Chapter 212: Medical Soul Acupuncture

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

Seeing that Yun Bahe was so angry and dare not to be said by a little girl, Yun Canglang said with a smile: "Dad, you are all old, don't be angry with the little child. Little girl, you can look at it. , The wounds on my body are awful, don't be scared."

Yun Canglang's tone was very kind, which made Yun Cangxue see his teeth straight, that is, his own nephew Tang Yu, Yun Canglang did not have such a good tone.

The second brother and the combat power really looked down on their orphans and widows, Yun Cangxue secretly hated, and even more hated Yun Sheng.

Although it was the first time to meet, Yun Canglang was very fond of Yun Sheng, and he couldn't tell why, but he felt that although the temper of the little girl in front of her was hot, her character was very frank and cute.

He remembered his elder brother who hadn't seen him for many years. At that time, his eldest brother left the house hurriedly, and his sister-in-law had the flesh and blood of the Yun family.

Yun Sheng looked at his right hand first. Yun Sheng thought Yun Canglang's right hand was cut off with a sharp weapon, but after checking it, she found that it was not the case.

"Uncle, is your right hand directly torn by some fierce beast," as soon as the expert shot, he knew whether there was Yun Canglang's old injury for nearly ten years. Yun Sheng could do this just by looking at the wound. Accurate judgment, this makes Yun Bahe very surprised.

Does it mean that this little girl really started to learn medicine in her mother's womb?

The fighting force hurried forward and removed the clothes for Yun Canglang. Only then did Yun Canglang's "hand" appear.

Yun Sheng took out the four seasons glazed needles, and the needles came out. Yun Bahe, who had complained on the side, immediately murmured. With his eyesight, he saw that the medical needle in Yun Sheng's hand was the magic weapon.

Yun Sheng looked at Yun Canglang's left hand, as she expected, the left hand had shrunk severely.

The skin was inelastic, and the blood vessels inside were drying up. Yunsheng pierced a few big holes in the hand with a needle and asked about Yun Canglang's reaction.

Similar to the needle sticking, Yun Canglang has been pierced by countless doctors for hundreds of times, and he is used to it without feeling.

"Little girl, you don't need to try again. My hand, even when it's roasted on the fire and frozen in ice, doesn't feel anymore. It's already useless," Yun Canglang has looked away. Such a left hand, he would rather, the left hand and the right hand were completely cut off.

Yun Sheng took a look at Yun Canglang. When she checked Yun Canglang, she found that there were a lot of wounds on his left hand, which were burned by fire or even frozen.

Seeing those wounds, the combat power and Yun Bahe were silent.

When Yun Canglang's hands were just abandoned, he lived a period of self-harm and self-abuse. Those wounds were left at that time.

In order to prevent Yun Canglang from thinking about it, for a while, Yun Bahe had to order close guards to take strict care of him.

It wasn't until later that the fighting strength and Yun Canglang sighed all night long, and Yun Canglang survived the darkest days of that time.

"Uncle, I'll take a few more needles. If you can feel it, call it out immediately," Yun Sheng secretly sighed in his heart. The two brothers of the Yun family were indeed disaster-ridden.

If her father Yun Canghai left home, Yun Canglang might not be alone and fall into the enemy camp. Even for her father, she had to try to save Yun Canglang.

Yun Canglang wanted to refuse, but he saw Yun Sheng's small face full of sincerity. I don't know why, he just hardened his heart.

He did not refuse or agree, and Yun Sheng again applied a needle.

This time, Yun Sheng used the acupuncture **** needle of the Yan family ancestors. The **** needle is divided into dark needle and bright needle, and Yun Sheng came to test whether Yun Canglang's left hand was saved, but it was a dark needle.

The pith jade skill in Yunsheng's body has reached the third level, which means that she can perform the third heavy medicine soul **** needle. With one needle pierced by her, the pith jade skill in the body immediately follows and exerts force.

The dark needle pierced Yun Canglang's skin silently, swimming along his veins into his arm.

After the first dark needle penetrated into the body, it was like a rock sinking into the sea, and Yun Canglang didn't respond in half.


Yun Sheng was not discouraged. The second time, she sent two dark needles one after another, and Yun Canglang still did not respond.

The dark needle is extremely energy consuming. After two dark needles come down, Yunsheng's face has already flushed.


Yun Canglang persuaded again.

Suddenly, the four needles in Yunsheng's hand moved in unison, and the four seasons of glazed needles were accompanied by the power of dark needles. They fell like a heavy rain and fell like a beast of water.

A cold and hot numbness came from Yun Canglang's fingers. He yelled out, and his left hand shook like an electric shock.

It was just a moment, but all the four people present changed their faces.

One of the most exciting is Yun Bahe, who completely reprimanded Yun Sheng, "Cang Lang, your hand!"

"My hand has just been conscious?" Although it was only a moment, but at that moment, Yun Canglang clearly felt his arm feel. Although it was very short, his hand did feel.

"Little girl, Canglang's hand can save? Isn't that what you said," Yun Bahe has been on the battlefield all his life and never bowed his head to people, but at this moment, he is just a poor father, he is half Looking at Yun Sheng pleadingly.

He hoped Yun Sheng could answer him, Yun Canglang's hand was still saved.

Even if it is just a left hand, it is enough for the decadent decadence to find a little hope.

"I..." Yun Sheng's heart was bitter, how should she answer.

Yun Canglang's hand has not been completely necrotic. Yun Sheng has at least proved that through the few dark needles just now, Yun Canglang's hand has only been restrained by a special technique.

Earlier, she tried two dark needles in succession, but nothing happened. It was because the strength of the dark needles was not enough to break through that kind of technique. But if she could practice the fifth layer of pith jade, she could issue five dark needles at a time. The strength, that may have the opportunity to break through that layer of shackles.

But for now, she has no solution.

"Dad, don't frighten the little girl, she may be helpless," Yun Canglang saw Yun Sheng's embarrassment.

He doesn't blame Yunsheng. She has been the only doctor who has made her hand conscious for so many years. Even the great hand of Yaohuang Pavilion has never made her hand feel.

"Yan Yun, if you have any difficulty, just say it, and I will never frown as long as I can handle it. As long as you can cure the second brother's disease, I can give you another sect door," Zhan Li was moved too, he saw the hope that Yun Canglang might recover from Yun Sheng.

"You guys, it is not that I refuse to cure, but I can't cure it right now. I don't hide from you, General Yun's hand is not really crippled, he was only controlled by people with extremely special methods. . "In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, Yun Sheng simply drew a simple figure of the human body structure on the ground.

**Thank you for the rewards of Pinellia, Laying Eggs and Snow Amethyst, thank you sisters for dropping tickets madly, Happy Qixi Festival