Chapter 259: Robbery of two people

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

There was a violent wind around, and a lot of gravel was blown on the ground.

Looking at the sky again, the clear blue sky that had been clear and clear has already become out of reach.

Just above the top of the nine-leaved purple ginseng, Yun Sheng saw a rapidly rotating vortex of dark clouds.

The vortex sucked in all the clouds around it, like a big hand, constantly stirring on the calm water.

The air was getting duller, and the clouds seemed to keep pushing towards the ground.

The thunderous thunder sounded, and the few people present seemed to suddenly understand.

Nine-leaf purple ginseng, the most critical step from the sacred herb to the divine herb!

It is rumored that the appearance of treasures will inevitably lead to a vision of heaven and earth, and the medicinal herb turning into the **** grass will inevitably lead to a different vision of heaven and earth.

"Little wild cat, let's go!" Ye Beiming's complexion suddenly turned pale.

Among the world, various natural phenomena are the most terrible.

The power of nature, even the strong man who has reached the peak state, is difficult to contend. Ye Beiming still secretly rejoiced at Yunsheng's safety at an early time.

But at this moment, he had an illusion from heaven to hell.

When that tumbling thunder fell, the flesh and blood like Yun Sheng could not bear it at all.

Why did Yun Sheng personally experience such a scene, she did not come, and picking herbs would cause such a scourge.

Between the fire of calcium carbide, Yun Sheng's mind had several plans crossed.

Just like every time she was on the operating table, she was always able to make an orderly judgment immediately in the face of various unexpected situations such as bleeding and cardiac arrest.

Escape, use the ground to escape, instantaneously avoid.

That is undoubtedly the best plan, but as a result, this amazing sky thunder will surely wipe out the purple ginseng.

Without purple ginseng, the hand of the second uncle...

Thinking of Yun Canglang's right hand, Yun Sheng wanted to use the technique of earth escape immediately.

Can't leave, she will definitely pick purple ginseng.

Maybe, she could do it together, even if she was injured by Tian Lei, she might still be able to use the magic power in the Shennong medical bracelet.

Yun Sheng no longer hesitated, her eyes flashed a firm and absolute, she did not dodge, but grabbed the purple ginseng and pulled up fiercely.

The moment the purple ginseng was uprooted, the sky-thundering thunder fell from the sky.

The sky was like a giant python rolling over the sea of ​​clouds. A thunder flashed straight towards Yunsheng's Heavenly Spirit Cover, as if punishing her for daring to offend Tianwei and blasphemy.

The moment the thunder fell, Yun Sheng felt that his body was pressed to the ground by a tall back.

This scene is so familiar.

Ye Beiming's familiar taste ushered in, and history seemed to be rewinding.

Just like the night in Banana Leaf Village, Ye Beiming, with a wound on her body, also pressed her under her.

But this time, they are not facing Yang Damo this time, but the irresistible sky.

"Why?" Yun Sheng only heard him ask like a mosquito bite.

Didn't he know that he would die if he did this?

She just saw a faint smile on the corner of Ye Beiming's mouth. At that moment, what seemed to be flashing in his gray eyes, she only saw Ye Beiming's thin lips moving: "I am your servant, You give birth to me, you die to death."

Between life and death, Yunsheng Ghost reminded God of a past.

That happened before she came to the Promise Continent. In fact, she has completely adapted to the identity of the Promise Continent.

It has been a long time since she recalled what happened.

When she was a child, her grandfather had a patient in a small clinic.

That was a mother who was nearly paralyzed in the lower body. Because of the ineffective treatment in the city hospital, there was no chance for her hands to recover, so she repeatedly heard about Yunjia's clinic and came to see the doctor.

When Grandpa Yun diagnosed her, she initially told her regretfully that her paralysis was difficult to cure.

When asked why the female patient suffered such a serious injury, the female patient only told her that she was injured while saving her son.

The woman suffers from a five-year-old son. One day, she left her child at home and went out to do something.

Before leaving, she told the children not to leave the house.

Just after she finished her work and returned home, when she passed the downstairs of the apartment, she saw her mother's child and leaned her head out of the six-story window. The child called her mother excitedly, and his little body came out window.

"I saw my child fell down, and at that moment, I couldn't care about anything. The first reaction was to reach out and catch my child," the female patient had a terrified look when she mentioned the past. Her face is still full of pride of motherhood.

The female patient's son was finally rescued by her. Although the female patient's lower body was almost paralyzed due to weight-bearing, it may not be able to stand up like a normal person from now on, but her son only broke two bones.

After Yun Sheng studied medicine, from the point of view of the doctor, he did not approve of the behavior of picking up people by hand, because from the point of view of modern mechanics, telling the falling object, even if it is just a small stone, can also generate tens of pounds of impulse , Not to mention a child weighing dozens of pounds.

She remembered that she also asked the female patient to regret it or not.

The female patient said that she did not regret it. In fact, she had no time to think about the consequences. Despite her lower body, because of this matter, it is likely that her lower body will fail for life.

After hearing the words of the female patient, Yun Sheng was moved. Although she was never a mother, she still remembered the words clearly.

At that time, Yun Sheng was just a child, but the smile of the female patient at the time, and the smile of Ye Beiming at the moment, with full of pets and drowning.

Her grandfather was moved after hearing that.

He finally used his third dark needle to get through the body of the female patient.

At that time, Grandpa's health was already very bad, but he still chose to use his precious internal strength to rescue the female patient.

When the grandfather died, the female patient was able to walk down the ground. She brought her own children and paid her condolences for the grandfather.

But why, Ye Beiming would feel this way for her.

In Yun Sheng's heart, a strange feeling had sprung up.

She went crazy, pushing Ye Beiming hard out, he didn't want her to die, and why did she ever want to overwhelm others.

Lan and the magicians of several mainland elite camps were also stunned by this scene. They did not even understand why the two would save each other regardless of their lives.