Chapter 255: A loyal servant

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

"It turns out that the little girl...oh, that's right, that's the grown-up, your apprentice. The younger one doesn't know Taishan. Please call the forgiveness of the emperor," realizing that the other party may be a strong emperor. Later, the holy beast summoner dared not move anymore.

The holy beast summoner can be regarded as a top-notch existence on the mainland. In mainland China, the number of holy beast summoners does not exceed 1,000.

But what is this strong man called the emperor level.

The old summoner's dry forehead was already sweating a lot.

Take a look at his eagle-clawed bat, who was scared of the king's style completely. He leaned down and knelt on the ground, thinking about the few old monsters in the continent who still existed on the mainland.

In front of this name, I do not know who it is.

"What's your surname? Fangcai's girl is my apprentice. You dare to bully her, but you have no respect for her deity," Yun Sheng concealed in the darkness, she quietly changed her voice.

When the mysterious power of the summoning magic hand came out, the holy magician was frightened.

Yun Sheng didn't dare to stay for long, she could feel the magical power in her body and was being swallowed by the summoned Warcraft hand quickly.

"In the next personality, it is a holy beast master in Penglai," the holy holy beast master has recalled several possible candidates in his mind. The emperor-level strongman has disappeared for many years, but how can it easily appear here.

The sect personality was suspicious in his heart, and it would be impossible for this emperor Zhao to be a fake.

He was suspicious in his heart, and then looked at the source of the sound in the darkness.

The strong man who summoned the emperor level had no guardian of any summoning beast around him, and his sect personality was more suspicious.

In the dark, if he tried quietly, if he wanted to prove the true identity of the emperor, he quietly ordered the eagle claw bat to let it attack.

Yun Sheng's eyes were gleaming, and she saw the old summoner raised her head, her words and deeds a little sneaky, and the eagle-clawed bat flapped its wings, ready to fly.

Want to test her?

Yun Sheng smiled coldly, and immediately issued a command like the thousand-footed ant king in the Linglong Beast Tower.

Suddenly, the summoned beast of the clan personality flew towards Yunsheng.

Yun Sheng immediately escaped to the ground, and the figure moved away more than ten meters immediately.

The eagle clawed bat emptied, and it immediately closed its wings and was ready to fight again.

Yun Sheng waved his hands, and a summoning array appeared beside her.

Only after hearing a strange buzzing of insects. A group of beast ants flew out of the summoning formation.

The clan personality was shocked. It was a group of fierce beasts and ants. One of them looked very fierce.

It bit the hawk clawed bat's double I feet, and ordered the ant soldiers to come forward to fight.

The hawk claw bat is thick and rough, and it is not afraid of ordinary mosquito bites.

But in the face of a beast-ant general who has reached the level of domain power, it can't hold back.

The ants bite the flesh of the eagle-clawed bat frantically.

The summoning beast and the summoner are connected in spirit, the eagle claw bat is entangled by the beast ants, and the clan personality feels itchy and painful for a while.

This taste is really uncomfortable.

In particular, the sect personality is just a summoner, and he is an older man. He has a strange temper and relies on his summoning beast to be a ninth-order eagle claw bat.

But today, he met Yun Sheng, who had a summoning demon hand, and it was also unfortunate that he should be planted in Yun Sheng's hand.

The Eagle Claw Bat King was surrounded by countless beast ants, and it was so painful that he had to flap his beast ants with his bat wings, and the bat wings beat him with blood.

The beasts and ants smelled the **** smell and swallowed the flesh and blood of the hawk claw bat desperately.

As a result, the clan's personality became more painful and impatient.

A summoned beast and a summoner, but in a moment, already tortured to death.

"Honorable Emperor Summon Emperor, please raise your noble hand, the little knows the wrong. The little will never dare again, as long as you spare the little, the little and the summoned beast will be loyal to you for life," the clan personality lived six or seven In ten years, He Zeng was as embarrassed as he is today.

He is really as good as death at this moment.

The beast ant is indeed terrible. Under the order of the hundred-footed ant, he will drink when he sees blood, and will nibble when he sees good meat.

He has such an old bone shelf, where can he stand such abuse?

Seeing the clan personality is dying.

The magical power in Yunsheng's body was also consumed by the summoning magic hand, and she knew that it was time to close the net.

For this Holy Summoner, she has no heart of killing, this person just can be used by her.

Yun Sheng pretended to have an angry tone, "The rats who don't know life and death, the glow of fireflies, and they want to be comparable to the stars. The emperor has no intention of entangled with you, you will follow my little apprentice in the future. You will be my If there is any disobedience, the emperor’s ant king will never treat you lightly. In order to prevent you from changing the hexagram, you swear with your dharma soul and will remain loyal forever."

"Follow the orders, the younger one will obey the orders of the adults." The clan's personality is lucky. He dare to doubt Yunsheng's identity now, his head is like pounding garlic, bumping in the same place.

Taking an oath with the dharma soul is the most important oath for the summoner and magician. If the oath is violated, the dharma soul will burst and die.

After the sect personality swore, the darkness of the sky gradually disappeared, and the surrounding sky recovered again.

Zong personality felt that all the beasts and ants on his body had disappeared.

Where there is still the shadow of the thousand-footed ant king, only to see the female magician earlier, looking at himself with a funny face.

Looking around again, the mysterious Emperor Zhao has long since disappeared. It is worthy of being a strong Emperor of the Emperor Zhao level, coming and going without a trace.

"Little master, why didn't you say that you have a master who summoned the emperor's rank," the clan's personality was frightened, but his heart was full of misery.

What a sin, how could he get such a small star?

Thinking of his sect personality, he is also a famous vocational strongman in Penglai, but now he has to call a little girl under ten years old a little master.

This made him mix up on the mainland in the future.

It’s better to be ridiculed than to be killed by the emperor who summoned the emperor. I remembered the situation where the beasts and ants were bitten by me. Just thinking about it, the clan personality felt a palpitation.

"Sect personality, right, my master said, you remember it all clearly," Yun Sheng's heart burst into laughter when he looked down on him as if he was a pug.

The double-reed play just now was a waste of her thoughts.

Fortunately, she hasn't been seen through, and now there is such a strong man, which is a big gain for her.

"Adults just tell me that when you say east, the clan's personality will never go west," the clan's personality is frustrated, but the regretful intestines are going to be blue now. This slave seems to be determined in the future.