Chapter 410: Niangqin Fox Jiusheng

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Yun Canglang's face was awkward. Immediately, he glanced at Yunsheng and saw the contemplative look of the little girl, but he didn't know what to think about.

"Sheng'er, this time is also thanks to you. You are still thinking about what the three sisters said? Don't care too much. She has been jealous of her brother since she was a child, and she doesn't like your mother very much. Don't worry about what she said. ," Yun Canglang comforted.

"Second Uncle, have you ever seen my mother-in-law? Why on earth is she so unwilling to be seen by the old general?" Although Yun Sheng had never seen Fox Jiusheng, she had seen Fox when she got the beast language. A memory fragment left by Jiu Sheng in the Beast Language Ring.

In the memory fragment, Fox Jiusheng has a beautiful face and a gentle voice, but he is a peerless woman. How can such a person cause General Yun's disgust.

Could it be that the mother-in-law did something unforgivable, or maybe her identity is special?

Yun Sheng and Yun Bahe have also been together for a while. Although they don't like the old general's wax on both ends, they burn with a bit of character, but they also know that his grandfather is not a bad person.

On the contrary, Yun Bahe is jealous and hateful. The biggest problem is his good face and hot temper. If Fox Jiusheng attracts his aversion, he must have violated some of his taboos.

"Sheng'er, the second uncle has never seen your mother-in-law. Your father traveled all the year round. When he brought your mother to Yunfu for New Year, it happened to be the frontier. I am still staying in the south. It is the third sister who should be with Your mother, you have been with each other for a while," Yun Canglang pondered for a moment, "Yes, you can also ask Yun Bo, he has been by his father all year round, what should he know."

Yun Sheng nodded.

"Sheng'er, you just asked about the whereabouts of the red robe. Do you plan to?" Yun Canglang didn't want Yunsheng to be in danger.

"Second Uncle, you're afraid you don't know. Those so-called red-robed men with **** trenches and black hands behind the scenes are likely to be Emperor Hongcheng. Don't you want to take advantage of this time to complain and revenge?" Sheng showed a sinister smile.

Yunba River is in the training room, meditating and giving.

He ran for a week of grudge in his body, and found that the grudge accumulated in his body was much rarer than before.

The little girl said it was true, her own skill, a few days later, when I was in the test, I was afraid that it really could not be compared with the sky.

Cangxue, actually actually poisoned himself.

Yun Bahe's breath was unstable, and he simply didn't meditate.

"Master, people are settled," Yun Bo walked in quietly, "Little Master, has been sent back, this time, but thanks to Miss Xiao."

"Huh, that little girl's clever means, but it was only a few days, and even the **** trenches were uprooted by her. Tang Yu's indisputable, is it all right?" Yun Bahe also looked a few Not convinced.

He did not expect that he would be on his own boundary in the northwest, and even Tang Yu would not look good.

Only then did the people with **** trenches and post-Qin have the opportunity to take advantage.

"People are fine, but their spirits are a little weak, and the old slaves have found a house outside the city and placed them," Yun Bo also knew that Yun Bahe was really annoyed this time, especially Yun Cangxue. At the end, she almost exposed the life of the little lady.

"That little girl is a character who breaks the casserole. If Cangxue must have made her suspicious, in the past few days, if she came to ask you, you must not tell her about that year. If it was not Cangxue, I overheard the conversation between me and the sea, and things won't be where they are today," Yun Bahe looked very sad.

"But lord, the young lady is a person with a heart like a mirror. Her identity is not simple. There are already several forces around her that can protect her. She will know the truth sooner or later," Yunbo escorted Yun. On the way to Cangxue's mother and daughter, she also asked Tang Yu a few words, wondering who the **** he rescued.

But the young master who has never been able to hide his mouth, this time, he clenched his teeth, even if the third lady asked, he said nothing.

Looking at him, the other party seems to be a very powerful person.

"It's because she has gradually gained her own influence and her character is tough. I don't feel relieved. If she knows one day, her mother is not dead at all, and the poison in the sea is also because... Do you think that, with her temperament, she will just forget it?" Yun Bahe is the Great Zhou Wusheng, not afraid of heaven and earth.

But whenever he said that the eldest son had to abandon his family, he had to ruthlessly drive the couple's back forces, he couldn't help but change his face.

The darkness on this continent is only the tip of the iceberg.

The Yunsheng at the moment, although talented, is not yet strong enough to withstand the sky.

He cannot let his granddaughter take any risks.

"Yunsong, don't forget, because Li Li was also imprisoned in secret because of that incident, and ended up with a miserable end. Even if you don't consider the terrible force, we have to consider the pressure from the royal family, "Yun Bahe is also worried about this.

"Master, the old slave knows that, I will never tell the young lady about those things," Yun Bo sighed. The old man was right. At that time, the young master's strength was strong enough.

Grand Master Yun Canghai's qualifications are very high. A large part of Miss Xiao's talent is inherited from Grand Master.

Yun Canghai was only in his twenties, and he was already a sky magician, but in the face of that terrible force, he still fell to this point.

The little girl is very talented, but she is still far from the cultivation of the sky magician.

Yun Bahe and Yun Bo have made up their minds. Even if Yun Sheng is unwilling to recognize the ancestors, they will protect her.

In Yujing, no one should be allowed to move the young lady.

As Yun Bahe expected, it didn't take long for Yun Sheng to find Yun Bo.

Only with the admonishment of Yun Bahe in the first place, no matter how she asked, Yun Bo was bitten to death by a word on his mouth. He didn't know anything about the history of Yun Sheng's mother.

In desperation, Yun Sheng had to give up the idea of ​​saying something from Yun Bo's mouth.

She thought about it for a second time. The mother's surname is fox. This surname is very rare on the mainland. Maybe you can find some clues from the surname.

Yun Sheng simply sent a mission through Yujing’s local hunting union to find news about the family or person related to the surname “Fox”.

As long as someone knows some clues, she can be contacted through the Hunting Union.

After inquiring no results, Yun Sheng returned to Wuxuan Wuji Museum with a little frustration.

To her surprise, she met Ye Beiming.