Chapter 50: Back on the Road

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 50: Back on the Road

Tala and Grediv walked back south, down the slope and towards the city. An amiable silence fell between them as they walked, and Tala found herself going over what hed said, taking notes on the soul-bond, as well as implications of other bonds, which hed mentioned.

Grediv occasionally glanced over at her, as they walked, but didnt interrupt her work.

Finally, when shed paused for a long moment, he cleared his throat. You have another question?

She started briefly, coming back from far-flung thoughts. Hmm? Oh, yes. If I soul-bond with multiple items, wont they, in some senses, be bound to each other?

He grinned widely. Very good. Yes. The nature of our bound items will not only affect you, but each other as well.

What does that mean?

The combinations are too numerous to have any meaningful research done, but a common occurrence is the binding both of a weapon and a dimensional storage item.

And that does?

He gave her a flat look. Come now, Mistress Tala.

She rolled her eyes. Let me guess, then: The storage can defend itself?

He barked a laugh. Well, in some cases yes, but not really, and never very effectively even when it does occur. Some will hurt anything that tries to damage them, but that is usually the extent of it. No, the most common result is a weapon that can be summoned directly into your hand and dismissed just as easily.

And it would go into the dimensional storage?

Sometimes. Other times, it seems to create its own storage, bound to the wielders hand, which can only hold the weapon, itself.

She frowned. Thats handy?

He groaned. No. Bad pun, Mistress Tala.

She quirked a smile. Fine, fine. But I can basically do that now?

Oh? You think its the same?

She hesitated. Well, obviously not the same She thought about it. I suppose there are different applications.

He shrugged. It doesnt always happen, in any case.

So, what about combining items? You implied that I could bind my tunic and pants as one item.

Those are two different things, and I said youd have to figure out the latter on your own. He seemed to consider for a moment, then shrugged. Artifacts, bound or not, can be coaxed into combining, with mixed results. If one of the items is bound, the outcome is more likely to be beneficial, more so for soul-bound than just magic-bound, but Ive seen some horrible items come from the process. Dont forget, its bound to you, so even if its a dud in some way, youre stuck with it. After a moment, he added. Well, unless youre willing to break off that part of your soul, but the folly of that should be obvious.

What if theyre both bound to you?

Then, you cant combine them. For items to be combined, they must be compatible and not overly independent. Two bound items are each too set in their identity, as part of you, to be combined. Two unbound items will fight it out, as it were, and the winning item sets most of the parameters of the combination.

You make it sound like a negotiation.

In some ways it is. He glanced over, noticing her writing down bits of their conversation as they spoke. He shook his head, smiling. Artifacts arent sapient, but they do have instincts of a sort. Their nature dictates how they act, and that nature fights to be supreme. He scratched his head. Again, Im not a great teacher, but I think you can understand.

She was nodding. So, if one item is bound, it has the upper hand in the negotiations.

Thats right, but be aware, if the item being combined with your bonded one is new, things can go wrong much more often.


Because youre forcing it to join with your soul. If it doesnt know you, if its instincts arent aligned towards seeing you as an ally? Thats just begging for a crack in your soul.

Which you wont explain to me.

Which I wont explain to you.

She sighed. So, only combine items with a similar purpose, and use any artifacts Im considering combining for a while before attempting even that.


I still say that youre treating them like they're intelligent.

He shrugged. Then, thats my poor teaching showing through. Harvests are a different conversation, though. And, no, I wont go into that, either. He smiled widely.

Tala rolled her eyes, adding a few more notes to her notebook. Your staff looks like sapphire.

He nodded. Bound items often take on aspects of the Archon star used to bind them.

They both looked at her knife. Im glad it didnt turn to blood

Grediv snorted a laugh. That would have been less than ideal. It probably took on some other property than appearance. My staff isnt actually sapphire, that would be too brittle to be useful.

She grunted. Fair She frowned. So I only get, at maximum, eight items, and one of mine is a knife? That seems wasteful. She glanced down. Dont get me wrong, Ill use this thing forever, if I can, but it isnt exactly a great fighting weapon.

How was it getting out of the city, Den?

The driver turned to her with a smile. No difficulty, Mistress. Its good to have you back with us. His grin shifted, picking up what seemed to be a bit of mischief. It would have been frustrating to wait for another dimensional Mage, if you didnt return.

Tala snorted a laugh, moving to sit beside him. I knew you loved me. She settled in and sighed. Did you have a good stay in Alefast?

Den shrugged. Ive some cousins in the city, and it was good to see them and their families. He leaned back, turning his eyes back to the landscape ahead. My family has been in the driver business for generations. Were spread out throughout the cities. He chuckled to himself. It's probably one reason we stay in the business. Its really the only way for us to stay in touch with each other without breaking the bank.

They chatted for a while about his family and how much the kids had grown since hed last seen them. They discussed quite a few little things, and Tala kept Den from ever turning the questions about family to her. She felt a pull of sadness but had decided that her own family history shouldnt drag Den down. Im glad you got some good time with them.

Thank you, Mistress. He eyed her, without turning. I noticed earlier: you did some shopping?

She glanced down. A bit, yeah. I was quite tired of She sighed. Wearing rags?

You mean you were tired of making rags.

She huffed a soft laugh. True enough.

Those do look a bit sturdier. He seemed to hesitate, then continued. I dont really see how theyll fare better, though. You seem to have a knack for destructive encounters.

Isnt that the truth. She shook her head, smiling slightly. These are a bit special, though, so Im hoping theyll hold up better.

As you say, Mistress. He seemed very hesitant, but resolute as he continued. If I may be so bold: most Dimensional Mages tend to refrain fromviolence, at least while they have that duty in a caravan.

She sighed. Too true, Den. I have a habit ofwell, of being a bit reckless.

People are counting on you, now, Mistress. His tone was not quite paternal.

I know I truly do, but Im not used to that. She sighed. I will try to be better, this leg of the trip.

He smiled at her. That would be much appreciated. He glanced back at her, returning the conversation to her wardrobe. I assume that little bags your new storage?

She gave him a critical look. What makes you say that?

Im not blind. You near filled one of these storage boxes on the way out. He kicked the wooden box beneath his seat with his heel. The way I figure it, you should have more, now, than when we headed the other way, but youve no luggage at all.

She frowned. I am advertising myself a bit Was it worth obfuscating the truth? Den, could you try something for me?

He glanced her way, then sighed. Just dont get me killed. My wife would be a bit cross with me, if I died.

I really hope hes joking. Does he really think Id endanger him? Tala laughed a bit nervously. It shouldnt be dangerous. She pulled off her belt pouch. Can you open this?

He looked at the pouch, then hooked his reins on an anchor, built into the seat for the purpose. He reached out. His fingers closed on empty air, the bag seeming to have moved just enough that his fingers slid off of it. Den frowned. Thats odd.

Tala sat the bag on the bench, and Den very slowly moved his hands from both sides. She saw the area warp slightly as his hands approached, but he was focused now and was able to get a grip on the little belt pouch.

Slippery little thing. He glanced at her. It doesnt feel slick, now, but it was kinda hard to grab.

She nodded. Without mage-sight, it makes sense that that is how it would appear.

He tried to open the bag, but it remained cinched tight. After a moment, he handed it back. I could try cutting the ties, but that seems like it wouldnt be a good idea, and I dont want to hurt your item.

Thank you. That actually was quite informative. No one else could easily grab or open her pouch. Fantastic. She was sure that a concerted effort on the part of someone who didnt care if they hurt the pouch would probably succeed, but whether that would gain them access, or simply destroy the dimensional storage, she didn't know. And I hope I never learn.

Den nodded. Happy to help. You have some reading to do?

That obvious?

You do seem to like your books. Go on. Thank you for stopping to talk for a bit.

Are you sure?

Im not a driver because I like to be around people all day, Mistress. I enjoy time to myself. He winked. But feel free to stop by for short visits whenever you like. He patted the seat between them. My bench has plenty of space.

Will do. She grinned, climbing backwards, returning to the wagons roof.

Standing atop the roof, she looked back on the receding city of Alefast. Shed only been there two days. It had felt like months.

What do I do, now? Now, she should at least itemize what Grediv had given her. After that, she should probably begin prepping for her full inscriptions. I have a lot of biology to brush up on.

But that was for later, now was a time for new books. How can I get into Kit, without risking any number of catastrophes? She contemplated. She could ask Den to watch it, but she didnt want to impose upon him. She searched her mind, letting her eyes move without really thinking about where they were looking. Eventually, her gaze fell on the swivel ring mounted into the roof of the wagon and moved to inspect the locking mechanisms more closely. There were catches used to lock the huge tower shields into place. Yeah, that should do.

She opened the pouch, hooking the cord in two places on the locking mechanisms on the swivel ring. That should hold it open. Now, to hide it.

The answer to that was quite simple. As she climbed down in, her hat settled into place, the brim wider than the hole. She took the chin loop, and lightly secured it to an anchor that was, suspiciously, already in place. Thank you?

The comforting feeling that she always felt within the pouch almost seemed to briefly intensify. Or youre imagining things, Tala. Either was equally likely.

She climbed the rest of the way down the ladder and looked about.

What do you have for me, today, Kit?