When the sun finally started to rise over the horizon from the east, Adam opened his eyes and breathed out ever so slightly to leak a small sigh.

After his discussion with Viktor, which ended on a rather ominous note, he had been sitting and meditating with one of his minds while a second one worked on studying the Book of Dreams that was written by the Crawling Chaos himself. Meanwhile, the third mind worked on ameliorating his fine control over various aspects of his skills and reading books on pure physics and its applications over the world.

He could feel that the stronger he became, the slower his progress was increasing the proficiency of his skills. But, all things considered, his growth was still extremely fast compared to the rest of the pack.

"Eve is hiding something... Again"

He had been working slightly on his handle on the power of dreams and illusions. but he could feel a certain amount of smoothness in using his abilities related to this path that hadn't been present in the past.

He refused to believe that this was just the result of entering the Dreamscape. There was no mention of such an effect in the Book of Dreams that he had been reading diligently for all this time and he did not feel anything different thanks to the Dreamforce that he had accumulated from the Dreamscape.

He wondered if she hadn't already handed him the authority of Asmodeus or something and he was simply too weak to really use it or understand that he even had it.

'Well, let's take it one thing at a time.'

It didn't really matter whether she already handed over the authority to him or not. Adam was indeed not ready nor willing to be chased by a group of thirsty apostles for the authority or anything similar in nature. So the current situation was good enough for him.

His eyes flickered and his ears twitched a bit as his gaze fell immediately on the door that could be clearly seen from the living room.

He looked on as the shabby door opened and Cecilia walked through it. The faint smell of blood coming from her body could be felt even from here but there was a bright and feral grin on her face that made a natural contrast to her bloody self.

"Damn. Makoto, are you seeing what I am seeing? Some unknown man entered our house and is even lounging on my couch as though it belongs to him."

"Intruder. Die."

Adam grimaced visibly at those cold remarks.

"Sorry, Mom. I know I should have warned you before leaving."

Cecilia ruffled the hair of the silver-haired girl while grinning at Adam.

"So, dear stranger lounging on my couch, what brought you to my humble home?"

Cecilia walked while pulling Makoto with her before jumping on the couch next to Adam. She gently bumped against him slightly then took the remote and lighted up the TV.

"First, I am your beloved son and not a stranger. Second, I have a friend who wants to visit and also greets you. It's Natasha."

"Oh... That wolf girl? Hehe. Is she your girlfriend? Should I start expecting a pup now?"

She lightly nudged his side while directing a rather perverted and leery smile at him... to which Adam simply shrugged,

"I don't really know what we are. I guess we are kinda more than friends and less than lovers thing."

"Bleh! Never thought I would hear this outside of some Korean drama or something."

She waved her hand in a dismissive way before looking at Makoto.

"Speaking of Natasha, you fought alongside her, right?"

"She was strong. Lacking training though."

"Pretty sure most people are lacking in training when compared to you."

Cecilia joked slightly before finally looking up at Adam. Her eyes were far more serious than before making him straighten up his posture,

"Well, you aren't a child anymore so I don't care who you date as long as you are careful with it. You know about her, right?"

"The fact that she is part of the Mafia?"

"I don't care about petty criminals. The problem is her power..."Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m