Chapter 94: That’s A Bit Embarrassing

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 94: That’s A Bit Embarrassing

Tala and the four other Archons came back out into the entry hall, and Tala waved at her coffee acquirer. She really came through. The attendant gave her a hesitant smile and wave. I suppose I dampened her enthusiasm a bit.

Elnea led them down another passage. This one had a thick, deep-blue rug running the length. Paintings and tapestries hung evenly spaced down either side, most depicting some form of creature. They each seemed a bit embellished, as Tala thought she spotted a thunder bull that was depicted as wreathed in lightning.

Who knows, maybe if it had seen me coming?

There were obviously magical beings sprinkled among the arcanous, if her guesses were right. She saw a midnight fox, and in the company of the other images, it really sank in how minor that being really was. And it still nearly killed me.

Creatures of legend looked down on them as they walked down the hall: Dragons, griffins, silver wolves, titans, and many more.

Tala tried not to slow, but there was such artistry and detail that it was hard to keep up her pace.

At the end of the wide hall, two heavy, black, wooden doors stood open. They seemed to be bound in silver, with gold inlay in the shape of spell-forms.

Not just in the shape of; those are spell-forms. If her mage-sight was correct, when those doors were closed, an incredibly powerful barrier would be generated, just this side of the entryway. Assuming its powered by something. The magical shield made her think of Alefasts magical defenses, but on a much smaller scale. Its likely connected to the citys power matrix, just like all the lights.

They took the protection of their library seriously, it seemed.

When they passed through that entry, Tala found herself gawking, mouth open in unabashed awe.

Thousands of tomes filled the floor to ceiling shelving. Ladders were regularly scattered around the place, all on rails mounted to the shelves. The twenty-foot ceilings allowed for a lot of books per shelf.

All the wood was the same black as the doors, all the metal either bright silver or burnished gold.

The space wasnt a rectangle. Instead, it seemed constructed like a hedge-maze to maximize wall-space for shelving and nooks for reading and research spaces.

Attendants were moving through the space on silent, slippered feet, and Tala could see several people reading in the few nooks visible from the entrance.

Elnea gestured. The Bandfast, Archon Library, otherwise known as the Arcanum. Any attendant will assist you in finding whatever you are seeking and ensure the works you peruse are returned to their proper place afterwards. She gave them each a serious look. Bound are not permitted to remove any tome from the shelves. You must go through an attendant. Is that understood?

Rane, Lyn, and Tala each gave some form of verbal assent.

Good. She gave a half smile. In centuries past, we would simply inform new Archons of the library, but so few actually realized the extent of what was available to them that we changed our policy.

Grediv cleared his throat. You should be aware that Bandfast is known for having the most extensive physical library of the human cities. While its not the only source of these books, it is an incredibly convenient, central location. As an example of why, I can tell you that the Alefast Archon Council moved all but the most general texts here from our library, in preparation for Alefasts final waning.

Rane was nodding, he leaned closer to Lyn and Tala. Bandfast is the current hub of Archon activity. That is one reason Master Grediv wished me to visit.

Elnea had gestured, calling over four attendants. I suggest you become familiar with the process, even if you have no immediate subjects for research. One attendant approached each of the other Archons. I will leave you in their capable hands. Welcome, Archons, to the Bandfast Arcanum. She gave a half bow and departed.

Tala looked to Lyn and Rane; Grediv had already departed with his attendant. Meet at Lyns house, tonight?

They each nodded in agreement and turned towards their individual attendants, separating and moving to places with a bit better sound insulation and privacy.

Tala regarded the magically inert young woman who stood to one side, waiting for her. The young-looking woman wore a simple, clean, undyed linen Mages robe. Simple leather slippers peaked out from below the garment. Her auburn hair was held up in a simple bun. If she had spell-lines on her visible skin, they were hidden in some manner or blended too seamlessly with her already somewhat silver skin. Is that natural?

Though she looked to be just younger than Lyn looked, Tala guessed that the woman was much older. I really should stop thinking I can guess peoples ages

Youre an Archon.

The woman quirked a smile. Yes, Mistress. How can I assist you, today?

You could wipe me from existence. Why would you assist a new-raised Archon like me?

She seemed to consider for a moment before her smile became mischievous. The truth?

That would be nice.

Im serving the books and knowledge by protecting them from you.

Tala hesitated for a moment, then barked a laugh. She immediately covered her mouth in embarrassment but couldnt help but smile. After a moment, she lowered her hand. That, she grinned widely, that I can believe. Im Tala.

A pleasure to meet you, Mistress Tala. I am Ingrit.

Thank you for your honesty, Mistress Ingrit.

I am a lover of knowledge. Lies aredistasteful. She scrunched her face exactly as if shed eaten something unpleasant.

I couldnt agree more.

Ingrit glanced towards Terry. Shall your companion wait outside, or can he be trusted not to cause issue?

Tala looked at Terry. You going to behave?

Terry opened his mouth expectantly, and Tala rolled her eyes, tossing a bit of meat to one side.

Ingrits eyes widened in horror and anger, but as her gaze followed the moving bit of meat, she froze. The jerky was gone. Her eyes narrowed. I didnt see any movement.

Tala shrugged. Hes quick.

Ingrit opened her mouth, probably to inquire further, but then she paused, shaking her head. No, we are not here to satisfy my curiosity at this time. How can we assist you, here and now? She seemed to keep a closer eye on Terry after that, though.

What services does the Arcanum offer? I can see the books, but I suspect that there is more available than simply an extensive reading collection.

You are correct, Mistress. Ingrit turned and began walking. Tala followed so as to not be left behind. On the simple side, we offer assistance in researching any unrestricted topic, or outright answering such queries. We do not force our librarians to work on any project, but our interests are varied enough that it is rare for an Archon to wish to research something without at least one of us wanting to assist. More often than not, we have to figure out which of those who are interested will get the honor. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with unspoken mirth.

Ill bet you get any topic you want That brought to mind a bit of a silly topic, but Tala thought she might as well ask. What do the cooks have in their chuckwagons?

Ingrit regarded her for a long moment. Then, she sighed. Sadly, we are forbidden from investigating that. As part of the inter-Guild agreements, chuckwagons are inviolable, and if any Mage is ever allowed inside, as does happen occasionally, they are not permitted to poke about.

Inter-Guild agreements? She thought for a moment, then started to nod. Right, everything involves at least a couple of guilds. There would have to be ground rules and basic strictures.

Ingrit simply nodded.

Is the Order of the Harvest so widespread that that is a portion of the negotiated secrecy? That was pretty likely, if she considered it. I might actually be able to learn, then

Ingrit gave Tala a searching look. You know something?

I think so.

Ingrit shook her head, a half-grimace curling one side of her lips. I wish I could ask, but as I am a node of the Archive, it would be a violation for me to allow you to tell me, even unprompted. She sighed. Such follies are sometimes the bedrock of civilization, unfortunately.

Indentures rusting terrible, alright. Well, then. Techniques for the fusing of body and soul?

That is forbidden material for one of your rank, though I can give you one hint, to add to the other youve received.

Ingrit grimaced. Well, it can, but youre heading towards the correct answer.

Well, obviously Material Mages can create and destroy Itsgone?

Its temporarily shifted, dimensionally, towards magical power. Ingrit paused for a moment, then tsked. I cannot give you a sufficient grounding in the theory needed to properly answer this part of the questionYouve encountered incorporators, correct?

Of course.

What do they do?

They bend power into creating matter, temporarily.

Exactly! She hesitated. Well, not exactly, but close enough. The use of inscriptions does the opposite to precious metals.

It bends them into Talas eyes widened. Temporary power.

More or less, yes. Then, they return to their base state.

So after I cast, sometime later, a bit of gold just seems to appear where I was standing?

Ingrit shrugged. If it wasnt interfered with? Yes. Such is miniscule, only a few atoms at a time, under usual circumstances, but it adds up. She smiled widely. One of the great innovations were the gathering scripts. Decades before the renewed founding of each city, and as a final script laid at the end of each waning, the Builders lay out and activate a network of Material Guiding spell-forms, which draw that metal, while it is in flux, into the ground around cities. Specifically, into where the mining districts will be. It has the added benefit of drawing in surrounding precious metal as well, even drawing it up from the core, over time. Thus, we lose very little metal, in the end, and actually gain over each cycle. This citys gathering scripts are only now, finally nearing the end of their current cycle. They will be refreshed in just less than two centuries, when Bandfasts waning is at an end.

And we empower such scripts around waning cities in preparation for the next time we use that location for a city?

Precisely. The ambient magic at the end of a waning is perfect for empowering a surge of effort to draw materials up from lower in the worlds structure and to lay the groundwork for a future city. She nodded. All that is required, then, is to wait for the ambient magic of the area to return to normal, and it is ready for a new citys foundations.

Tala felt like she was a bit inundated with all the information that Ingrit had given her. So much for a simple question She had a thousand more questions, based on what the woman had told her, but she couldnt process it all, not yet. Simpler questions. Sois there a list somewhere of all the metals and alloys, which can be used for inscriptions and spell-forms?

Unfortunately, that is proprietary information, locked to the Constructionist and Inscribers Guilds. She gave a small, sad smile.

Alright, then. I think I have a few simpler questions.

* * *

An hour later, she decided to let Ingrit free. Even though the older Archon had shown nothing but kindness and patience, Tala was beginning to feel bad about dominating her time. Ill be back, though. After Ive had time to collect my thoughts and gather better questions.

Tala now knew the rates for using the various experimentation rooms: Expensive; how many of her current inquiries were beyond her current rank for easy answer: Most; and which of her remaining inquires she should bring to the Constructionists: The rest.

It was a bit disappointing, if she was honest, but she knew it wasnt really Ingrits fault.

Shed also gotten a brief tour of the library, which was vastly more extensive than shed expected. As it turned out, there were nearly thirty million books, two thirds of those being duplicates, so that the library was never without any given title, even discounting those held magically in the Archive.

It was a staggering number. Ingrit had explained that the works contained were of all sorts, including personal journals dating back to the first city, scholarly works delving into various subjects, and a few fictions, which were determined to contain enough fact or cultural relevance to be meticulously maintained.

To contain all those volumes, the library was an astonishing fifteen stories, each one larger than the one above as they descended into the ground. The lowest level was mostly the experimentation chambers, and other similarly dangerous or critical rooms.

In addition to the physical copies of each book, every work was available through the Archive, and as an Archon, Tala could now purchase a slate that would grant access to many of the works, restricted, of course, by her rank and guild-affiliation, or lack thereof.

They were too expensive for Tala to contemplate at the moment.

She was too fiscally wise to waste her precious coin on such luxuries at this time.

She didnt give the acquisition of such a second thought.


Not at all.

I cant afford it anyways

On the positive side, there were publicly available slates, which could be rented for a small fee: 1 ounce, silver, per hour. Small fee. Ha! Thats my budget for a meal.

Tala bid the librarian good-day and smiled at the womans well-wishes in return. She lingered in her walk back down the passage, towards the front hall. She did her best not to gawk, but the creatures depicted were just so fascinating.

As such, it was almost sunset when she finally emerged from the Archons facility once more. She basked in the cool, autumn breeze, and reveled in the sight of the pastel sky.

You did it. Youre an Archon. Tala grinned.

Terry stirred in his place on her shoulder, looking up at the sky as well. Tala glanced his way, noticing that he had a bit of a forlorn look. Missing the wilds, the open space?

He gave her a long look, then a small bob of his head.

Just a bit, eh?

He bobbed more firmly.

I can understand that. Well get back on the road, soon. Lyns supposed to get us an out and back contract in about a week, so well be able to stretch our legs.

He bumped her with his head.

Tala grinned back at Terry. Thank you for backing me up in there. She pulled out a big hunk of pork belly. I know its not jerky, but want some?

Terry quickly, and precisely, snatched the meat from her fingers, not even brushing her skin.

Id hoped youd like that. You tried some during the banquet, right?

He gave her a searching look, then bobbed a nod.

Good. Want some jerky, too?

He shifted happily, and she tossed out a chunk. She barely registered the flicker of him claiming it.

You really are something. And I really should ask Brand what spice mix he used for this jerky. Terry has a favorite, it seems.

The last couple of days, since she woke up, had been crazy, and even before shed worked herself into unconsciousness, shed barely had a moments rest. Ive not seen Gretel since I regained consciousness. Her meat pies would be perfect for dinner. I should get Rane and Lyn, first. It would be rude to go without them.

That decided, Tala walked towards Lyns house, eating what would be a healthy dinner for anyone else from her banquet loot on the way.

Things are looking up. I should be able to pay my debt off without issue, and much faster than Id hoped.

Her debt.

Her first payment.

Her eyes went wide. Oh, RUST!