Chapter 48: Potential Conflict

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 48: Potential Conflict

Tala stared up at the Master Sergeant as he loomed over her, irritation clear in his bearing as well as his tone. Are you daft, girl!? These are magical and highly sensitive. You could kill us all by messing with them.

Tala cocked one eyebrow. Careful now, Tala. No need to be rash. I am well aware, Master Sergeant. I am left baffled as to why you thought it wise to interrupt me. She saw Trent near the far side of the work-yard, eyes wide, jogging their direction, but he was still quite a ways away.

Youre aware? If you know, you shouldnt be touching them, girl. Of course, Im going to stop you from disturbing these infernal things! What if the dimensional Mage had seen you touching her stuff? Ive heard this one is crazy, child. Dont go playing with things you dont understand.

Tala was now quite confused, and that dampened her fury, if only slightly. She knew that the inscribings on her face and hands had to be visible to this man, and if hed been watching her at all, he would have seen her empower Dens wagon full of cargo-slots, as well as the three now charged on this wagon. What do you think is happening, here, Sergeant?

The mans face lost the little bit of the outward concern it had shown, and his voice hardened. I think a child is poking her nose somewhere its going to be cut off.

Tala closed her eyes and took a deep breath, attempting to calm herself. Breath Tala. Dont lash out at the frustrating man.

Dont get huffy with me, girly. I dont care if you are rich enough for inscribed enhancements. Youre not allowed to mess with my caravan.

Her eyes snapped open, and she felt the rage boiling inside herself threaten to break free. Tala. Calm down. Hes made assumptions and is acting the fool. Dont prove his assessment of your maturity correct. She took another deep breath, grateful that he hadnt kept a hold of her. Sir, you have grossly misinterpreted the situation. I-

Dont you talk down to me, you little spit of slag. You shut your mouth this instant, or Ill throw you and your family from the roster. I wont have a stuck-up brat as a passenger in my caravan.

She opened her mouth, again, but he thrust his finger towards her with such violent intent that she took a step back.

Thats what I thought. Now, get to the passenger wagons!

Tala had had enough. She closed her mouth and began lifting her right hand. Yeah, rust restraint. In that moment, Trent arrived. Master Sergeant Furgel, what seems to be the problem?

The Sergeants entire demeanor shifted. No problem, Master Trent, sir. I was just dealing with a wayward child.

Tala could practically feel the heat of her own fury, irritation, and embarrassment rolling off of her in waves, but Trent gave her a small shake of his head.

Master Sergeant, there seems to be a misunderstanding. Trent cleared his throat, obviously feeling a bit awkward, or at least projecting such to ease tensions. This is Mage Tala. She is the dimensional expert contracted for this caravan.

Furgel looked to the cargo wagons, seeming to notice for the first time that most of the cargo-slots were charged. He then looked at Tala, then back to Trent. Im confused. This is a child. She cant be more than twenty.

Tala closed her eyes again, and carefully counted to ten, while Trent cleared his throat, and continued. Ummm No. This is Mage Tala. I assure you. I was in the caravan with her on the trip here, and she performed this same duty for that venture.

Tala opened her eyes and met Furgels stare. She was able to see the dawning horror in those eyes, even as they flicked to her half-raised hand.

He swallowed involuntarily, then looked back to Master Trent, if only briefly.

IIm sorry for the misunderstanding, Mistress. Ill be about my work to get us on the road. Without a backward glance, he scurried away.

Tala took several more, deep breaths, noticing that there were many, many eyes on her and Master Trent.

Trent, for his part, seemed one part horrified, and the other part was fighting to keep from laughing.

Tala saw the fight and felt something within her break. She barked a laugh, her anger gone in an instant as she turned back to the cargo-slots, beginning the empowering of the fourth on this wagon.

Trent took her laughter as a cue and burst out himself. After a moment, he was shaking his head. You were about to kill him.

She didnt take her eyes off her work. I seriously considered it.

Im glad you didnt. The paperwork for a justified killing around these parts is a pain.

Tala flicked her gaze his way for a brief moment. Justified killing? Oh?

Yeah, it takes testimonies and truth detection and all sorts of bureaucratic nonsense. He hesitated, then clarified. Im not saying it would have been justified, by the way.

She huffed a laugh, again. Yeahsure. I know that. I wouldnt have actually killed himprobably. No wonder people are so hesitant around Mages. After a moments thought, she nodded to herself. Yeah, I have no complaints about them not explaining that at the Academy.

Trent patted her shoulder. He did have a good guess on your age, though.

Youre kind of a jerk, too. She gave him a fake glare.

Trent laughed, again. Ill leave you to it.

She grunted, then as Trent turned to walk away, she let out a breath. Thank you, Master Trent. That was kind of you to intervene.

He didnt stop but spoke over his shoulder. Always happy to help, if I can. I expect to hear how you used that map, by the way. I heard some interesting rumors from the eastern gate, and Id love to test the truth of them.

Tala grunted. Great. Maybe, tonight. She finished empowering the remaining seven cargo-slots and walked over to climb up on Dens wagon.

She saw Furgel casting furtive glances her way and decided not to judge the man too harshly. Hed been a bit of a jerk, but hed been well intentioned. And you were going to what? Restrain him? Yeah, thats what she had been planning. Just restraining.

She began thinking about their journey and the city defenses they were leaving behind and had a thought. If Im actually going to be engaging with Terry, Ill need a way to get him into Bandfast. She needed a collar for an arcane pet. Well, rust. Den?


How soon do we leave?

Less than an hour, why?

Tala thought for a long moment, then nodded. Ill be right back. She took off, not quite jogging, but nearly, heading for Artias shop.

Less than half an hour later, she was back at Dens wagon and very frustrated. Apparently, somehow, all the ready-to-hand collars had been purchased. Artia only knew that, because a buyer had contacted her as their last check, and shed sold the only two she had to the messenger.

On the bright side, apparently the messenger had implied that the buyer was leaving this morning, so in all likelihood, he was in her caravan. Ill have to hunt him downor try. Maybe, Trent knows something? It was a topic for later.

Now that she was back, and clearly in an irritated mood, Den asked after her even as she climbed up. Ill be fine. Lets just get on the road. Yeah? After a moment, she sighed. But thank you for asking.

Of course, Mistress. He smiled. Were just about ready.

Let me know before we go. Im going to lay down for a bit to clear my head. She pulled out her wide-brimmed hat and placed it over her face as she lay down on the roof to do just that.

A commotion drew Tala out of her rest almost as soon as shed laid down. What under heaven? She sat up and looked over to see a man had set up at table on the far side of the work-yard. He was calling out. Change your copper, change your silver, change your gold! Dont leave without making a profit on your metals.


Pants, tunic, pouch, and knife. The knife has the strongest connection to you, by far, but the other three are tilted towards your magic, and away from anything else.

Why are bonds dangerous?

Because they influence both parties.

Tala almost stopped walking at that. The cargo-slotsIm bound to twenty of them What does that even mean?

True, you have more of a sense of self, so you wont be pulled as far from your original as they will, but you will still be altered. It will be in little ways. You likely wont even notice them.

Tala grunted. Nebulous danger weighed against tangible gain. I know which wins out in my books. It cant be too dangerous, else we couldnt use cargo wagons and such.

Fair point, but you should still be careful. There seemed to be something he wasnt saying. Knowing him, it was something he couldnt say. He didnt seem like one to hold back.

Ill keep that in mind.

There was another long pause as they trudged up the road at a fast walk. Finally, Grediv broke the silence again. Why the knife?


Why use the Archon star on the knife?

Tala shrugged. It felt right. When I was looking through artifacts, the knife seemed to call to me, like it belonged with me, and I saw where I could insert the Archon star on it, first. She shrugged again. As I said, just felt right.

He regarded her as they walked, before finally sighing. Well, whats done is done. You dont need to put any more stars into the knife, by the way.

She looked at him. Oh?

I imagine youve thought of doing it. It wouldnt change anything, given the nature of your stars. For others, they couldnt even attempt it. The star established your bond, you just need power to strengthen it. Even with that, you can only go so far as you are, but thats approaching knowledge you arent ready for.

Tala grunted. So, just feed it power? What about calling it?

He frowned, and she briefly explained about her soul exercises. Her explanation left him shaking his head. You are going to kill yourself, Mistress Tala.

She swallowed. So

Oh, youre fine, but I would have bet good money that youd tear your soul in half without it doing a thing. He grunted. I suppose youve some strength to you. He laughed. No surprise there, I guess.


You can continue those exercises. Shouldnt hurt you the way youre doing it.

She let out a relieved breath. Good to hear.

With enough power, the knife will grow and develop. Eventually, it will be ready to change, becoming more of what you need, when you need it.

What does that even mean?

He shrugged. Its different for every item and for every Mage. Youll have to wait and see.

So I shouldnt bond other artifacts? Other items?

He gave her a flat look. If I say No will you listen?

If you give good reasons.

He groaned. You really should strengthen your soul more, before you spread it out to multiple bondsCan you at least give it a month, before you bond anything else?

Id do better with a strength requirement, rather than an arbitrary timeline.

He regarded her, then let out a small laugh. Fair enough. When you can do that exercise with your knife a dozen times without feeling strained, Id bet youre ready for another bond.

A dozen? I can wait for that.

Somehow, I doubt you will, but we can hope, right?

Tala grinned. Glad to set proper expectations.

You know, it would be better if you made a real Archon star and were elevated first.

Ill consider it.

They crested a rise, and Tala stopped, looking down at what lay in the valley, below.

A giant, at least thirty feet tall, stood in the center of the wide, long valley laid out before them. It was wider in proportions than a man and the eye in the center of its forehead was an obvious indicator of its nature. A club almost as long as the humanoid was tall was braced on its shoulder as it waited.

To Talas mage-sight the beastly humanoid radiated power like the sun. To her surprise, aside from being able to see the nature of the various aspects of magic within the creature, there seemed to be an underlying hue to the power. Why does it have a strange color to the magic?

Grediv looked at her in surprise. Those are impressive inscriptions. That is an easy way to identify power level. I, myself, dont see it as a color, but from what others have told me, who have similar spell-forms, it follows the standard rainbow scale in that manner of seeing it.

Its orange.

Yup, it is more powerful than some, but still near the bottom of the scale.

Why have I never seen this before? Or, wait Is that what I saw around Holly? Master Himmal? And the Midnight fox?

Because below red is infra-red, and Id bet that nearly everyone and everything youve beheld was in that range, or kept you from seeing, entirely.

That was an interesting prospect. So, this is more magically powerful than anything Ive ever seen? Yeah, the midnight fox had a red aura to it.

Most likely.

Tala sighed. I asked for too little, didnt I