Chapter 78: Group Breakfast Deal
Lyn stared down at the food log before her. What even is this? She picked it up, examining it from all sides. Can a single person eat it? She was bouncing it up and down slightly, seeming to be testing its heft.
Tala quirked a smile. Well, I ate two for dinner.
Lyn gave her a flat look. Can a normal person eat this?
Tala scoffed. Im hurt, Lyn.
No, youre not.
Fair enough.
Lyn hesitated. Wait, Tala This is dinner. Are you telling me that you already ate two of these, earlier this evening?
That may or may not be the case.
She sighed, rolling her eyes. Fine, keep your secrets. She lifted the log a bit, returning to the earlier topic. Sowhats it called?
Right! Its called a Little Caravan. I guess because it carries so much amazingness in one package? I think that one is a standard meal. Oh, this particular variant is called the Little Cheesy Caravan, likely because its double wrapped, with a layer of melted cheese between the wrappings. I just call it a food log.
I think I like 'little cheesy caravan,' more.
Food log is shorter.
Lyn gave Tala a long-suffering look, eventually shaking her head slightly and returning her attention to the food log. Well, here it goes. Lyn lifted the food log up and took a bite. Her eyes opened wide. This is amazing! Whats the name of the restaurant?
Anachronistic Delights.
Lyn clucked her tongue, consideringly. Interesting name.
Tala shrugged. Probably means something to the owner.
Lyn took another bite and let out a contented sigh, speaking around the food. Meh, who cares; this is amazing.
So, you said. Tala grinned and tore into her own food log. Money well spent. This time, shed gotten extra of the thick, green, veggie sauce. It added an additional robust, creamy flavor to the already incredible medley.
The two ate in companionable silence.
Tala let her mind wander as she ate. The magic that she and Lyn had pumped into the air within the home had already faded. The citys collectors are quite efficient. The exercise that theyd been doing was fascinating in concept. It didnt open her gate any wider, at least not directly, but it increased the amount of power coming through greatly. If she was right in her estimation, that increased flow was causing the gate to widen, but as a secondary effect. But it didnt seem to be a quick process.
Still, quadrupling my accumulation rate, even if just for short bursts, is amazing. This is definitely worth pursuing.
Continuing to eat, she focused within herself and created the void around her gate, pulling her magic back with an effort of will. The power-flow instantly increased. With Lyns earlier words in mind, Tala attempted to take a more active role in the distribution of that power. She split roughly a fourth off, allowing it to flow into her body and scripts as usual, and the rest, she pulled away.
Where to put this? Her hands were full of the food log, so she couldnt easily direct it into any of her items. She really did feel like sending it into the air was a waste.
Flow! The knife was connected to her soul, so she didnt need any sort of physical contact with the weapon to send it power. It didnt need the power, of course, but every bit that she actively put in would increase the strength of their bond and deepen the well that that tool could draw upon. Im sure theres a limit, or a threshold, but Im not there, yet.
She directed three quarters of her increased draw into the knife. It absorbed the magic like deep, desert sands taking in water.
As Tala focused, she realized that a quarter of the power was more, if just barely, than her body and active scripts needed, combined, as they were both benefiting from that portion of the influx. She did her utmost to carefully adjust the amounts until only the needed amount went to her physical form. There. It was not easy to maintain such a precise balance, but it was becoming easier by the moment.
Lyn shuddered slightly, opening her eyes and focusing on Tala. What are you doing?
What are you doing, Tala?
Oh, Im just practicing.
Lyn sighed. Cant you just enjoy the meal?
Im doing both. Tala took another big bite, relishing the harmonizing flavors.
Lyn shook her head, taking a last bite and setting fully half the food log back on the plate before her. Im full.
Tala ate the last bite of her own, leaving her hands empty as she savored the mouthful before swallowing. Really?
This is much too much food for me. Lyn hesitated, looking to Talas empty plate. Do youwant the rest?
Tala brightened. Are you sure?
Lyn pushed the plate across the table, pulling out her book, again. Enjoy. I bet this would be a pain to reheat. I can get another tomorrow.
Tala picked up the food, happily. They do sell smaller versions. She pondered for a moment. Even Littler Caravans? She shook her head. No, this was called the Biggest Little Cheesy Caravan. Im sure they have a medium Little Caravan, or something like that.
That makes no sense.
Tala shrugged. I didnt make up the names.
Lyn sighed, leaning back, hands coming to rest on her stomach. That was quite good. Thank you, Tala.
Tala smiled around a new mouthful.
So, I suppose I should be doing the exercise every time I think of it, too?
Tala nodded, mouth still full.
Very well
Tala saw a flood of power immediately begin to radiate from the other Mage. Tala swallowed. We really should get you a magic-bound item, or an innocuous incorporator.
She was the first customer through the door, but as she entered, she saw other people moving about on the street outside. She likely wouldnt be alone in the restaurant for long.
Hello! Welcome, and good morning. What can I get for you?
Tala looked over the menu. I need to get some jugs to buy coffee in bulk Morning to you. I think a coupleno four, breakfast sandwiches, and the largest coffee you have.
The young man hesitated. Well, we sometimes sell coffee by the gallon, when a foreman wants to treat their workers, or for similar situations. Are you looking for that amount?
She found herself grinning, almost uncontrollably. Oh, yes. How much would that be?
A silver, if you dont have a container. Half that, with one, assuming its clean and easily usable. His eyes flicked to Terry, and he smiled. Thats a beautiful bird. Does it have a name?
Thank you, his name is Terry. She smiled in return. As to the order, I can keep the container in the first case? Then use it as my container to get the cheaper rate later on?
Of course. He looked back to Terry. Good morning, Terry.
Terry cracked an eye, and let out a little, drowsy chirp.
Hes pretty neat.
I like him. She patted the supposedly sleeping bird. How much for the sandwiches?
Twelve copper. He hesitated. But, if you want, we can do a group breakfast deal. His smile shifted back towards one of professionalism, rather than friendly interest.
Its six sandwiches, and a container of coffee, for one and a half silver ounces.
Tala frowned, her coffee-less brain doing quick math. Thats almost a quarter ounce, silver, in savings. Thats fantastic! Ill do that. She hesitated. Why the deal?
The young man shrugged. A few other eateries have started opening as early as we do, some earlier, and the boss wants to keep our customers loyal, at least those who buy a lot. He quirked a wry smile.
She shrugged. Makes sense, I suppose. Thank you. Is that deal available with the discount, if I bring back the container?
The worker smiled. If its clean, empty, and usable, as I said before? Then, yes, that would drop the deal price by a half silver. Ill get that started for you.
She glanced to his name tag, then back up to grin at him. Bnar, I think Im going to become a regular, whenever Im in town.
The young man was surprisingly quick at his job, and she left in less than ten minutes, cloth sack containing the sandwiches and earthenware jug full of coffee, both safely tucked away in Kit.
Shed been right, and quite a few customers had come in after her, but Bnar was already handling them quickly, efficiently, and professionally. I dont think I could do that job. She pulled out one of the sandwiches, taking a large bite.
It was a heavy, whole grain bread with a sausage patty, fried eggs, chopped bacon, and a savory yellow sauce that tied it all together. Ohmy Im so glad that I found this place. It was quite good, to say the least.
She ate the sandwiches as she walked towards the work-yard, only pausing to take deep swigs from the jug of coffee. Each of the six masterpieces was varied, and the eatery's menu indicated at least two dozen more combinations to try. Shed liked the first one the most, so far, but she appreciated the variety more than she likely would have liked six sandwiches of the same type. I never considered the downside to eating so much. Im going to have to be careful to avoid becoming sick of certain foods.
She was just licking her fingers clean of the red sauce from the last treat when she arrived. Tala was quite glad to have eaten, and to be arriving at her first destination so early. Im getting into a good pattern. She grinned. The sun still wasnt up, on this autumn morning, and she was well into her tasks for the day.
True, shed paid a bit more for breakfast than shed planned, but it should mean less expensive breakfasts going forward. And I got the jug Id been hoping for, so... She shrugged. My budget can be flexible.
There were a couple of guards patrolling, but the work-yard was otherwise empty of people, and the guards didnt give her more than a cursory glance and slight bow. Her cargo-slots stood to one side, and she saw other groupings of cargo-slots and some of cargo wagons, which she assumed were for other Mages to empower for their own ventures. Were there others, before? Probably. She thought back and realized that, yes, there had often been other cargo items in the work-yards shed empowered cargo-slots in. Never really paid much attention, I suppose.
The guards moved on as she walked towards her task. I guess I look like I belong? She had no idea how they assessed possible threats. They could probably tell Im a Mage. Their bows lent weight to that assumption. Dealing with a Mage is likely above their paygrade.
Tala shrugged and smiled, a thought coming to her as she refocused on her purpose, there. I can divert into the cargo-slots.
She walked to the start of the line, right hand outstretched. Her gate was gushing into the magic starved void that she currently maintained around it.
It was a mild additional effort to interpose the mental construct and funnel the power through it as she touched the first charging panel, but it seemed to work well enough.
Every indicating symbol flared to life instantly, glowing fiercely in the early-morning dark.
It was too much power.
She snatched her hand back, allowing the void within her to fill, her eyes widening. Rusting, really?
Surprised, she thought back, remembering that shed been able to charge the cargo-slots the day before in mere seconds by shunting her full flow into each. Right.
Thankfully, she was able to see the cargo-slot bleeding off the excess power.
Then, she remembered the first time shed empowered cargo-slots of this type. Didnt it take nearly a minute? Theres no way Ive increased my flow-rate by sixty times, since then
That had been before she was using the mental construct. Wow, those really do make a difference. Hmmm I think it took around ten seconds per indicator, when I began using the mental construct.
More than anything, that spoke to the benefit of well-formed mental models for what she was doing. And my mental model has only gotten better, since then.
Tala forced herself to focus back on the present. She rebuilt the void, splitting the power further and sending a bit more than half of the power into Flow, just less than a quarter into her own body, and about a quarter into each cargo-slot as she tapped down the line. That should be just more than I used, yesterday.
Each cargo-slots three indicating symbols pulsed to full brightness after the touch, influx of power, and a couple of seconds. It wasnt instantaneous, but it didnt need to be. A smile grew, spreading across her face with every success.
She reached the end of the line, charging the last cargo-slot and almost laughing in delight. Yes!
Even so, she felt her grip on the power slipping and allowed the void around her gate to fill in, the flow of power drastically slowing. Good to know, splitting the flow further requires much more attention and lowers the time I can hold the void.
She felt a bit of a headache, but a swig of coffee seemed to help.
Splitting it three ways had lowered her time to just more than a minute. Her smile didnt fade, however. So, I can increase the difficulty by splitting the flow further, eh?
She stretched her arms upward, arching back and feeling her muscles respond happily to the motion. Well, Im way too early to go to the training yard for the class But, maybe theyd let her use a space, until they needed her? It was worth asking. Maybe the Constructionists are open? It was after seven in the morning. Ill drop through there, first.
That decided, she turned and strode towards the Constructionist Guild building that shed visited the day before, Terry happily sleeping on her shoulder.