Chapter 450: Continental Elite Camp

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

"The opportunity for the mainland elite camp is very rare. In a few years, the Eight Waste Artifacts will be unearthed. This time, there are already rumors outside that the artifact may be the War God Halberd. If you don’t join the mainland elite camp, I’m afraid that we will come It will confront the warriors of the elite camp head-on," Bu Jiuxiao rarely said so much at once.

For the training opportunities of the mainland elite camp, all martial artists will cherish it.

If it weren't for the other party, Ye Beiming, Bu Jiuxiao had already won this quota.

For the past two years or so, regarding the eight unearthed artifacts to be unearthed, there has been a lot of publicity. Recently, there is reliable news that the most likely unearthed is the God of War.

If it was unearthed, it was once the **** soldier of the first martial **** on the mainland, I am afraid that even the elite battalion of the martial arts on the mainland would shoot.

For the warriors, especially the young genius warriors who have not yet formed, the mainland warrior elite camp is undoubtedly a holy place. All geniuses hope to have the opportunity to try it out.

"Beiming, are you worried about the little magician? You can rest assured, if you go to the mainland elite camp, we two will take care of her for you. But after all, the little magician is poisonous and cunning. Not bad," Cheng Bai patted on his chest.

Ye Beiming gave Cheng Bai a dissatisfied tone, and he didn't seem to be praising him.

"Worried, let her go to the elite camp together. I heard that after working hard at the Royal Academy of Magic, there is also a quota for the mainland magic elite camp," Bu Jiuxiao said really.

The mainland elite camp is divided into the mainland martial arts elite camp and the mainland magic elite camp, recruiting the top warriors and magicians on the mainland respectively.

But there is a requirement that the students in the elite camp must be under the age of 16 and over the age of 16, even if they are even more powerful, they are not eligible to enter the elite camp.

Because it is recognized by the mainland, only warriors and magicians under the age of 16 can maximize their potential.

After the establishment of the Royal Academy of Magic, because the level of education is too general, there has been no opportunity to obtain the **** of elite camp.

However, Prince Beilian always wanted to enter the mainland magic elite camp. The royal family had exhausted all the hardships and made a lot of money to get such a place.

I know Ye Beilian is indisputable. His Soul of Soul is damaged. Even if he walked through the back door and passed the escort, but after entering the elite camp, as soon as he tested the Soul of Soul, he would show his feet.

The mainland elite camp will never recruit students who have problems with the Soul of Soul.

As a result, the Royal Academy of Magic had to re-select the right person to enter the mainland magic elite camp.

"Speaking of this, you also know the popular candidates this time, that is, the prospective prince Chen Lianer," Bu Jiuxiao said.

When Cheng Bai heard it, he disdained: "Chen Er'er's magic cultivation is ordinary, where is she qualified to participate?"

"Then you have to ask Qi Qi. Her son is useless. Perhaps she wants Chen Li'er to be on top. It's embarrassing to say that she will not be a woman in the future." Bu Jiuxiao looked disdainful. .

For Qihou's pet, over the years, he even began to gradually influence the Great Zhou Emperor, and the military officials in the DPRK and China have always been very disdainful.

Ye Beiming frowned slightly, Chen Lianer, if it were her, things might not be that simple.

This time, Chen Lianer's strength has been improving very fast, especially after Ye Beilian's Soul of Soul was abolished, Chen Lianer had broken through to become a master of magic a few months ago.

Counting it, she is indeed a figure in the younger generation of Da Zhou.

If it was said that Yun Sheng was younger, he was not very worried.

But since Prince Dark raised his relatives, Ye Beiming had to be cautious.

Yun Sheng is no longer a banana leaf village, that humble little girl.

With her cultivation and age, her outline and temperament have changed a lot.

Perhaps in the eyes of some people, Yun Sheng is not as gorgeous as Chen Lian'er, but it is because Yun Sheng deliberately disguised it.

Yun Sheng is that kind of person. If he doesn't want to attract attention, he can stand quietly in the crowd without being noticeable.

But if she wants to be noticeable, she can show her beauty in an instant, exuding everyone's amazing look.

Leaving the small wild cat alone in Da Zhou, he really couldn't rest assured.

Continental Warrior Elite Camp and Continental Magic Elite Camp are in the same place. If you go with Yunsheng, the next practice will become much better.

Ye Beiming thought of this, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"When will the enrollment of the Magic Academy be confirmed?" Ye Beiming was indeed relieved of Yun Sheng.

"It will take about two or three months, and in a year, people from the mainland magic elite camp will come to Yujing," Bu Jiuxiao said.

In two or three months, that time has come. The matter of Dihong City should be almost resolved.

What Ye Beiming didn't know was that Yun Sheng was no longer in Dihong City at this time.

As Ye Beiming thought, no one could see when Yun Sheng wanted to cover himself up.

After learning that it was Li Shao, the second prince of Tang Yuan who killed him, Yun Sheng decided to go to Tang Yuan, the capital of Bian Tang.

Yun Sheng used cross-dressing magic.

After her magic cultivation is up, the duration of the cross-dressing magic is better.

Right now, she looks like an ordinary girl with a pale yellow face and a slightly sick look, exactly the same as the sick girl that Lin Piaoer met earlier.

After Yun Sheng walked for a while, a gate appeared in front.

The gate looked very guarded. The soldiers were inspecting the pedestrians in the past. Yun Sheng did not panic and walked past without any trouble.

"Where did you two come from?" The city guards strictly inspected the gate of the city after receiving the order of the second prince Li Shao.

Especially people who come from Dazhou or Dihong City must be carefully monitored if they are encountered.

"Adult, I came from Dazhou," Yun Sheng took out his ID.

"Da Zhou?" As soon as Da Zhou came, the city guards immediately guarded.

"I am a doctor and came to Tang Yuan to practice medicine," Yun Sheng calmed down, and she took out her own doctor's card.

"It's a doctor," between countries, leaving doctors loose.

On the Promise Continent, there is a class of people who are respected even in the war years, that is, physicians.

Physicians cross borders, and most of them practice medicine.

The reason for Yun Sheng's arrival in Tang Yuan is very simple. When the qualification period for her physician expires and she wants to sprint to the next level of visiting doctors, her master's medicine doctor at the Zhouhuang Pavilion allows her to travel and study in other countries. The way of medicine.

Not only a doctor, but also a disciple of a royal doctor?

The city guards couldn't help but respectfully.