesn't remember either.

Did Xavier do this to gain control over Jean? To be the only pillar for her?

Ugh... I remember Xavier had romantic feelings for Jean when she was 15 in the comics... UGHHHHH

I'm worried. These actions by Xavier will likely be what makes Jean snaps.

Should I tell her the truth now?

Tch... I can't. The damage is already done.

It's best to wait for Jean to study the papers I've given her, and for me to get stronger, before doing something that might trigger the Dark Phoenix Saga.

I will apologize to Jean later.

But I also need to have a good grasp of Telepathy.

And that's what I'm going to do now.

That's why I'm in Africa now, I'm going to train with an Omega level power. I won't do this at my house.

And also I'm taking advantage and making a shot in the dark...

I'm on the border of Kenya and Ethiopia, and you know what else is close to where I am? Wakanda.

I will not invade the place, I will not underestimate the most advanced nation in the world. But I want to see if I can learn something about Wakanda while I'm here.

There must be some people from Wakanda around, so if I train telepathy, I might get lucky and find a secret passage... Who knows.

Contrary to what is shown in the fanfics, it is not easy to locate Ulysses Klaue, the guy is not running away from the best technology on the planet for decades for nothing...

So... If while I'm training my telepathy I happen to find the mind of some Wakandan soldier at an outpost, lucky me...

I don't think they can detect people with power, and even if they find me I can run away.

The only concern would be Baast, but I'm not doing anything magical, and if I still get her attention... Sword Of Actuation as a last resort.

I'm willing to take the risk right now.

Hiding under some trees to avoid being spotted by a satellite, I enter the famous lotus position for meditation and activate my newly acquired telepathic power.

I have the ability to turn ON/OFF all my powers, so I don't have any change in appearance of heteromorphic powers... But when I activate it, it's up to me to control the powers.

Taking Jean's telepathy as an example, she can't turn off her ability to read minds. If I turn it on, I also can't turn it off without turning the power off completely.

Until I train, obviously.

Let's see what it's like to be a telepath.

I release my new power and start to feel my mind expanding into my surroundings. I feel the minds of some animals since there are no humans around...

But my mind doesn't stop with just a few meters.

100 meters...

1000 meters...

10,000 meters...

100,000 meters...

1,000,000 meters...

10,000,000 meters...


I begin to suppress my power, causing it to recede. It's too much information.

The circumference of space that my telepathic powers reach begins to slowly decrease.

Ugh.. So this is an Omega-level power.

With me at the center, my mind can make a circle 10,000 km in diameter. That's 25% of the Earth's circumference. With this power, Jean can sense people's minds on a continental scale.

And I don't think it's the limit...

Omega-level... I remember seeing it on the Marvel wiki, that means when someone has a power with no upper limit, or the person is at the apex of that power.

There is a lot of discussion about the power level itself. But I think it's somewhere between Continental-level to Planet-level.

Magneto can affect the whole world, even the Earth's rotation, with his control over Electromagnetism. Storm and Iceman, can affect continents too...

Iceman is so underrated... I remember a comic where Emma Frost possessed Bobby Drake's body, and since she doesn't put limits on herself, she affected entire countries with the Omega-level Cryokinesis, as well as becoming untouchable. because it became ice itself... Like a Logia.

There's a ridiculous feat of Magneto, he pulls the Breakworld Bullet, that Kitty is trapped inside, from at least galaxies away...

No wonder it has less than 20 Omega-level powerhouses on Earth.

Come to think of it, my power is not all that great in the beginning, it has the greatest potential... But without resources(Other people with power) I would be a normal human.

Well... My Power Manipulation does much more than just copying and stealing powers. And I will still invest in breaking the barrier to Beyond Omega-level.

After an hour of concentration I finally manage to retract my psychic power to just a few feet away again.

I groan, and bring my hand to my face. She comes back red and wet. Blood...

I bled from the nose and eyes...

Instead of worrying about any damage to my body, I wonder what it's going to be like for Jean when her psychic powers explode to full potential. I think Phoenix should heal her. Or maybe she will adapt.

But my body is adapting to this new power too.

I watch my blood evaporate, thanks to my Titan Powers.

So I have an idea. One of my favorite manga was HunterxHunter. And one of Nen's techniques, the power of the HxH world, was the "En".

"En" consisted of releasing your aura into your surroundings so that you could feel the world around you as if it were touching your skin.

When I let my psychic power run amok, it was very similar. Then...

I start to extend my psychic power in one direction, like a tendril...

Kilometers pass without problems, I feel the minds of some animals and even some people. Since I'm not specifically delving into their minds, I just listen to and feel their surface thoughts.


This is easier than I thought.

Maybe it's because I'm already used to Force.

Retracting my psychic tendril I begin to shrink the circle my power can reach, to be smaller than my head.

And I leave it there.

Aaaaand done.

No more Reading minds by accident.

It's so simple? Why can't Jean do it?

(A.N.: The MC is very good with powers, and certain characters assimilations helped too. )

It must be because she can't get used to it... Xavier should have let things take their natural course.

You'll never learn to ride a bike if you don't take the training wheels off.

By the way, I also manage to copy Jean Telekinesis, despite not being Omega-level, it is already a boost.

And it's even easier to use. I will try to combine with the Force later...

I take a deep breath and exhale.

Thanks to my super advanced brain, I was able to process all the words and sensations that came to my mind.

Disappearing from my position, I move quickly and stand above a range of mountains... Below me... Wakanda.

Hidden under a hologram, very advanced. I can't see this place even with various powers like infra-red.

I felt the minds of several guards in huts surrounding the country in the center.

Hmm... Tucking my chin between my fingers I contemplate for a while.

Nah... Let's leave them alone for a while... I thought I'd steal one of those guards. And see if I could create vibranium with [Creation] but it has too many variables.

Like the fact that vibranium only works if it's exposed to a specific type of radiation...I remember that I have vibranium in Savage Land, and the vibranium there acts completely different from Wakanda.

It's not worth drawing attention to these guys, probably destroying any future good relationship I may have with Wakanda for a thing that is not certain.

Disappearing again from my position I appear above a small village nearby... During my training I felt the minds of the villagers.

Fear, hunger, despair... Reality just slaps me in the face.

Everyone knows that Africa is poor, but seeing and feeling it firsthand certainly gives you a new perspective.

Haah... I felt many villages like this too. And other places even worse.


Dropping fast to the ground I touch the ground. The earth begins to be manipulated by me and makes way for a river not too close to here. Diverting the waters closer to the village...

The process took about 30 minutes. Is not optimal.

I'm doing this more for my own satisfaction, after all I'm not helping all the other villages.

Clenching my first I remember myself that I really need all types of power.

Also... Why doesn't Wakanda help? Seriously... Wakanda is the richest country in fiction. From all fiction!

They've already ignored slaves being carried from their homes 500 years ago... Tch. I don't know what to think anymore... People have their own circumstances.

I understand that revealing that you have vibranium, would be the same as attracting the greed of certain people. They will be attacked... Then they would have to fight back.. But they could give a little more support, right?

Argh... Whatever. I will go home.

Time Hector, your only need time...


New York, Carvalho's Residence

I go down the stairs to the dining room dressed now in casual clothes.

Before returning home I placed cameras at points of importance. And I made a little tour of New York, finally found what I was looking for in the sewers... Huhu. I will go there tomorrow.

Now I have an eye on the Stark Tower, Baxter Building, Oscorp, and many other companies...

Obviously, I didn't put it in the places themselves. Just around so I can get a good view of the buildings. Knowing who goes in and who goes out... And if the place is attacked.

I also working on making some drones. I already have the blueprints.

But I don't have anyone to keep an eye on 24/7.

I need an A.I., I have some versions that I got in the world of BNHA, I think I'll program later. Hum... a V.I. should suffice...

I don't need an A.I. with personality and self-awareness.

I really need allies... I don't think there's any reason to delay further...

I spot Isabella sitting on the couch reading a book with Cathulhu in her lap. The TV is on and shows how Spider-Man saved a building on fire. Good job, Peter.

"Welcome back, Master Hector. I hope that your trip has been worthwhile." Isabela says meanwhile gets up and gives me a little bow.

"Yes, it was. And you? Did you deliver the documents to the lawyers?" I ask.

"The Batman, Bruce Wayne."

She widens her eyes.

"Oh god. Where are the eavesdropping devices and trackers?" She gets up and starts looking through her clothes.

What- I'm not that bad... I'm offended.

"Calm down, even though I'm influenced a little bit by the people I absorb, I'm me. I am different from Batman." I say, making her stop looking for some microchip or whatever, on her own body.

"Wait Batman is Bruce Wayne?" She says after a while shocked.

"You do not know?" I ask a little puzzled.

"I'm not that close to the inner circle of the Justice League because of my preferences in not letting loose ends. I met him several times, but apart from him trying to convince me to stop using lethal force, we didn't interact much." She says.

"I see. Batman can be pretty strict with his code. He probably didn't arrest you because of your similar past." I say.

She shows an expression of realization, remembering that Bruce Wayne's parents also died because of crime, similar to her own parents.

"...Do you know about me?" she asks me.

And there we go. Let's rip off the band-aid.

If there's anyone who can take this easy, it's Helena.

"Yes. I know a little about who I summon. Let's say, due to special circumstances...(My Other life, but I will not reveal that) Your world was fictional to me." I reveal.

She widens her eyes but doesn't look too surprised.

"You don't look very surprised? I see... Superboy-prime?" I ask.

For those who know DC, you know that Superboy-prime is an alternate version of Superman (very OP btw), which is from an Earth in which DC is comics. Like my last life.

"You even know about this. Huh?" She speaks.

"I'm a fan" I say simply. "Let me say one last thing before we go take a look at the house I've prepared for you all" I say, gaining attention from both of them.

"You've all made your choice to come into this world and 'serve me'... But relax I'm not a heartless bastard. I don't plan on making you do anything you don't want to, you can even be independent and pursue your dreams and hobbies. I'll ask you to help me when I need it. Take this as a job, if you guys want to quit, just say so. Don' betray me."

I say this end seriously.

"Just trust me for a while" I conclude

Better clear the air soon.

They just look at me, I don't need an answer. Without waiting for them, I open a portal to the location of the nightclub I prepared for Shego.

"Come." I say.


Shego P.O.V.

Well, isn't that interesting?

One moment I'm trapped with no prospect of escape, and the next I'm in an entirely different universe. When I felt something reaching out and offering me my freedom in exchange for my loyalty, I thought I'd finally gone mad.

But look who's done well now.

The Multiverse is real. Drakken had told me about the possibility, but I'd always brushed it off thinking it was just another one of the gibberish talks of him.

I just passed through the portal to a very fancy building.

And apparently, this place is going to be mine, I'm already liking my new employer.

Good-looking, rich, and apparently smart and he only getting started. Apparently that Helena is still brooding about her universe being destroyed. Girl, put yourself together... I'd be having a party if everyone in my universe died and only me was left.

It was going to be a lonely party, but at least everyone there would be great. Because of would-be only me.

Unlike the woman wearing that hideous purple, I see it as an opportunity. My Young employer has a lot of potentials, and I'm one of the first people to join his group, which is sure to be a big one.

I need to secure my position.

Make him see that the evil side is much more fun and convince him to take over the world. So I, Shego, will be at the top right beside him. Hehe.

Ugh. Does he plan to go hero? Isn't it easier to just take the reins of the situation? And have everyone obeying you?

Well, apparently not, because he's talking about how dangerous this world is. Gods, demons, aliens, cosmic entities...

I will need to work hard, to make my life easy.

Oh, nothing comes easy to Shego. can't I catch a break?

I just want to be at the top of the world, like is my natural position, duh.

"It doesn't seem to have a lot of furniture, besides the basics." Hector notices as we walk through my penthouse.

I can agree with him, the layout, and location are excellent. But I will need to decorate the place.

Make better, more like me.

"Although you work for me, it is completely unnecessary for you to live with me. My normal identity has to be disassociated from the 'super world' as much as possible. Only Isabella will live with me." Hector talks as he opens all the rooms and checks all the windows.

What a methodic guy.

"That said, you will live with me for the time being, until you settle down. Your background appears that you have just arrived in New York from overseas and you have just moved into your respective homes. Meanwhile, you will be using the portals to live with me." He continues.

"Although I have prepared a business for each one, they don't have to open them right away. Let's take it easy. After all, we don't have reliable people to work with. These places will be a good cover for any 'shady' activity and will be a good source of income too. I think that's all." Hector says as we walk through Helena's empty restaurant.

I prefer my nightclub

And it looks like he's not a total goody-two-shoes. Nice...

He is looking at me.

He smiles and says.

"You know, Shego. Trying to manipulate me into the path you want is not going to work." he says shocking me. He can read mind-

"I can read minds." He answers before I even finish the thought.

"But I'm not reading anyone's mind at the moment. I'm a hypocrite, but not that much... It's written all over your face, your thoughts." he says as he approaches me.

"I know that each of you is your own person, I will never force you to do something you don't want to. You don't want to be a hero, you won't be. I will ask you to help me in my endeavors that you have an affinity for." He says then take a look at the three of us.

"Each of you all isn't good people, but you aren't evil either. That's good because I can't be considered good or bad either. I will do bad things and do good things in the future... But what I do will come from my own decisions. Any attempt at subtle manipulation will not work. Like you girls, I am my own person too..." He finishes looking at me with a calm smile.

I can only nod.

"But that doesn't stop you from giving me suggestions." He shrugs his shoulders. "Feel free to speak your mind and act however you want, as long as you don't hurt innocents. I'm just letting you know, so our relationship doesn't go down a bad path, because you would overstep your own boundaries or whatever. Well, Isabella. Open a portal to a training room into the Infinity Castle, let's see how strong your guys are" He concludes, smiling at us.

I see the maid making a white and black double door appear in the middle of a fog.

When the door opens, I can see a large space on the other side. Hector enters the portal without hesitation.

Well, he is young, not dumb... Point to him.


"Ouch" And strong Too. Another point.

I think as I'm thrown to the ground for the hundredth time since we started sparing an hour ago.

At first, Helena and I alternated one by one to fight Hector. Let's just say we didn't have much of a chance.

Now we are teaming up against him. Without much luck either.

"Very good, above normal humans in the physical aspects." Hector comments quietly.

The bastard hasn't moved from his spot since this started.

I hear Helena mutter under her breath "Fucking Batman" as she catches her breath on the floor.

"Now for the last round, you can use your weapon powers on anything. Come." He says but doesn't even put himself in a battle position.

Alright, I will kick his ass. And wipe that condescending look off his face.

(A.N.: Hector has no condescending look on his eyes from him, but for Shego is pretty much like that . Unreliable narrator, you know.)

I see Helena going to get her crossbow, meanwhile, I get up

Igniting my hands with my green energy, I go on the attack.

First I launch towards him.

He simply steps aside.

"Interesting, but you'd better set your hands on fire, revealing your powers, middle motion. To catch the enemy unsuspecting." He speaks calmly.

Ugh. Annoying...

I jump and go to close quarters.


"Gah" He gives me a punch in the stomach. "You don't know how to treat a fragile lady?" I asked catching my breath.

"I see no fragile girl and these fists are rated E, to everyone." He responds while leaning back a little, dodging an arrow that was going to hit his shoulder.

"Too straightforward" He says looking at Helena, who makes multiple shots, none hitting the target. "Later we will work on a wider type of arrows."

I take advantage and attempt another attack, swiping with my hand in his face.

He just catches it.

"I see, it's no fire. Is like a corrosive energy, can it explode too? Neat." He says intertwining his fingers with mine.

What! That shocks me. My power can melt steel, and he is just holding it? I try to take my hand off, but he doesn't seem to budge.

"Calm down, this won't hurt me." He speaks withdrawing his unscathed hand from mine.


Then he turns his face quickly and catches an arrow shot by Helena, with his teeth.

And then start munching the whole thing and eating it.

"I have a power that allows me to eat anything, without problems." He says.

(A.N.: A quirk of one of the Chisaki guys.)

This guy is full of bullshit.

"Well, I have a good idea of what you can do now." He says and pulls telekinetically Helena, causing her to collide with me.


"Get off me you fat bitch!" I say 'gently' pushing the woman above me. Giving a revenge slap in her fat ass in the meantime.

It's bigger than mine. Just a little.

But mine is perkier

She glares at me, and I glare back.

"Okay, ladies. No infighting... I will give your all a gift." Hector says approaching.

Oh. I like gifts.

"I can give powers too. To me no matter how strong you are, I can make you stronger" He says.

I understand the hidden message.

We are not so important, we can help him but he doesn't really need us.

It has a double side too. Will not be much of a loss to him if we go away. So we can leave him without guilt.

His hands touch my forehead and Helena's and I feel power coursing through my body.

Ooh! I see. I hit the jackpot.


Baxter Building

Bruce Banner, the Hulk paces furiously while waiting in a corridor outside a room in the Baxter Building.

He wants to be inside the room, helping. But he can't. And it wouldn't do anyone any good if he lost his cool right now.

It's too personal for to him involve himself.

Inside the room is the last family that he has in the world, Jennifer Walters, his cousin.

She is sick with a terminal illness. And she needs a transfusion from him. But he knows how dangerous that can be.

So he sought the help of the Fantastic Four, to look for a solution. Reed assured that there was a way to get the blood transfused without causing any harm to the patient.

While Bruce Banner is having pessimistic thoughts, the door to the room where Jennifer is receiving surgery or procedure opens.

And a blue-eyed blonde woman leaves the room, she is using the Fantastic Four's blue uniform. This woman is obviously Susan Storm.

"Dr. Banner" she begins "I'm happy to say everything was smooth but..."

"But what? What's the problem?" Interromps Banner.

"Jennifer will be unconscious for weeks, maybe even a month."

"What? Why is this happening?"

"Your blood is very strong and harmful." Susan talks kindly "She receives it without any problems, but to her body adapts without any problem, even if we use a special chamber. It will take time." Susan concludes.

The Fantastic Four are using a chamber that was first developed to try to make them normal again, when they wanted to be normal again...

Well, the Thing still wants to go back to being less rocky. But it's not a priority anymore...

It is now being used so that Jenifer Walters does not suffer from Gamma Radiation.

"I seethat's good. We need to be very careful with this." Bruce speaks.

He's at a big risk being inNew York, memories of Harlem come to his mind.

He doesn't want to put anyone at risk anymore.

But he needs to stay here for Jennifer, in case anything goes wrong.


A.N.: Well, hello there.

This chapter should be bigger, but I cut him in half. So, only 7k worlds for now.

In the next, we will see the MC creating his foothold in the world.

And more development for Shego and Helena.