Chapter 408 CH 394: LET’S WALK AROUND

Chapter 408 CH 394: LET'S WALK AROUND

Adam remained silent while Fedora showed him a proud face— acting as though she had successfully pulled out a great prank on him and in a way, she indeed did pull off something along those lines. And for that very reason...

"I am out."

You needed two hands to clap and Adam had no intention of playing around with a little girl and acting as her second hand. He was not about to have any of this shit...

"Wait! Are you seriously leaving right now?" Fedora pulled him by the shirt while showing a shocked expression on her face. Clearly, she had not expected things to process in this direction. It was quite evident that she had not even thought about the scenario of his not playing along.

Seeing her act in such a manner, anger slowly left the place as a mischievous glint formed in his eyes.

"Well... I was promised a young and beautiful wolf girl, right?"


"I still wonder where said young and beautiful wolf girl is? Since I am not seeing her, shouldn't I just return?"

He laughed in his mind while Fedora had to take a few steps back, placing her hand on her chest like she had been shot by an arrow by the words uttered by Adam.


She wanted to speak, however, Adam merely sighed and placed a hand on her head before speaking, "So Squirt, listen to me. What you did right now was very dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous than what you pulled off on the campus not long ago. Avoid arranging a date with an adult in the future, okay?"

"For starters..."

Fedora swatted his hand away before uttering in a rigid tone, "I am no squirt. I am nearly 16 years old." She placed her hand on her hips and stood proudly as though saying that her being close to her 16th birthday was an achievement in itself.

"Huhuh. Indeed. 16 years old. What a big girl. And?"

"Well. I am also always accompanied by a guard wherever I go."


The second point was honestly far more effective than the first.

Adam had no comeback for that statement if he had to be honest about it. If there was someone out there who could actually beat all her guards before kidnapping or simply harming her then there was actually nothing she could have done by herself.

Adam chuckled, he was starting to find her quite cute.

'So is this what it feels like to have a little sister?'

He scratched his chin before taking his other hand away from her hair, "Very well, I have changed my opinion. I have nothing better to do anyway. So let's go out together for a while."

He immediately blasted his zone to cover a full two kilometers while making sure to set one of his minds to react to any great spike of Prana or any abnormalities that could be processed inside of his zone.

It was nearly impossible even for his four minds to actually inspect everything in his domain. No matter how strong his soul was, this kind of hectic and tedious work wasn't something that could be done with only four minds. He needed more, far far more to be able to pull something like that off.

However, by adding different settings and filters to limit the information he was trying to obtain, it was easier to make things stand out for him and figure them out for himself.

'For now. Anyone with a signature above Bronze who enters my domain will be immediately noticed and inspected through the [Eyes of Truth]. This is good enough for now.'

He honestly just wanted to set anyone above Gold as the standard, for his mind and zone to react toward, since there was logically no way anyone else would ever hope to pose a danger to him. He had become far too powerful to even care for anyone below that rank.

But he was not omnipotent and mistakes were always possible. Better be safe than sorry. That was the motto he wanted to live by in his life— one of many that made his life better than most. Opting to be cautious rather than careless never hurt anyone now, right?

'This could also help me straighten some things out. Like, maybe I will be able to somehow identify how Tsubasa had been spying on me over the years.'

Tsubasa was a Gold rank hunter according to the standards of the Association. And Medusa even warned him that her real level was much higher and had even reached that of an Executor already. She also knew how to perfectly utilize her divine weapon, something that Makoto was not capable of, which made her all the more dangerous.

If she was spying on him somehow, he would be able to sense her as long as her presence was within the vicinity of his zone.

"Well. Since you are the one who started everything. Where should we go?"

Fedora's eyes twinkled at those words coming out of Adam's lips. Hastily, she asked her a question with a note of excitement underlying her cute tone, "We can go anywhere?"

"Wherever you want."

"Then... I know exactly where I want to go."

Adam was starting to have a bad feeling about this, wondering if he should have avoided giving her a blank check like this. But in the end, he merely sighed. Whatever choice she made, it couldn't be that bad, right?



(AN: This will be a short arc, kinda of need to build Fedora and Natasha as well as her family more. I think Natasha is the heroine with the most negligible development out of all the girls that have appeared in the story up until now. Hopefully, I finish this arc by the end of this month. By the way guys, next month (September) is the 3rd anniversary of SHK (Son of The Hero King), my first Original story as Hikaru Genji. I would be happy if you guys could take a look at the story The story flow is slightly different from this one and the start is a little less refined but both SHK and MP (GoC) are related and I believe you will like Sol. Also, September will be when I launch my new story. The current name is Space Odyssey: A Journey through the Stars. or SOS; I know it should be SOJTS but SOS looks better. The story is Science/Fantasy/Mecha/Adventure and MC is called Noah. As I already said in the past, the story won't be posted on WN. It will be Patreon and ScribbleHub at first then Royal Road and hopefully Amazon.)