Chapter 501: Egg painful reunion

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

Yun Sheng looked at the lower part again, she still didn't see Shenfeng and others. She thought about it, and stayed as long as she was cautious.

The two went on.

In front, a giant crater the size of a football field appears.

The crater power, the fire is open, there is no sign of life.

It's like a sea of ​​flames, the dormant mortar that has been silent for a long time, flowing slowly.

The most shocking thing about this volcano is the small island in the middle of the crater.

Contrary to other places in the Holy Mountain of Fire Elves, that small island turned out to be a glacier island.

The area of ​​the island is not large, but it is only more than ten square meters in size, and there are few rugged ice rocks on the island. There is nothing else.

Yun Sheng knew that there was a spring in the middle of the island.

The treasure of the elven race, the water of life, was obtained from that spring.

Yun Sheng was attracted by the wonders of this picture-like lava glacier island. He suddenly forgot that he was walking with the fire.

Huo Yaoyao's face had a dark smile.

She knew that the first time she saw a lava glacier island, she would show such an obsessive expression.

The water of life, the temptation of the elven treasures, is no small matter.

Huo Yaoyao took the opportunity to walk behind Yunsheng and slammed her into the volcanic lava.

The pummel egg who had been sneaking behind Yunsheng just saw this scene.

Seeing Yunsheng fall into the lava with his own eyes, it was too late to call for help.

Huo Yaoyao had a vicious smile with a conspiracy.

The lava in the crater was extremely hot, and Yaoyao had witnessed a brave elf warrior swallowed by volcanic lava instantaneously. Yunsheng was just a half-blooded species. She fell into the lava and was bound to die without corpses.

After a while, she only told Kamikaze that she and Yunsheng had long been separated. Yunsheng fell into the crater because of carelessness. I believe no one would doubt herself anymore.

Yun Sheng was pushed into the molten crater. When his body was engulfed by the molten mortar, an obscure black shadow quickly rushed into the molten mortar.

Yun Sheng thought he was dead this time.

The melt of the holy mountain of fire spirits, even if the steel rolls down, will immediately burn into molten iron.

Although she is a half-elf body, she is a flesh and blood after all.

But when she fell into the tumbling lava, she did not expect the pain and scalding, she just felt a burst of warmth, and she also felt her body gained a magical power because of this lava.

"What's the matter," Yun Sheng took a sigh of relief, using both hands and feet, as if swimming, floating in the lava.

It's just that this crater is too big, Yunsheng can only be drawn towards that glacial island.

Yun Sheng climbed onto the glacier island, just to see the surroundings, he heard a slight fan-wing sound overhead.

"Boom, dear master, I finally found you."

Yun Sheng fixed her body and looked up, she almost did not breathe.

Black eyes squinted greatly, what a monster!

In the sky, a flying egg was spinning around the top of her head.

The egg looks very strange, pink all over, just like a steamed egg.

But do the eggs have wings?

The egg above the head has a pair of pretty eye-catching white wings.

"What monster are you!"

Yun Sheng shivered, and the magic bow and arrow on her body were melted after falling into the crater just now, but she had no weapons at all.

"Boom! Not a monster!" The egg trembled with excitement, as if it was humiliated by the shame, and the tears immediately raged like the flood.

The cry was a tragic world, and Yun Sheng could feel that because of its crying, the volcanic magma, which was still quiet, vaguely boiled.

Madan, what a monster, can't stand even the semi-dormant volcano.

"Stop!" Yun Sheng's scalp will be crying and blown by it.

Somehow, in the face of such a weird World of Warcraft, Yun Sheng is not only not afraid, but also has a very close feeling.

Boom, the egg stopped crying immediately, and it did not forget to take a few hits, "Boom is not a monster, Boom is your destiny to summon the beast, you are a summoner, this is the master's beast language ring, Wearing it, the master can use the power of the summoner."

Boom egg placed the beast language ring carefully on Yun Sheng's hand.

Yun Sheng saw the ring and felt a close feeling in his heart.

She hesitated and put on the animal language ring.

"It's such a familiar feeling," Yun Sheng didn't immediately restore her memory. She looked at the bang, just before it was there, a very special force entered her body.

Inside the Beast Ring, there is a magic scepter, some items, and Linglong Tower.

These things make Yun Sheng feel very familiar.

"Why is this? In the end I am..." Yun Sheng thought hard, but her mind was still so muddled that she couldn't remember anything.

A slight fluctuation of magic sounded a subtle sound.

Yun Sheng noticed that a wooden box in the ring was beating like a living creature.

At this time, she noticed that there was still a box in the ring, and there seemed to be a voice in her heart that kept reminding her to open the box.

Yun Sheng opened the box, which contained a skinny hand.

The voice was uploaded from this hand, and there was a noun in his head to summon the magic hand.

Originally, only when using it, there will be a dynamic summoning magic hand. At this time, five fingers like dry wood actually moved.

Among them, the **** lifted a little bit and went to the finger area of ​​Glacier Island.

Although not close, Yun Sheng had heard a murmur of flowing water.

"Little Master, this is the guide of the Eight Waste Artifacts, there must be treasures of the Eight Waste Artifacts level in front of it," Boom Egg was excited.

Warcraft is more sensitive to treasures than humans.

When it came here with the beast language ring, it felt that there was a very strong vitality here.

This vitality is even stronger than the purest water of life.

Yun Sheng hesitated, and she found that she must have forgotten something, and her body seemed not to be afraid of lava. Perhaps the water of life, which is very dangerous for the fire elves, is for her. Is an opportunity.

Yun Sheng put on the beast language ring and swam deep into the crater together with the boogie.

Somehow, Yun Sheng felt that the temperature of the surrounding lava was getting higher and higher.

Sweat began to flow from her forehead, and the elf armor on her body could not bear the temperature and was burned into rags.

The body suddenly cooled, and the temperature seemed to be lower.