Chapter 123: Shift

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 123: Shift

Tala and Rane were both drenched in sweat, by the time theyd fought a few bouts.

The winner was never in question; Rane still greatly outclassed Tala in terms of both skill and experience, and her strength, speed, and enhanced perception just werent enough to close that gap. For now.

When afternoon was nearing its end, Tala called a halt. I need to drop through the Constructionist Guild for an item melding.

Oh? Can I accompany you? I still do have some things Id like to discuss now that weve sparred.

Tala thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. Sure, I dont see why not. I just need to get cleaned up first. She pulled out Kit and opened it on the floor.

Rane nodded and stretched. Theres a shower available with the renting of this training arena. Ill take advantage of that and meet you back here in twenty minutes?

That sounds like a plan. After she climbed down into Kit, she hesitated before speaking to herself, Ive got to do this eventually.

Before she could talk herself out of it, she pulled the pouch closed, with herself inside.

I dont want you running out of power, while Im in here. She immediately topped Kit off. Somehow, that made her feel a bit less nervous.

For some unknown reason, as Tala was finishing up her cleansing, Kit began using an odd amount of power. Thankfully, Tala noticed so it was trivial to keep the pouch topped off. Maybe my being in here, while its closed, takes more energy?

Tala was quick to finish up her ablutions, but Rane was still waiting for her when she opened Kit and climbed back out.

Were you waiting long?

No, just a couple of minutes. He looked a bitguilty?

What happened. Her inflection removed the question; she knew hed done something.

Rane grinned self-consciously. Well, I was curious if I could move your dimensional storage.

Tala narrowed her eyes. What would you have done with it, if you could?

Nothing! He held up his hands. I just thought it would be good to see if it could be moved.

She drew her lips into a firm line. Fine. So?

Well, it kept slipping from my grip. I couldnt get ahold on it. Even trying to scoop it up, he made a bowl with his two large hands, I couldnt budge it by more than a couple of inches. It behaved like water. He shook his head. No, Ive scooped up water that was easier to contain. In magical terms, its dimensionality was utterly pliant towards the goal of staying where you set it.

Tala was nodding. So, thats why I kept having to add power to it.

You were filling it, while inside it?

It was hungry. She shrugged.

Master Grediv always He trailed off. You know what, it doesnt matter. Your way works for you. He smiled. So, shall we go?


The avian flickered to her shoulder.

She nodded and smiled. Lets go. Theyd walked a short way from the training facility when Tala turned to Rane and broke the companionable silence. So?

So, what?

What did you want to tell me?

Oh! He grinned. I maxed out my Archon star and have begun Fusing. He positively beamed.

She smiled in return, genuinely happy for him. Hey! Thats great, Master Rane. Ive begun Fusing as well.

Ranes expression hitched. Oh you did? He recovered quickly. I didnt think you were working towards that, yet, but thats great! Then, a frown stole over his features. Why didnt you tell me?

She smiled and shrugged. I hadnt really had a chance, as I figured it out last night. She couldnt keep the smile from her face. I know how to move towards Fused, now. I just need to take the time to do it. It wont be fast, and Ill have to devote time to doing it right.

Rane frowned. Figured it out? Done right? All you do is dump power into the Archon star, thickening and strengthening the bond. It was the first thing I tried, and it worked just fine. Once I filled out my Archon star, I bumped over the hurdle, and now, Im moving towards Fused with every moment, with every extra bit of power I can spare.

Um no? Archon stars can only take so much power. I hit that ceiling before I used it to become Bound.

He nodded. Of course. Before it is integrated into you, it can only be sustained with so much magic. But after? It can soak up an ocean of power.

Tala groaned, scratching furiously at her forehead. Are you kidding me? I didnt even think to try that

Rane gave her a quizzical look. What did you do?

Im stitching my physical and spiritual selves together, using the Archon star as a tool and my gates power as the thread.

He simply stared at her, blinking in confusion.

Master Grediv said Id already done something relating to fusing with my items. She gestured to her elk-leathers. I bound them together spiritually. She grimaced in frustration. Then, some of the Constructionist Refined referenced the same spell-form in regard to fusing with a familiar.

So, naturally, you thought you should do that.

It was worth a try, and it worked! She grunted in irritation. I need to thinkLets just walk quietly for a bit.


* * *

There were two pleasant dings from the back of the Constructionist Guild when Tala and Rane entered.

Jevin strode out. Well, Im glad you got some sleep. He glanced to Rane. A new friend? Im Jevin.

Rane was standing, mouth open. MasterJevin?

Jevin smiled. Yes. And you are?

Rane was coloring deeply, so Tala came to his rescue. This is Master Rane.

Master Rane? Jevin frowned for a moment, then broke into a wide smile. Oh! Youre Master Gredivs boy, his apprentice. Thats right! I saw the announcement of your elevation. Congratulations.

Rane swallowed. Thank you. Thank you, sir.

Tala frowned at Rane. Whats wrong with you? Youre acting strange.

Rane cleared his throat. Master Jevin is one of the foremost Constructionists on He shook his head. No, hes one of the foremost Constructionists, full stop.

Tala looked back and forth between the two men. Thats great! Now, Master Jevin, are you ready?

Rane turned towards her, eyes wide. Hes the one assisting with the merging?


She nodded. Lets do this, then.

Jevin took out a small pouch that Tala recognized. My Mage gold. The Paragon seemed to have reformed the gold into near perfect spheres; their only defects being a single flat spot on one side of each. He placed down the small lumps with what seemed to be careful deliberation, though Tala couldnt tell why he chose to place each one where he did.

There. He contemplated the whole. In looking at this, now, I believe that all of the Mage gold will be used, but it wont make the process less costly, it will just catalyze the merging more efficiently, allowing for a better merging. The cost will still be four gold, for which youve already paid that Leshkin weaponry. Is that still acceptable?

Tala hesitated for just an instant, before nodding. That is acceptable.

Jevin smiled, moving to sit in the small, connected circle prepared for him. With practiced motions, he reached out, placing his hands on perfectly sized imprints on the floor to either side of him. The threads of power seemed to collect, moving across his skin until they all seemed to originate from his hands, flowing into the stone. His gate opened wide; the power flowing outward became a flood; and Talas mage-sight was instantly overwhelmed by a wave of utterly pure magic.

Her vision went white as a torrent of magic slammed into the knife and, through it, into her.

* * *

She was outside herself, without form, looking into a white void.

It wasnt bright; it wasnt dim; it simply was, and it was white.

An instant, or perhaps a decade, passed without anything violating the purity of the void.

Then, before her bodyless gaze, a scene unfolded.

This was not like the previous two ventures into this void. Instead of simply seeing a version of herself, Tala was presented with a tableau.

A Mage streaked through the air on powerful, black wings, a long glaive held in both hands.

The weapon was near black, and blood flowed along its length.

The Mage pivoted with ease, diving back down upon a sea of enemies, reaping lives by the score.

Dont let the knife change me. More than that, though, Tala somehow knew that the wings would always be out, and she would never again be truly comfortable on the ground.

This Mage was not her.

The vision shifted.

Vines shot forth from the Archon, as she strode through a pack of wolves.

Each beast was captured and pinned to the ground, then easily dispatched by a flick of her sword.

Thats more like it! If I can get restraining abilities from this merging, I can get rid of those scripts and-

Her thoughts cut off as the Archon turned, giving Tala a look at the other womans face.

Her eyes were empty, bottomless pits of hunger and hate. She was little more than a Leshkin.

Andno. Tala sighed. This Archon was not her, either.

The vision shifted.

Feathers, blood, and rage.


Inhuman thirst for destruction, and the slow crush of powerful roots.




Tala could not have said how many versions shed seen and discarded, but she was beginning to despair. Everything she was being shown was so inhuman as to be entirely unacceptable.

I dont want to change me.

Shed spoken mainly from frustration, but the void shuddered.


Tala fought through an ever-shifting army, Flow in her hand, its form altering smoothly between knife, sword, and glaive.

The knife and sword forms were almost exactly as she currently knew them. The only difference she could discern was from the hints she got of the handles. Those revealed that the hilts were wooden in texture, now, instead of seeming like stone.

The glaive was, as expected, entirely new.

The wide, sword-like blade was just as the blade of Flows sword form if a bit shorter. A brilliant haze of heat filled the outline, just as it did for the sword form, and that cauterized the insides of her enemies with every strike.

The shaft of the large polearm was a dark wood with flecks of gold and spirals of wire embedded throughout.

The weapon flexed as she wanted, while holding strong at need.

Moreover, just as Jevin had suggested, there was a weight to all forms of the weapon. Those she struck were driven back. The pieces she severed were sent flying, and the occasional opponent that managed to block her was clearly shaken even by the intercepted blow.

She approached the last manifestation and indicated acceptance.

Power shattered through her and the knife; her very-self felt as if it was being scraped raw.

* * *

Her vision splintered back into normal sight, and she found herself sitting cross-legged on the smooth floor of the room, knife resting in her open palms.

All traces of the glaive and spell-forms were gone, and Jevin was standing over her. Terry and Rane were still waiting in their corner.

Success? Jevin was examining her with his mage-sight, and after a moment, he seemed satisfied.

I think so. How long does that take, anyways? Ive never asked.

For us, there is a bright flash of light, then it is done. A couple of seconds later, you return to consciousness.

Thats all? It feels like a lot longer.

Thats all. He smiled, holding out his hand to help her up. You are making your choice, and having it enacted upon you, at the speed of the soul.

Tala took his offered help, coming to her feet, Flow in hand. Thank you.

I am happy to have been able to help.The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.