Chapter 280: Mine is Secure

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 280: Mine is Secure

Tala watched in fascination as Kit seemed to claim every offered magical item in the room, containment crates and all.

If she had to put words to what she was seeing, she would have said that it appeared like limbs of power reached out towards the presented objects. Each limb was an unnatural amalgamation, seeming like fur-covered limbs with far too many joints, but made out of power rather than flesh and fur.

Every limb ended in a sort of hand-like paw, and each reached its crate at the same time, latched on in one motion, and pulled.

With a stretching and distortion of the entire room, every single crate vanished along with their contents. Several other things seemed to have been pulled in at the same time, including the papers and knick-knacks from the top of the half-wall and Master Queues right shoe.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.



Why had Kit taken things beyond the crates?

Mistress Elnea was staring, wide-eyed, at what seemed to be readouts on the slate in her hand, seemingly utterly fascinated by what she was seeing.

Master Boma was panting and sweating, red-faced and wide-eyed. His hands were spread, and Tala could sense power on the edge of being released to defend the Archon, but it hadnt been needed.

Master Queue had his eyes closed tightly, his face drained of color. Even so, he similarly was sheathed in not-quite-released power.

Tala well, she wasnt really surprised if she took the time to consider it.

That was a bit more dramatic than I was expecting.

-To be fair, Kit is likely much more powerful than the last time we presented it with something this small.-

That was true enough. Kit had devoured whole holds in a matter of minutes, what was a few crates? Come on, Kit. That wasnt very nice. Were trying to help you, and you took everything, including more than you were actually offered.

There was a ripple and Master Queues shoe was suddenly sitting beside the pouch.

Tala sighed, walking forward to pick up the pouch and the shoe, hanging the first on her belt and moving to give the second back to its owner. As she did so, Tala continued speaking to Kit, Well, thank you for returning that, at least.

The pouch did not respond.

Master Queue opened his eyes and hesitantly took his shoe. Thankhe swallowed, then licked his lipsThank you.

She smiled in return. Sure. Thank you as well. Tala glanced towards the other woman. Mistress Elnea, was that successful?

The woman nodded without looking up. Yes, very much so. More than just the raw number, it seems like the various methods of stability have been drawn in and incorporated. This is fascinating.

-Tala, we might have a financial issue.-


-They had offered the contents of one of those crates as a courtesy to repair Kit after the tour we offered. Those that Mistress Elnea brought were a gift, but Kit still took dozens of times the value of what the two Constructionists received.-

Tala had a bad feeling about that. How much?

-Each crate was apparently worth a couple of hundred gold.-

She cursed internally. Come on, Kit!

She decided to get in front of the issue. Masters. The value of the crates?

The two men looked towards her, and they both grimaced. It was Master Queue who spoke first, Yes, that is unfortunate. But I believe that there is much from your time away that is of interest to us. Master Boma?

The other man nodded. You have a habit of taking a bit more than is offered, but in this case, the fault wasnt yours. I would be grateful for an equivalent exchange. The man gave a slight smile. May we have the crates back?

It was Mistress Elnea who responded, They are gone as well, fully absorbed and incorporated. If I had to guess Then the woman shook her head. No, I wont guess. Mistress Tala?


May I examine your sanctum from the inside?

Toward what end?

The woman smiled with obvious, passionate interest. To learn, of course. This is fascinating, and unlike any other artifact Ive ever encountered. I would say that is likely due to the fact that its come about from a union of natural artifacts, human magics, and arcane efforts. I dont know that there are many items of any kind with such a pedigree.

That made a lot of sense, actually. Alright, so long as you share everything you learn with me. Her eyes hardened, and Tala felt a little of her persona as an Eskau slip out. I do mean everything, Mistress. Please do not test me on this. I want no secrets, and nothing hidden.

The woman had glanced up for the answer to her query, and her eyes widened slightly, more in surprise than alarm, but it was there.

Tala only noticed because of her enhanced senses and Alats ability to easily compare memories to the current moment.

Mistress Elnea nodded slowly, seeming to consider. I Yes, of course. It is your sanctum. I will share all findings with you.

Then, that sounds quite workable.

An uncomfortable silence started to fall over the room, and Tala realized that under her through-spike, iron had started to climb over her skin.


She put a stop to that instantly. She didnt need to make her condition worse with increased resonance, especially not in a situation where she wasnt even in danger.

Well. Master Boma clapped his hands. All accounted for, that was easier than expected. I imagine we all have much to do, yes?

They all nodded, an air of uncertainty still heavy in the room.

Tala blinked. That must have been massively expensive. This place is huge, compared to most human dimensional storage spaces. Thank you for providing so much of the silk.

Mistress Elnea shook her head. No, I only brought a few skeins. It was not a large crate after all. Most of this seems to have been fabricated off that template and incorporated into the natural magics of the space. That is whats impressive to me.

Thats incredible. Tala repeated herself but found that she didnt really mind. Kit can replicate magical structures and methodologies?

-I mean, we havent seen Kit do it before now, but it seems like the answer is fairly obvious.-

You have no idea just how amazing this is. The older woman gestured vaguely around herself. This really is a creature. That is exactly what wed expect from a merging of magical materials with a sentient thing, rather than a construct or artifact. Your sanctum is alive.

The womans words were full of wonder, as if she hadnt really believed it until that very moment.

This changes so much. I dont know how youve come to an understanding with this being, but the implications and applications are practically endless. I hope that we can find more of these, and replicate your process, one way or another.

Tala was open to trying. So, what next?

The womans eyes practically sparkled. Before we do anything else, I have so many measurements to take.

Tala smiled in return, more excited for the result than the process. Do you need me in here with you?

Hmm? No, no. Ill just move throughout if thats acceptable to you.

Absolutely. Make yourself at home. Do you want me to keep Kit anchored in the Constructionists compound?

She waved her hand at that. No, no. Youre welcome to go about your day. Ill reach out to you through the Archive when I wish to leave. I can take the founts from you, then?

Tala only hesitated for a moment before nodding. That sounds workable, thank you.

No, Mistress Tala. Thank you. With an almost girlish giggle, the Head of the Bandfast Archon Council set off, pulling more and more magical devices out of her own dimensional storage.

Well, Ill be interested to learn what she finds out. It should be fascinating.

-So it seems.-

Tala exited Kit and pulled the door from the wall, hanging it on her belt in the form of a pouch.

Shes in there with all my things That shouldnt bother Tala. There was no real way for the woman to steal from herTala somehow knew that Kit would move things out of reach if anyone tried to take things without her permissionand she shouldnt have any motivation to do so.

Still, Tala opened Kit and pulled out the bars of white metal one after another.

-Tala, you have a lot of those.-

Even so, Tala wielded the void-aspects of her elk leathers, absorbing the ingots, one after another.

Somewhat to her surprise, the elk leathers took it all with relative ease, she was even able to somewhat sense the reserve of magical metal, much like she could sense her iron. Though, the sense was more distant, like being able to see how heavy a friends pack was by how they moved, compared to how easily she could feel her own packs weight.

Not that I will likely need to use a pack ever again.

The magical load from her elk leathers had increased with every ingot absorbed, but it was still well within her ability to sustain, even alongside Kits newfound power requirement.

She also knew from experience that she could remove the metal from the soulbound item later if she wished. Or I can fabricate more with the machine in the underground room.

Even with the most valuable and easily stolen resource secreted away, she felt an itch and reached for it within Kit.

There was something still within Kit that a large part of her didnt want to risk losing.

She came out with a handful of iron bits, some stolen from the House of the Rising Sun, and others were bits left over from the construction of the sanctums structures.

With an easy pull, she absorbed the iron, letting the carbon and other trace minerals fall to the ground.

That complete, Tala let out a satisfied breath. There, whats mine is secure.

-Are you sure that youre okay?-

You know Im not, but Im learning.

-To Mistress Hollys? We promised Rane that wed meet him there.-

Ahh, right! Yes, lets go.

As she stepped out past the massive iron doors, she felt something settle upon her.

Whether watching Kit had made her more sensitiveor her paranoia was just at a high pointshe felt the sway of the citys magics settle down upon her. Any fragments of power that left her were subjected to cleansing workings and drawn away to the power matrices of the city.

Oh, thats thats unpleasant. She checked her memory and found that she had memory of this feeling before, but like the clothes on her back, if she didnt think to focus on the feeling, she didnt notice it.

Great, now I can feel my clothing

-Well, that ones on you.-


Tala passed back out of the Constructionists guildhall, bidding Master Srip goodbye on her way by.

The Mage bid her good day, and Tala was back out in the cool of the winters day.

Just as before, Tala didnt rush on her way through the city. She took her time walking to Mistress Hollys workshop, letting her feet lead her on a roundabout route, simply enjoying the freedom to go where she wished, how she wished.

Even so, it was a relatively short walk to the inscribers shop, and Tala stepped into the warmth before she really realized that shed arrived.