Chapter 460: He was emotional

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A good person, you can't even smell a little pollen.

Tang Yuan’s doctors were also surprised at Yun Sheng’s “miracle medicine”. They all gathered around and said they wanted to discuss with Yun Sheng and inquire about the treatment of this disease.

Yun Sheng was a bitter smile.

How could she explain it, she could never tell the doctors of the Promise Continent.

The real cause of Minhou is very simple, which is fainting caused by allergies.

Fresh honey, especially those bees cultivated in the Royal Garden, can produce anti-allergenic pollen grains in the honey produced by them. This is the real reason for Min Hou to wake up.

She can only be verbally sullied.

Seeing this, Li Shao and Emperor Su were very bored. They just slipped away sneakily, but they were caught by Yun Sheng with a sharp eye.

"Your Majesty the Second Prince, don't forget, the agreement between you and Caomin earlier," Yun Sheng smiled and smiled into two crooked crescent moons.

Li Shao had to stay unwillingly.

After Min Hou woke up, Yun Sheng ordered the female palace to prepare some fresh jujubes.

Yun Sheng told Minhou that allergies are not completely unsolvable.

Minhou can add some fresh honey and fresh jujube to his daily diet. These foods can alleviate the symptoms of allergies and even slowly change Minhou's physique.

Minhou has been plagued by the allergy problem for many years.

But for many years, the imperial doctor had been helpless. When she was a child, she accidentally fainted because of allergies, but it was not as serious as this time.

Yun Sheng smiled, and said suddenly: "Minhou, you know, who are the heaviest pollen who passed by your palace outside the Chaolu Palace? I heard that Yu Tan is the most empressed lady The flowers you like, the flowers outside your door are also ordered by Emperor Su Su personally."

Min Hou, who was on the sickbed, looked down slightly, and gave Yun Sheng a meaningful look.

After taking some soup, Minhou also waited outside to visit the palace one by one.

"The second prince, the agreement between you and Yun Shenyun, Ai's family also heard about it." Min Hou woke up and heard Prince Li Cheng telling her that on the day of her coma, Emperor Su blocked the Min family from entering the palace. , And insulting the magician.

Coupled with the epiphany incident, Min Hou felt so much hatred for Concubine Su and Second Prince.

"Sister," Princess Su also wanted to plead for her son, she glanced at Tang Yuandi with grief.

"Queen..." The emperor Tang Yuan got the favor of the concubine and wanted to help. He had just wanted to stabilize Yun Sheng earlier. Afterwards, he had already given the name of the other's great power, and the second prince has always been Pride, apologizing to others for tea, is really a bit embarrassing.

"Your Majesty, the most important thing for our royal people is a letter of "Faith." His Majesty just spoke with his mouth, and now if he repents, wouldn't he be ridiculed by the people of the world," Min Hou said with a gun and a stick.

Yun Sheng found out that although Minhou was mediocre, he was very clever. No wonder he could stand in the harem for many years without standing.

In this regard, I am afraid that Minhou is better than Dahou Lihou.

Emperor Tang Yuan was speechless, and after a while, Shen Sheng said, "Come here, serve tea."

The second prince Li Shao's body could not stop stiff.

He was born until now and has never been so humiliated in front of the people as he is today.

But Tang Yuandi opened his mouth, and he had nothing more to say, only to take the tea against his will.

Yun Sheng sat aside comfortably.

The second prince Li Shao handed the tea to Yun Sheng.

Yun Sheng didn't take it, and said coolly: "The Second Prince, you have forgotten a word."

At Li Shao’s temple, the green muscles jumped. If his eyes could kill people, Yun Sheng had been poked with 180 holes in his body. He said in a muffled voice: Dear Teacher, I apologize."

"The second prince, you're welcome," Yun Sheng took the tea, and he took a sip of it, and his heart was dark.

Minhou's story came to an end.

Yun Sheng was named the great power of Tang Yuan, and Ruyi also returned to the Fa Temple with news.

The first thing Ruyi returned to the Temple of Law was to tell Chang Siming Ji Yu about it.

Ji Yu also took a dilemma for Min Hou earlier. Min Hou is indeed a fortune with a fortune, but he has not yet accurately predicted the situation where nobles come from the southwest.

He immediately ordered Xia Wenxu to come over.

This is also the first time Xia Wenxu has summoned Xia Wenxu after Xia Wenxu returned.

Ruyi was relieved, and the master was finally willing to forgive his brother.

His younger brother was ten years younger than him. When he first arrived at the Fa Temple, he was only three or four years old.

He looks exquisite, and the brothers and sisters in the Fa Temple like him very much, but he has always been polite to people.

Although the master is the most demanding of the apprentice, Ruyi is also very clear that the master is the youngest brother.

In the impression, the master has never been as angry as he is today.

It seems that this time, we should also thank the female doctor of Da Zhou.

Xia Wenxu arrived at Shi Shiran.

He met Ji Yu and called out "Master."

Ji Yu just "huh", even if the two masters and apprentices are so happy.

Ruyi told the whole process of the matter.

Chang Siming was also stunned.

Although he is good at magic, but because of his friendship with Wen Daguo, he also has some knowledge of ancient medicine.

The practice of the female doctor from Da Zhou is very bold, this style is definitely not the practice of Yaohuangge.

Not to mention the poisoning caused by allergies, such an argument is unheard of on the mainland.

"How does that female doctor look?" Xia Wenxu was even more surprised by Ruyi.

He remembered that his little teacher was rarely interested in people, let alone, the other party was just a stranger.

"It's very ordinary. The waxy complexion looks very thin. If I don't say it, I thought she was a patient." The handsome guy who was accustomed to the Fa Temple was so dismissive of Yunsheng's appearance that Ruyi really looked down upon him.

Not Yunsheng?

Unable to say anything, Xia Wenxu's eyes turned dark.

"What's the name, but the person in Yaohuang Pavilion?" Chang Siming noticed Xia Wenxu's expression. He shook his white eyebrows and asked casually.

"Speaking of the apprentice of the doctor of the Great Zhou Yaohuang Pavilion, the name is... Yun Sheng," Ru Yiyi said.

Xia Wenxu's expression remained unchanged.

"It's her, Wen Xu, the doctor named Yun Sheng, is it the woman who made the holy product immortality and the moon god's praise?" Chang Siming tried.

Chang Siming looked at Xia Wenxu indiscriminately, nothing unusual.

Perhaps Xu was suspicious, and his apprentice Wen Xu had always had a weak temperament, and he would definitely not be emotional for a woman.