Three kilometers away from the sinking site of the prince will, Zhou Mei, Xiang Tianlang and Fang Yi stood on the deck of the warship and watched the prince will slowly sink into the ocean.

All three were silent. No one knows what to say at this time.

What can you say? Say Luo Chen?

This is exactly what the three people are most reluctant to mention now. If Luo Chen is really on the prince of Wales, the most optimistic way to say that he will encounter such a sunken ship is that it will be more or less bad.

After a long time, the rainstorm has stopped. Where the sea meets the sky, the sun slowly rises, the sun slowly dispels the darkness, and the sea ushers in the dawn.

Zhou Mei put one hand on the guardrail on the deck. She looked at the sea area where the prince of Wales sank. The eddy current caused by the sinking had gradually become smaller.

"Sirius, you go back first with the people on the other ship. I'll find the boss."

After hearing Zhou Mei's arrangement from Sirius, he is very reluctant. He is also very worried about Luo Chen's safety and wants to stay with Zhou Mei to find Luo Chen.

Zhou Mei has a deep voice.

"It's OK to have Fang Yi and me here. You can take them back first. Although the eldest brother asked Xiao Tian to deal with it at Keer manor, I'm not very confident. You happen to go and have a look when you go back."


Xiang Tianlang still hesitated, but Zhou Mei immediately interrupted him.

"Nothing, but the boss will be fine! Do you want to wait for the boss to come back and see the mess we left him?"

Yeah. Luo Chen will be all right. Even in this case, Luo Chen will be all right! He is Luo Chen! I believe that the strongest man, how can he die in such a place? It will be all right!

Thinking this way to Sirius, he looked at Zhou Mei again, and his eyes were more firm.

"Well, I'll go back and deal with it. I'll leave it to you!"

Zhou Mei nodded.

"Don't worry."

Board another warship to Sirius and command the warship to retreat. Zhou Mei ordered her warship to sail to the waters near the sinking of the prince of Wales. Unless Luo Chen's body is found, Zhou Mei will never stop searching for Luo Chen.

The warship is chopping ahead. Zhou Mei and Fang Yi are standing at the front of the deck. Looking at the open sea, they dare not relax for a moment. How they wish to see Luo Chen appear on the sea.

During this period, Zhou Mei contacted the headquarters of the dark prison. She wanted to see if limingqi could find Luo Chen.


The headquarters of the secret prison, the command room of the supreme security department.

When Li Mingqi heard about Luo Chen, he was flustered. He tried to locate Luo Chen, but found that Luo Chen didn't carry anything with him that could be used to locate him.

Seeing that he could not give Zhou Mei any help, Li Mingqi immediately found Zhou Ziyu and discussed with him about countermeasures.

Zhouziyu didn't take this matter to heart. He didn't think that Luo Chen's personal involvement would lead to such a result.

However, facing the current situation of the poor cake, Zhou Ziyu was not flustered. He immediately gave orders and sent a large number of search and rescue helicopters to the sea area where the prince of Wales sank to search for Luo Chen. At the same time, Zhou Mei was asked to make a detailed search for the sea area where the accident occurred.

Finally, zhouziyu told Zhou Mei.

"Zhou Mei, don't worry, boss. He must be all right."

"Well, I believe him!"

After the call ended, Zhou Mei's warship also came to the central sea area where the cruise ship prince will sank.

Zhou Mei immediately sent out her men, all the people and all the ships available on the warship, and launched a carpet search in this sea area.

The search continued into the night without finding anything, but Zhou Mei and Fang Yi did not give up.

The next day, Zhou Mei and the search and rescue forces sent by Zhou Ziyu met to continue the search for Luo Chen.

However, the news of the sudden sinking of a cruise ship like the prince of Wales could not be concealed. Soon the British government also set up a special team to investigate the incident and sent a search and rescue team.

However, thanks to Zhou Ziyu's coordination, Zhou Mei's dark prison forces did not have a search and rescue team with the British government, and unpleasant things happened.

After a whole day of searching the waters where the prince of Wales sank and the surrounding waters, Zhou Mei and Fang Yi found nothing, which made everyone think of the possibility that Luo Chen had been buried at the bottom of the sea.

Everyone knows this possibility and it is the greatest, but no one is willing to believe it.

That morning, Zhou Mei and Fang Yi discussed whether the scope of search and rescue should be expanded.

Because the British government intervened, Zhou Mei could not search the waters near the sinking of the prince of Wales with warships and planes. She needed to give this area to the investigation team and search and rescue team sent by the British government.

Fang Yi raised another possibility for Zhou Mei to live.

He told Zhou Mei that because the route of the prince of Wales cruise ship was around the island of England, its sunken sea area was close to the North Sea, and many small islands were distributed near this sea area.

Fang Yi thinks that you can go to those small islands to find out. Luo Chen may have drifted to that small island.

Zhou Mei looked at the charts near London. She saw that the small islands Fang Yi mentioned were very far away from the place where the prince of Wales sank, and the nearest one was nearly dozens of nautical miles. Even hundreds of miles away, Zhou Mei thought that even if Luo Chen could escape from the prince of will cruise ship alive, it would be too strange to go to those islands.

"Are these islands too far from the place where the cruise ship sank?"

Zhou Mei feels that unless it is a miracle, Luo Chen cannot appear on the island so far away from the accident site. Therefore, she has reservations about using search and rescue forces to go to those islands.

However, Fang Yi told Zhou Mei that only when she believed in miracles could she find Luo Chen.

"We have carefully searched the area near the sinking of the cruise ship, and there are no survivors. As for the sunken cruise ship, we don't need our British search and rescue team to search it. If Mr. Luo..."


Hearing Fang Yi's words about Luo Chen's accident, Zhou Mei subconsciously patted the table, looking very excited.

Fang Yi is also unwilling to say these unlucky words, but the facts before him are really not optimistic. He can only appease Zhou Mei.

"I mean, if Mr. Luo really has an accident, we can get information from the British search and rescue team, so we don't have to waste time here."

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