Chapter 378: Specifically Notorious

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 378: Specifically Notorious

Tala watched from the sidelines as Master Grediv slowly circled Adrill and Brandon within her sanctum.

They were all gathered on the sparring circle, though that was mainly for the wide, level, hard surface, not because anyone was going to fight.


Master Simon watched from off to one side as well, sitting in a chair that Tala had called into place for him.

She stood, feeling quite a bit nervous as to what the head of the local Archon Council would say.

Toward that end, she felt a bit miffed. After all, the circling was entirely unnecessary.

Tala could already feel the Paragons aura completely permeating the two men who he was examining.

They had absolutely no resistance to his investigation, not that they would have tried even if they could.

Just like almost anyone of a lower advancement, their bodiestheir aura and willsimply couldnt resist his authority even as it allowed him to analyze them to their very core.

What made it worse was that such couldnt even be felt by mundanes. They were as unaware as they were unable to resist.

-No, Tala. They arent mundanes anymore. Actually look.-

Tala changed her perspective, fully focusing on the two men rather than feeling pity for them and only watching Master Grediv.

Both Adrill and Brandon were visibly uncomfortable, but they were bearing up well.

They can feel a foreign authority claiming them?

That actually made sense. Their bodies now had some level of real power. Still not anywhere near enough to resist, but they were acclimating to the feel of magic and that came with intuitive senses.

And you know the magesight that they now have perpetually active, so long as they are within sufficient magical density to use it. Tala mentally chided herself for her surface level thinking.

-You are still seeing them as powerless victims and yourself as the perpetrator. That doesnt help anyone, them least of all.-

But they are victims, victims of an accident.

-Even if that were trueand theres a lot of room in that ifif either you or they focus on that, they will be harmed by the mindset.-

Tala grimaced, but a moments thought made it clear that Alat was correct. If she treated them as victims, then she would try to take charge of their recovery and that would strip them of their own agency. If they saw themselves as victims, then they would never seize their opportunities for themselves, and they would be beholden to her and her whims for a lot longer, if not forever.

Alright. What happened happened. We cant change that, but we can give them the tools to claim their own future.

-Thats the spirit.- Alat projected contented thoughts Talas way, and Tala found herself giving a small smile in return.

She still felt guilty, and she still felt like she needed to do something, but she wouldnt treat them as helpless victims.

After completing one final circle around the two, Master Grediv nodded and pulled his aura back, the two men instantly relaxing and seeming to deflate slightly without the Paragons authority filling them up.

Adrill straightened first, Brandon taking another moment to collect himself, So, Master Grediv? If it isnt impertinent to ask: What is your assessment of my son and myself?

Master Grediv grunted. Obviously human, even without gates.he quirked a smile while saying thatIt seems that the exceptions I added to the citys defenses can be removed.

Tala blanched internally. I did not think of that.

-Neither did I, and I really, really should have.- Alat seemed to contemplate for a moment. -You know what? We didnt think of it, because we perceive things very similarly to the citys defenses. The magic within them didnt strike us oddly, so there was no reason to think the city grid would be any different.-

So we subconsciously dismissed the issue?

-That seems likely.-This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

That seems like justification after the fact

-No way to know, now is there?-

We dont Archive our subconscious thoughts, do we. It wasnt a question.

-Do you want me to? I mean explicitly Archive them. Im sort of passively recording our mental state all the time, so we do have a record of sorts.-

Oh? So, we could look and see?

-Only if I were to simulate our entire mind, somehow, and then look at our deepest internal thoughts.-

maybe while Im asleep next?

Alat sighed. -Fine. I suppose it makes sense to find out if we really were that reckless, or if we just intuitively dismissed it as not being a concern.-

Thank you.

-Ill let you know if we were in error. If I say nothing, its because it is as I assumed.-

youre not just going to hide it?

-Absolutely not.-

Alright, I trust you.

Adrill and Brandon shared a look, clearly a bit concerned by Master Gredivs mention of the city defenses. Was that a concern?

The Paragon shrugged, but it was Master Simon who answered, No, it was not. I wouldnt have let you out of the sanctum if there had been a danger of that. He smiled. Remember the scans we did yesterday before you went home?

They nodded.

Tala nodded, smiling. She felt some pride that shed anticipated this need. Ive already reached out to an expert, and she was intrigued by the challenge.

He cocked an eyebrow, seeming genuinely surprised. Truly?

She shrugged. What can I say? Mistress Holly is nothing if not up for experimenting and learning something new about her craft.

* * *

Tala sat across from Adrill, Brandon, and Artia within her sanctum.

Specifically, they were in her sitting room, the sun casting the ethereal light of evening across the landscape.

The father and son were both drinking in power from the air around them, even as they took sips from their tea.

As their magesight and enhancement scripts used up power, their bodies were always at a deficit when compared to the air around them, which is what created the constant flow.

In time, they would learn to draw in power regardless of the relative densities, and if they were very lucky, they would be able to hold it in at higher densities than the air that surrounded them.

But humans were specifically notorious for being very bad at that.

Artias body held a misting of power from her own gate.

Her power made her body not naturally accept the power in the air around her. With training, she likely could draw it in and use it, but it would be unnatural in the extreme, not to mention harmful as well if it wasnt handled precisely properly.

Thus, she was left with just enough power to keep her healthier, make her a bit more robust, and extend her life just a touch.

It was the most basic advantage gated humans enjoyed over their gateless counterparts.

That bias had been reversed in a very real way, and their family had a lot of decisions to make.

Artia was sitting very straight-backed, regarding Tala warily.

Theyd collectively requested this meeting with Tala, after taking a couple of days for the three to consider it as a family.

Well, Mistress Tala, the first thing I want to say is this: Thank you for taking care of my boys. I dont know what I would have done if theyd both been taken from me like that, and the fact that you were able to help pull them back from the edge The older woman visibly swallowed, her eyes gaining a bit of a sheen with unshed tears, It hurts my heart to even consider it.

Tala nodded, still feeling guilty over the whole situation, but shed also had a couple of days in which to collect herself and sort out her thoughts. Of course, Artia. They were helping me when the condition came about. I just wish wed known to be wary beforehand.

Artia waved that off, My Adrill has never been healthier. Were well used to being more careful and mindful with his health after all, Brandons too.

Brandon smiled briefly at his mother.

I know that two days is hardly enough time, but a wife knows, and a mother too. They are better themselves. Adrills been up later, going through all his older notes finding new inspiration on projects he long abandoned, and still he wakes early, and I feel hes more energetic than ever.

Adrill cleared his throat, coloring slightly, but Artia moved on, not seeming to notice.

Brandon has jumped headfirst into an exercise program, and hes completely reshaping his routine. Its like hes suddenly doing all of the things he wanted to but never got around to.


Hush, Brandon. Mistress Tala needs to know the good thats already come about from this.

That quieted him down.

Tala nodded again, giving a tight smile. I am glad that it has turned out for the best.

Artias eyes hardened. Now, I didnt say that.

Tala opened her mouth to respond, confused, but Artia continued before she could.

Our dear Kedva is beside herself. Brandon explained some to her, and she has a good head on her shoulders, she knows what this means. She has to take this terrible gamble, or she suddenly is an awful match for my boy.

Brandons face had paled, but he didnt correct his mother.

You did not intend this, I accept that, but if she leaves him because of this, I will be very cross with you, Mistress Tala. The womans demeanor was hard and her eyes practically glittering with determination.

Tala swallowed, unable to put together the right words to respond.

Brandon took the need from her. Mother, if she decides to take the safe, sure road, that is Kedvas choice. I love her, and she loves me, but it still isnt an easy choice. I would think less of her if she just blindly jumped into danger with no consideration. She is actingand will actin wisdom, and I respect her more for that, regardless of her final decision.

That quieted Artia, the woman seeming to deflate, but after a moment, she continued, Then theres the matter of taking me from my husband.she closed her eyes for a moment before continuingWe have built our careers, our very lives, around working with artifacts. That means we are going to be in high density areas. I know we could go to another city and return things to normal, but we would effectively have to start over, then. No. As to staying here, in your sanctum, or another high density area? Well, I fully planned to outlive my Adrill, caring for him in his last days before spending mine with the grandkids.

Brandon colored at that, but Adrill simply smiled, this was clearly not a surprising plan to him.

Now, hes the one who will have to care for me as I age and become infirmed. Then, he will be alone when he is aged. Thats not fair to him. Thats not right. While the first years will just be a rebalancing of our effective agesI do know that Ive aged slower than he from my first breaththere remains more time to us both than is required for the scales to tip the other way.

Adrill placed his hand on her shoulder. Artia, we discussed this. There was always the possibility of illness, or the like. We are bound, you and I, and I wantand will haveno other. You are my wife, and I will be your husband, by your side, as long as we both shall live.

She turned to him. I know that, Adrill. That isnt the point. I had arranged my lifeour livesand planned to be your wife and with you until your death. This changes everything. I wont be there when you finally do grow old. Youll need me andher voice caught, but she closed her eyes for a brief moment before continuingYoull need me, and I wont be there anymore.

Tala really didnt know what to say, and though this wasnt surprising, she really didnt know why she was being told this explicitly.

As if shed read Talas thoughts, Artia turned back to the much younger woman. I tell you all this for one reason only.

Tala found herself leaning forward in anticipation, and when Artia didnt immediately continue, she prompted the older woman, Yes?

You owe me. You owe me, and I aim to collect. You will do your gilded best to teach me to be filled with magic so that I can be there for my husband for the rest of his life, do you hear me? Her voice was shaking near the end, but she held firm.

Tala nodded, If that is your wish, absolutely.

It is, unquestionably.

Then, lets get started.