Chapter 332 Unveiling Secret

Chapter 332 Unveiling Secret

?Listening to the two arguing with each other, Daniel caught the key message: the reason why the Hightower had sent people to hunt him down is because of Vlad's actions in Europe. They need to kill him or show those protestors that they are still in control.

"I could let you off the hook, along with your boss and your comrade this time... but you must agree to answer some of my questions," said Daniel.

Echo-3 warily looked at Daniel. He still didn't trust him, but then, when he seriously thought about it, he didn't have a choice either. Since Daniel is stronger than him, he might have killed him and used some absurd artifact to ask directly from his soul.

The best outcome for him is to accept the deal. At least, this way, he can keep his life to fight for another day.

"What do you want to ask?" Echo-3 inquired.

"I've heard from a trustworthy source that Cyrus was only demoted and put on probation, not outright execution. So why are you guys from the Hightower executing him?" asked Daniel.

"Your source is quite good, but still missing the key part. Lord Golden Scale let Cyrus off on one condition. That he needs to succeed in restoring the world mana in limited time and with the limited resources we granted for his last attempt gone because of your attack on that freighter and destroying the Hell gate. You had indirectly sealed his fate.

Also, he had come here and break another rule of the Hightower to not interfere with the politic here, but he also break it. Maybe he feels that he's untouched here, or maybe his habit of breaking the rule because he used to be a Grand Councilor didn't change that's why he did it," answered Echo-3.

"So... That's why you come here to deal with Cyrus," said Daniel then mulling about it some more. "And targeting me is just a dessert, right?" asked Daniel.

"No... It's the opposite, Cyrus is just a dessert, and you are the main target. That's why we are well equipped, along with enough people to deal with you and have permission to use the time freeze magic that we had prepared here."

"Time freeze?" Daniel repeated, thinking about the magic that caused the people to stop on track as if they were in a daze while wind, nature, and animals did not affect.

"Not Time stop? Does this mean time freeze is just a partial time stop that only stops time within people's bodies or something?" asked Daniel.

Echo-3 nodded. "That's right, Magitek. The true time stop cannot be achieved by human effort, since it means stopping the time of the entire universe to be called time stop. With the time from all the places truly stopping, the earth will stop moving, and the sun will not rise and fall, including other planets. The area of effect is beyond the scope of human abilities," explained Echo-3.

"I see," Daniel nodded in understanding.

Third, the project got suspended indefinitely by Grand Councilor Golden Scale and Grand Councilor Envy." Echo-3 explained all the reasons.

Hearing this, Daniel pondered what he heard then inquired further, out of pure curiosity.

"I understand about Envy putting an end to this research, but why did that Golden Scale guy too? Isn't it true that most mages see the lives of normal people as resources?" He asked.

Hearing this, Echo-3 let out a chuckle. "And rightly so, why not? There are more than three billion such resources to utilize. But, to answer your question. It was because some people in the Hightower used this research to get their hands on some mages with good Origin Element, and used it to steal those mages' Origin Element." Answered, Echo-3 then continued. "That's why Lord Golden Scale put this research into forbidden study categories and sealed all of its research material within the 'Secret Library'."

"In case you ask, the secret library is the labyrinth-like space of a library that consists of many traps and anti-theft measures." Echo-3 added.

"I see... thank you." Daniel nodded in understanding then took a glance at Echo-3. "You may go."

Hearing this, Echo-3 let out a sigh and decided to bring his unconscious leader along with him, but before he left, Daniel called out.

"Before you go... what do you feel about 'Creation' Origin Element?" Asked Daniel.

Echo-3 stopped, then he took a good look at Daniel.

"Is that your Origin Element?" asked, Echo-3


Daniel didn't answer. He decided if his Origin Element belongs to the 1%, he will immediately kill these two here to prevent the leak. And it seems that Echo-3 knows about this as well.

"You don't have to silence me, Magitek. Your Origin Element belongs to the 39%, even if it is of the highest grade. It still is not worth that cost. Besides, Hightower didn't just put the test on you, there are 100 more specimens that are going through such a test.

In the eye of the Hightower, your origin element is not that special." Said Echo-3 before he brought his leader away under Daniel's watch.

"He speaks the truth, Daniel. There are a lot of my employees in my company's artifact workshop that have the same Origin Element as you." Pride added.

Daniel nodded and finally put his hand down and decided to let it go... for now. If he had a chance, he would visit the Hightower and check that so-called 'Secret Library'.