Chapter 172: Commander-level beast general

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

"Oops, it's already the last bottle of meditation water," Yun Sheng was a little uneasy after throwing away the last bottle of empty meditation water, "The **** team hasn't come yet. The scattered ants and beasts swallowed raw."

When Yun Sheng hesitated, a few cunning flying ants took the opportunity to land on the magic wings of her already crumbling, gnawed the magic element fiercely.

Yun Sheng's heart was alert, and another suspension technique was applied after clenching his teeth. The person was slightly suspended a few inches high, and some distance from the dense beasts and ants on the ground.

Not far away, Prince Dark is like a stubborn stone, still and still.

After leaving from Kamikaze, he kept the same movement, neither actively retreating from the enemy nor escaping.

He radiated a sharp murderous spirit all over his body.

Just staring with one eye, the beasts and ants nearby bounced off like a fire.

Yun Sheng suspected that Prince Dark would be the entire volcanic body, and if those beasts and ants approached the progress again, they would be killed in seconds.

When Yun Sheng scolded Prince Dark in his heart, he was carrying an ant tide alone.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovesveseses'sons of Worms coming from Underground

The worm-yin came from the deepest part of the ground, and it sounded like a human grunt.

Falling in people's ears makes people feel distracted, it is difficult to lift the spirit.

As the sound became louder and louder, the ground bulged up, and a hole was violently opened. Inside the hole, there were bursts of rotten corpses.

The original ants and beasts all gathered cautiously into the hole.

If you look closely, their tentacles all hang down, as if the civilians met the emperor and saluted.

A giant ant the size of a pup was drilled out of the ground.

Said to be an ant, it is dozens of times larger than other animal ants, its size is about the size of a little black, and its appearance is covered with a thick shell like a battle armor.

What is even more amazing is that it has feet like centipedes under its belly, and there are at least nearly a hundred, and each foot exudes strong poison gas.

The soil at its feet immediately became black and black, which at first glance was extremely toxic.

"Leader-level Paramount Beast Ant King," Prince Chen, as steady as dark, could not help changing color at this time.

As we all know, although worms are the weakest existence in Warcraft, no one will ever underestimate worms, because their number is the largest on the mainland.

After the Zerg evolved to higher ranks, the limbs will increase, and the more limbs and feet, the higher the age and cultivation of the insects.

This beast tide came suddenly, and there was no sign at all. The dark prince originally suspected that behind the beast tide, there was an extremely powerful Warcraft general.

Just looking at the attack of the beast ants, it was chaotic, and I didn't see any high-level beast ants.

Anyway, such a monster emerged from the ground.

The World of Warcraft in Promise Continent, from low to high, is divided into nine levels, and the ninth level is further up. That is the existence of the general level of Warcraft General. This monster, I am afraid that only the magician of the Bishop level can be killed. .

Yun Sheng's three or four orders of World of Warcraft killed by his hands earlier were no more than five orders. In front of the hundred-footed ant king who broke the ninth order, it was simply scum.

In the younger generation of the mainland, the dark prince is already on the cloud tip, but it is only Wuhou Xiuwei, plus Yun Sheng, who is still a magician, but also has to face thousands of beasts and ants. It's not enough together. This commander-level beast will seize the teeth.

Upon seeing the emergence of Warcraft at the command level, the dark prince knew that there were many evils today.

The hundred-footed ant broke out of the ground. It smelled the burning smell from the corpses of the surrounding ants and soldiers. It was furious. It raised its puppy-sized head and spurted into the sky. A ball of venom.

The venom was fishy and sticky, as fast as a flying arrow.

Yun Sheng fled to avoid, and the mucus got on the wing behind her.

The wind wing on Yun Sheng's body was incomplete, and as soon as the magical element collapsed, she fell down, and it was about to fall into the mouth of the hundred-footed ant king.

The body suddenly stopped the falling momentum, and there was a tall figure beside him. The dark prince tightened his thick eyebrows and held Yunsheng's collar.

Yun Sheng and Crown Prince silently communicated with each other's eyes. From each other's eyes, they saw the disgust, almost at the same time, both of them grunted, don't start.

Although he didn't like Yun Sheng, Prince Dark didn't leave her alone, just because he "silently" promised to have a kamikaze, he would care for Yun Sheng.

The hundred-footed ant king was even more annoyed when he failed to spray, and a whine in his mouth sounded like a horn of war.

After listening to the moving ants and beasts, they immediately boiled, and they launched a fierce attack on the person closest to them, Yun Sheng and Prince Dark.

Flying ants gather, beast ants flood like a torrent, and Yunsheng's scalp is about to explode.

Crown Prince Anhui picked up Yun Sheng without any mercy, and ran to the opposite direction of Inaba Mountain at the fastest speed of his life.

Wuhou's foot strength is much faster than these beast ants.

But if it is extremely fast, it means that it is destined to last for a long time in exchange for explosive anger.

The dark prince is already amazing.

While carrying Yunsheng, he also ran for almost half an hour with speed only, always maintaining an amazing speed that modern people cannot understand.

Judging from his violent chest, he was quite tired now.

Damn it, the King Kamikaze is dragging something.

Prince Dark's legs are almost gone, he can feel that his body has reached the limit.

Behind him, the beast ants have been pulled away for a distance.

But a mist of insects appeared in the sky. It turned out that the hundred-footed ant king followed with a cadre.

At the end of the Dark Prince's crossbow, at a glance, a dark blue lake appeared on the mountain not far away.

"Lake!" Tired of the dark prince who was reluctant to take another step, he talked about Yun Sheng in her hand, as if she were a stone, and she dropped her into the lake without any kindness.

With a thump, Yun Sheng fell into the water. At the moment before entering the water, she only saw the dark prince, a group of grudges, like a wild python out of the hole.

Soon after the two fell into the water, the beast tide had approached the lake.

In front of the bottomless lake, the beasts and ants dare not move forward without permission.

Prince Dark stood beside the lake, and the grudge emitted from his body turned into a grudge shield. He raised the grudge shield in his hand, struck his long legs, and killed the ant colony.

Inside the Acropolis of Inaba Mountain, the hunting branch is mobilizing the power of the city urgently.

"All the hunters who were pleased by the Inaba Mountain, heard a sudden beast tide 100 kilometers away from the Acropolis. According to the hunter report back to the city, this is a beast ant tide with a scale of tens of thousands of beasts Giant Ant. All hunters, including city dwellers, are not allowed to leave the Acropolis."

As soon as the news was announced, the huge beast tide of thousands of beasts and ants panicked across the city.

At this time, the King of Kamikaze brought back the news, but desperately wanted to go outside the city.