Chapter 317: Family

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 317: Family

Tala sat bolt upright as she felt someone knocking on her door.

Well, she felt someone knocking on Kit's door.

The knocking was transmitted to her via two methods.

First, it came to her as an odd vibration in her magic where it resonated with the power within Kit. That point was quite close to her gate, and thus it was very startling to feel it vibrate.

Second, she felt like she could hear it, as Kit transferred the soundwaves to her vicinity whenever something like this happened. Even so, with her ears completely covered, it wasnt really the same as hearing it directly. Kit couldnt transmit the sound past her iron layers, after all.

With a quick flex of will, she mirrored her perspective to her bloodstars which were arranged around the bed.

She took in the overlapping perspectives with no little confusion, seeing that it was fully dark and the night sky of her sanctum was still shining down outside her window.

What time is it?nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

-About two hours past midnight.-

Who is up at this hour?

-Well we are, now.-

Not helpful How long were we asleep?

-We only laid down about two hours ago.-

The knocking came again.

Tala pulled the iron from her eyes and mouth even as she sighed and called the door to herself, causing it to appear beside her and swing open.

Yes? Over the last weeks, Tala had taken to leaving Kit on the front door of her familys alchemist shop. From the way the knocking came through, the person was knocking on the inside of the door.

Kit wouldnt have notified her if someone was knocking on the outside. The alchemy shop, and Master Leighis healing establishment connected to it, often got late night visitors, and the Archon had set up magical relays to notify himself and the master Alchemists in those cases.

At her command, the door swung open, showing the dark interior of the alchemy shops front room and a little girl standing there, her hand raised to knock once again.

Sella? Whats going on? Tala frowned, swinging her feet out of bed. Is she alright?

-I dont see any injuries, and she doesnt look afraid.-

What has her out of bed, then?

The little girl brought her upraised hand to her face, rubbing at one eye, I tired.

Tala hesitated. Yes?

I wan sleep. Her posture was one of near-petulance as if someone was denying her that which she most desired.

Tala was quite confused. Why would the little girl have gotten out of her own bed and come to Tala, simply to tell Tala that she was tired and needed to sleep? Sella, its the middle of the night. Whats going on? Why arent you in your own bed, asleep?

Sella walked with slightly unsteady steps through the open door and scrambled as she climbed up into Talas bed, dragging a blanket behind her. I tired.

Tala gave her youngest sister a confused smile. Yes, Sella, you need to go to bed and sleep.

She laid a hand on the little girls forehead, then cheek. No fever that I can tell. No hostile magics.

Just like I was asleep in my own bed before you knocked. She gently teased, with the barest hint of a smirk.

The little girl patted her new seat proudly. Bed. Sleep.

This is my bed, yes. This is where I was asleep. Tala felt herself smiling, even while she was incredibly confused.

To be fair, when shed dealt with her younger siblings before, back when she lived with them, theyd all essentially been in the same room. It was also different because shed been a lot younger at the time. Those two thingsand many otherstogether meant this sort of interaction wasnt something she had a basis for.

She felt completely out of her depth.

Sella seemed to want to come to the rescue, however. You tired?

Somewhat, yes. I dont need much sleep, but I do sleep.

I tired.

Tala felt her mouth twitch as her mind continued to fill with a befuddling mix of amusement and frustration. Yes, thats why we both need to go to bed.

Sella laid on her side, pulling her blanket over herself even as she patted the surface below herself. Bed. Sleep. You and me.

Tala took a long breath to level her emotions, fighting to keep a smile off of her own face. Be strong. Dont let cuteness rule. You need to go to your own bed, Sella.

Sella shook her head, fiercely, No. I sleep.

Sella. Tala found herself rubbing at her temples while continuing to fight a smile. How is she so frustrating and endearing at the same time?

-Shes a child? Its sort of what they do.-

Sella pulled the blanket a bit higher, snuggling down. I sleep you!



Little one, you need to

Pease! Her little voice was filled with vigor and frustration. I sleep bed. I tired.

Tala was at a loss. Sella, you cant sleep in my bed. You know the house rules: Everyone is to sleep in their own bed, unless they are sick or injured.

She scooped up the girl with ease, hugging her close and carrying her through the still open door.

Lets get you back in bed, little one.

Sella curled inward, huddling against Tala and pulling her blanket up after her. I tired.

I know, Sella. I know. Tala was now openly smiling despite herself, unable to contain it now that the little girl had no hope of seeing it. Thats why we need to get you to bed.

She walked the familiar path through the alchemy shop, toward the girls room upstairs.

Her feet knew the way even though she hadnt come this far into the building since she had left for the Academy.

It hadnt changed much.

Her parents were creatures of habit and routine, as was required with so many children running around.

It was clean and well kept.

Anything else would lead to stress, frustration, and the beginnings of insanity.

The walls had been repainted and the floors seemed to have been redone, or at least resealed, in the nearly a decade since she was last here.

Even so, the stairs creaked in an achingly familiar way as she carried little Sella up them. Though, they were louder than they had been in her memory. I suppose I am older.

-And heavier.-

Thats true enough.

-And you have better hearing.-

Yes, Alat. As it turns out, theres a lot thats different.

She got up to the room with her charge and found the door open, the other girls sound asleep.

The doors to the boys room and their parents room were both closed.

Tala navigated the dark space with ease, her eyes capable of seeing in far less light than was in the darkened house.

She laid the little girl down in the bed that she had clearly vacated recently and tucked her in.

Tala returned her focus to Alva, who was in the process of asking about the food offered at the Academy again.

Tala found herself smiling as she once more went into the details of how tasty the food was, along with how closely they had to moderate and balance their intake with their exercising.

The Academy also paired it with strict coaching so that students didnt swing too far either way and maintained a healthy view of themselves.

Even so, a lot of it was moot until each student stopped growing. It was more important to have the proper nutrition to grow than to maintain a perfect balance of intake and usage.

Tala didnt go into all of the details, not by a long shot, but she did briefly hit the highlights.

It was still enough to fill the remainder of the time until they arrived at the teleportation tower.

Two older looking Mages met them just inside the doorway.

It was funny; looking back, Tala remembered being met by similarly old-appearing Mages, and she realized that they were actually just that: Mages, likely stalled out in their advancement. Even so, they were selected to meet with children heading off to the Academy because they had the appearance of being older and more distinguished.

Like convincing mundanes that a common bit of magic is special and difficult.

-I dont know of anything like that, actually.-

Well, no maybe some farmer convincing people that rotten meat or moldy cheese was a delicacy?

-Oh! Or some worthless, incredibly abundant creature is actually a sign of class, if eaten?-

Yeah, something like that has that happened?

-Probably. If so, I bet the thing is pretty disgusting-

The Mages both smiled at the children and bowed deeply to Tala. The woman, who stood in front of Dagan addressed her directly, deference still clear in her tone, Mistress, thank you for bringing these charges this far. We can take them from here.

Tala gave a slight nod back in return. Thank you for the offer, but I will accompany them until they depart.

The two exchanged a look, and the man spoke next. We do not want you to have to spend your valuable time in such a manner. I assure you, we are quite practiced in seeing off the future defenders of humanity.

She frowned, glancing at Dagan and Alva.

The two returned her looks with a mix of confusion, concern, and pleading.

Tala turned back to the two Mages and shook her head, Again, thank you, but I will be accompanying my siblings until they teleport away.

Siblings? The older woman glanced to the man, and they both bowed once again. My apologies, Mistress. We were told to expect the two Academy entrees, alone. We assumed that you had simply accompanied them after seeing that they were traveling alone through the city.

Oh Tala blinked a couple of times. I suppose that is an understandable assumption. Now that it is resolved, shall we proceed?

The five made their way through the tower, the Mages engaging Dagan and Alva in conversation, dispelling any trepidation and hesitation with obviously practiced ease.

Tala took the twins winter gear, tucking it into Kit as they pulled it off one piece at a time.

It wasnt a long walk before they arrived at a room with two teleportation circles inset side by side.

Simultaneous teleportation was fairly common when teleportation was used, since each circle could only take one person. Thus, the towers were set up to accommodate side-by-side activations in at least some of their main rooms.

Tala called out Terry, and he gave a goodbye snuggle to the twins before returning to Kit much to Talas confusion and the obvious relief of the Mages.

We need to talk with him.


Yeah, after.

All the human goodbyes had already been taken care of, save one.

Dagan and Alva tackled Tala almost in unison, hugging her tightly.

Tala returned the gesture carefully, ever cognizant of her own strength and their frailty.

-You know, theyre basically your height.-

Hush you. Be safe, you two. Have fun, make friends, learn all that you can.

We will, they returned, almost in unison.

Give Illie and Nalac my best, but dont feel like you need to attach yourselves to them. Make your own friends, find your own path.

They nodded against her.

Tala just stayed there, holding them for a long moment.

The Mages, for their part, didnt interrupt or hurry the process along in the slightest. While they hadnt expected anyone to be with the children this time, they were clearly experienced with Academy students saying goodbyes in the teleportation rooms.

Eventually, the twins pulled back.

Dagan smiled, Thank you for coming with us.

Alva nodded in agreement.

I was happy to.

Without another word, the two walked to their respective spots and let the Mages know they were ready.

Alva shifted slightly, looking to the older man beside her spot. How long will it take?

He smiled reassuringly. Ten seconds from when I say now until you depart, and you will arrive in the same instant.

Tala didnt think that was quite accurate, but she wasnt about to argue with the man in front of her siblings.


She felt the build up of power and waved. Messages are hard to get in and out of the Academy, but Ill try regardless.

Alva rolled her eyes and smiled, and Dagan shook his head as he responded, If you send anything, well respond.

Hey. Ill send something.

-Well, you mean I will.-

And you are me.

-True, true.-

Alva twitched her head in a way that immediately drew Talas attention, likely that had been the girls intention. With a mischievous smile, she spoke quickly and softly, We love you, Tala. Take care of yourself.

Before Tala could open her mouth to respond, the teleportation magics activated, and they were gone.

Oh, that tricky munchkin. She waited until they were about to vanish to say that.

-Because she didnt want you to be pressured to respond.-

I suppose

The Mages went through the process of prepping the room for the next teleportation without actually refilling the now-spent spell-forms.

It only took Tala a moment to notice that they were putzing.

When she oriented on them, they bowed yet again. The woman addressed her, Is there anything else that we can do to assist you, Mistress?

No, thank you. I will leave you to your work.

You are most kind. Thank you.

Without another word, Tala turned and left, heading back toward her other siblings as she tried to ignore the bit of tightness firmly lodged within her chest.

Theyll be alright.

-That they will.-