Chapter 361 CH 346: YOUR RIBS HURT

[Beverly Hills — Natasha's Mansion]

Sitting on a sofa in her living room, with her legs crossed and holding a book in her hand, Natasha was bathing in the sunlight that ushered through her balcony, her hair shining in the golden luster of the burning sunlight.

The sun had already gone high up in the sky and the day had started for many, all of them on their way to their individual works.

Standing behind the sofa Natasha sat on, a mature woman wearing a black suit with a pair of tight pants could only direct a bitter smile toward Natasha.


Natasha's smile trembled ever so slightly and she averted her eyes while acting as if she had heard nothing and that the earlier sound of someone sobbing had just been an illusion.

"Sister~~ I am sorry."


Natasha simply sneered at the pitiful tone of the girl's voice and turned the page of her book.

"Stay like this for two more hours then we will start our combat training."


A cute groan leaked from the girl that was speaking to Natasha but she simply ignored her groans and pitiful moans and focused her mind on reading the book at hand.

In the end, the one who couldn't wait anymore was the servant standing behind Natasha and witnessing this pitiful scene.

"Please. The young lady is..."

"Stop. Don't try to plead in her favor. Fedora messed up this time and she needs to understand that she indeed messed up. Big time..."


Natasha sighed and closed her book before directing a look filled with annoyance toward the servant, startling her, "It's because you guys pamper her so much that she commits stupid mistakes like this. I won't have it anymore..."

Her eyes became cold and unfeeling as she uttered those words with a distinct in her voice, "I want you to answer me as a fighter and a wolf of the pack. What do you think of Fedora's orders?"


The woman struggled a bit at her words but in the end, she could not hide the truth from leaking out of her mouth. No matter how heavy they may be.

"They were thoughtless and could've spelled disaster for her in a drastic scenario."

Fedora, who had been kneeling with her arms held high all night, showed an indignant and hurt expression at her words but Natasha didn't care for her little sister's feelings.

"Your servant is still trying to manage your feelings so let me be honest. What you did was no different from sending your subordinate to their death."


However, that simple question was more than enough to rob Fedora of all her strength and made her kneel once again on the ground with her hands held high.

Fedora trembled and refused to raise her head. She could feel her neck was being pierced by Natasha's glare and she did not want to face those crimson eyes that were putting pressure on her heart.

Giving one last look at Fedora, Natasha stood up and started to approach her.

"I will call Adam and organize a meeting for you to apologize to him."

Fedora visibly grimaced and even closed her eyes when she felt Natasha approach her, but rather than the hit she expected, what she got was a tight hug.

"I am happy that you care for me. Thanks for trying to do what you thought was the best for me."

Natasha knew that simply giving the whip was not enough.

"I am not berating you because I enjoy it. I am doing so because I care about your safety and the well-being of the pack."

If Fedora continued like this, one day she would provoke someone who didn't care about the name of their family and would try their best to annihilate them.

Then everything would be too late to resolve.

"So, let's apologize to my friend, alright?"

Fedora nodded while biting her lips hard. Looking up, she gave a small smile with tears in the corner of her eyes.

"So, you will stop crying now?"

"Hehe. I am not crying because I am sad. I am crying because you hugged me so tight I hit your ribs— Ah..."

Fedora immediately knew that she made a mistake when she felt her sister's fist of love on her head.

"Sorry for not having a motherly chest."

"Sorry~ Sorry"

Natasha gave a strained smile as she continued to bully Fedora for some time for her transgressions.

Looking at them, the servant could only give an awkward strained laugh.

She was sad about having been relieved of her job, even if it was only temporary. After all, she really liked taking care of the youngest lady.

Though she understood that she might have cuddled her a little too much.

'Well, at least not everything is bad.'

She was happy to see that the relationship between the siblings was still as strong as ever, despite a few complicated moments.

This was the strength of the pack and only by being united could they grow stronger together.