Chapter 557

"In your own name? Are you talking to me on behalf of Yangmen?" Lin Yin asked calmly.

Over the phone, Zhao Chengqian was silent for a while and said, "it's true."

Lin Yin said, "you personally talk about cooperation with me? How much energy do you have in Dijing?"

"Yin Shao, I won't hide anything from you. It's no exaggeration to say that I'm alone, and I've got a Zhao family." Zhao Chengqian said positively, "I can't share Tianlong City, a cake that determines the pattern of imperial giants in the future."

"Together, you and I can easily take Tianlong city." Zhao Chengqian said slowly. "You account for the majority. I only need one third of an mu of land."

"I can at least guarantee you that if you want the Seven Star Group to get out of Dijing, you won't get any benefit in Tianlong city."

"Oh?" Lin Yin was very interested. "You have a lot of confidence. However, you can't get a third of Tianlong city just to drive out a seven-star group."

I have to say that Zhao Chengqian's words aroused his interest.

Zhao Chengqian always represents the Yang gate, and the power behind it should not be underestimated.

You know, at the beginning, the Gongsun family seized power internally, and there was also a Yang gate secretly arranged.

"Yin Shao, you and I are not secular people. There is no need to hide anything. I like the business of Tianlong city and am willing to help you. If you think it is not enough to deal with a seven star group, I can also deal with the Fusang people in imperial capital for you, and even suppress the Xu family for you." Zhao Chengqian said in a deep voice.

"Of course, it depends on how much interest you are willing to give."

Lin Yin smiled and said, "neither the Xu family nor the seven star group can put pressure on me. What's the matter with the Fusang people you said? What important information did you get from contacting several Fusang people in Huyi building that night?"

Obviously, Zhao Chengqian spoke straight to the point. He came prepared.

The Xu family and the Seven Star Group have already arranged that Ningke and Longyang are dealing with it. There is no big problem.

It's the palace nine of Fusang people. I haven't got a clue. In particular, the old man's poison must be solved by seizing Gong Jiu.

Zhao Chengqian said, "I already know the daily whereabouts of Fusang people. If there is no accident, I will soon find out the 'gong Jiu' you have been trying to find out.

"Do you know Gong Jiu?" Lin Yin's eyes became deep.

"Yin Shao, I fought with Gong Jiu before you. I know him very well. This Fusang man is not easy." Zhao Chengqian said solemnly, "if I guess correctly, what do you need on him? Is it an antidote?"

"You know too much?" Lin Yin said indifferently.

"Don't get me wrong. Yinshao, it's not difficult to infer these things. I've been watching the struggle between you and the Xu family. Later, I learned that the woman assassinated that night was from the Chu family in southern Yunnan. In addition, there was a rumor that old master Qi was seriously ill in Dijing. It's not difficult to guess." Zhao Chengqian said slowly.

"Now that I know the inside story, I will naturally participate." Zhao Chengqian said positively, "Yin Shao, you should believe my sincerity of cooperation. When you arrive at the Zhao family, I will give you the daily whereabouts and addresses of the two Dharma protectors around Gong Jiu."

Lin Yin has deep eyes and knows that Zhao Chengqian is throwing an olive branch.

Zhao Chengqian knows himself very well. Before the situation is settled, he seems to regard himself as the biggest overlord of Tianlong city. He wants to come to Tianlong city and say hello to himself in advance.

It's a little too considerate.

Lin Yin said, "I can let you occupy a place in Tianlong City, but if you want three points, you don't give enough chips."

"You're seven and I'm three. I can help. I'm sure it will satisfy you." Zhao Chengqian said confidently.

Zhao Chengqian has the final say that "the share of Tianlong city is decided by the Imperial General Chamber of Commerce, which has been hidden for some time." "I have several chips in my hand." there are also a couple of Sima's family's first-class families in Beijing. I can say what I can do.

"Do you know Gongsun Feitian?" Lin Yin asked.

Zhao Chengqian said, "he can be regarded as my subordinate. The chess piece of Yangmen in Gongsun's house."

"Yin Shao, I know the grudges between you and the Gongsun family. You ruined the layout of our Yangmen in the Gongsun family with your own hands." Zhao Chengqian said positively, "you went to the Gongsun family at that time, and there was chaos inside. That is, in the game of the Gongsun family, I had a fight with Gong Jiu."

"Therefore, I was very familiar with Gong Jiu. I didn't get some secret information until he appeared in the imperial capital and I stared at him."

Lin Yin has deep eyes and doesn't reply.

Zhao Chengqian is not simple.

As I speculated, the chaos of Gongsun family had something to do with Zhao Chengqian.

I just didn't expect Gong Jiu's gang to be involved.

He saved Gongsun Conglong and broke the game. Both of them failed in their calculations.

"How's it going? Yin Shao, you're seven and I'm three. It's easy for you and me to wipe out Tianlong city." Zhao Chengqian said, "I'll use Dijing's greatest strength to help you."

"Of course, you give me a way. I will also share a way with you." Zhao Chengqian said slowly.

"There's an opportunity for the Pei family in Jizhou to control this hidden family at one stroke. I don't know if you're interested?" Zhao Chengqian said in a deep voice. "To tell you the truth, I can't eat alone. If you participate, you will win."

Lin Yin was still thinking. Hearing Zhao Chengqian's words, he was immediately interested.

This is Zhao Chengqian's main play in finding himself.

Secular wealth industry, to tell the truth, is not attractive to him.

If he wants to recapture the Dragon mansion, he can't do it alone. He needs not only a strong enough foundation in the secular world, but also a strong enough hidden power.

"The matter of Pei family in Jizhou can't be settled until Dijing is settled. I can give you three points of interest in Tianlong City, depending on how much you can do." Lin Yin promised and showed his attitude.

"Good!" Zhao Chengqian said in a excited voice, "Yin Shao, just wait for my good news."

It seems that moving Lin Yin is a great good thing for Zhao Chengqian.


Lin Yin hung up the phone, leaned against the back seat of the car and closed her eyes.


In half an hour.

Chashan villa group.

This is the headquarters of the Zhao family in Dijing. The whole tea mountain is under the name of the Zhao family.

A treasure land with clouds and good wind and water.

Luxury and elegant villas were built on the hillside.

Hades parked his car outside the villa. Lin Yin got out of the car and entered Zhaojia villa with his negative hand.

At the gate of the villa, there are already rows of Zhao's children dressed up in extraordinary clothes, lined up on both sides, waiting for Lin Yin's arrival.

"Welcome young master Yin to the door!"

The moment Lin Yin stepped in, everyone lowered their heads and spoke respectfully. The scene was very spectacular.


A dignified middle-aged man raised his hand and respectfully invited Lin Yin into the Zhao family's big house.