Chapter 717: The secret of the animal blood world

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

This time, Elder Helian can be regarded as a good-for-all, and he has taken a long face for the mainland magic elite battalion.

The people of the Presbyterian Church have also heard the wind from the elite camp of the mainland martial arts, and all the old faces are happy.

"Yunsheng and Donghuang Ling'er! You two are doing very well!" The Great Elder represented the Presbyterian Church and praised Yunsheng and Donghuang Ling'er again.

The reason why this time they can win is still due to the sudden emergence of Yunsheng and Donghuang Linger's "Yanhuang" combination.

Earlier, the elders never thought that they could use this unpopular area of ​​the Yellow Wings to win over.

All other people's radiances were also obscured.

Even Fengtian is no exception.

Counting the depression, this time the trial, two people outweigh the gains.

Needless to say, Chen Lianer disappeared without a trace when she was empty.

Those things of hers were more or less spread to the mainland magic elite camp.

Despite her breakthrough in strength, her reputation is completely stinky.

Therefore, her tutor Xi Shao was also a constipated face, looking at Yun Sheng's eyes, just like a knife, making people hairy.

The second depression is Fengtian.

He was originally the fastest among all the people, but who knows, Ye Beiming, the elite camp of the Continental Warrior, is more evil than him.

In a short period of one year, he broke through successively and became Emperor Wu.

As soon as the youngest Emperor Wu from the mainland came out, Fengtian's light was instantly suppressed.

He did not intend to stay longer, and after leaving the empty boat, he walked away.

"Gu Feng, you are doing very well. I heard that you have become a sky magician, haha, but you are the second bright sky magician in our elite camp, after Xiguang, your breakthrough age It is only a year away from Xia Wenxu, the first genius of mainland magic," the elders reviewed the situation of other students who participated in the trial, and they were very pleased to find that in the past year, almost all Both have risen a lot.

"According to the agreement before departure, all the students who break through can get an opportunity to learn advanced magic. This time, there are Fengtian, Chen Lianer, Qiji, Gufeng, Yunsheng. Especially Yunsheng, you This time in the trial, the performance was the most outstanding. After deliberation by the Council of Elders, I decided to promote you to be a two-star student." The elders announced the results of the trial.

Everyone who got the reward was beaming, and everyone else had their own gains.

Yun Sheng and Donghuang Ling'er can't wait to tell the dark gold mentor the good news.

After the trial students returned to their respective tutors, the elders summoned several elders, including Elder Helian, to gather together to discuss what they heard in this trial.

For the mainland magic elite camp, this trial is by no means just a simple trial.

Many students broke through, and some students won the fighting king.

But these are not the most important.

No matter Elder Helian, or Elder Yu, they seem to be arguing on the surface, but in the dark, there is much movement in Tianyi City.

In a year's time, they collected a lot of information.

"Brother, there are a few things you want me to inquire about, whereabouts of the banned drugs, and the strength of Tianyi Zun." Elder Helian asked him about things and stated them one by one.

"The younger brother's concern about the drug ban was determined to flow out of the Dark Night Pavilion in Tianyi City. But just before we returned, the Dark Night Pavilion was disintegrated. It is said that it has now become the Tianyi Branch of Xiaoci Entang," He Even the elders only heard about it afterwards.

"Oh, Ye Yege's roots are so deep that they were disintegrated in a short period of time," the second elder heard, and couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Ci En Tang is the fastest growing medical hall on the mainland in recent years. It is said that even the Huanghuang Pavilion can't help it. It has attracted the attention of the elders in the early years.

The second elder also went to investigate the news of Xiao Ci En Tang, but the news about its founder and behind-the-scenes boss is all mysterious.

But one thing is certain, Xiao Ci'en Church has extremely strong ties with many hunting groups on the mainland and the Promise Chamber of Commerce.

"Xiao Ci En Tang has a good reputation, and it is more popular than Yaohuang Pavilion. They also operate potions and can cooperate." The elders and elders did not have much opinion on the rise of Xiao Ci En Tang.

The dominance of Yaohuang Pavilion is also famous on the mainland, and they are also happy to see new and more powerful medical halls instead of Yaohuang Pavilion.

"As for Tian Yizun's cultivation behavior, it is stronger than we expected," the second elder general Tian Yizun cut off the white crown carving king's story on the same day, and repeated it again.

"It seems that our suspicion did not exist earlier. Tianyi Zun had been to the blood of the Heavenly Beast. I suspect that he had been to that place..." The elder heard it, groaning.

"Brother, do you think that Tianyi Zun has also entered the deepest part of the beast blood?" Several elders asked one after another.

"Unfortunately, the Yunhai generation is heavily guarded, and even I have no way to enter. Several of the students who entered said that they did not see the appearance of the Sky Magic Array," Elder Helian went to Tianyi City this time, but he also wanted to enter. Yun Hai, a glance at the magic circle.

"It should be right. The magic array of the sky magic array should also imitate some of its functions. This time the Tianyi City beast chaos will never be accidental. I am afraid that those Warcraft have conspiracy. Succeeded and stole the secret of'It'," said the elder with a worried look.

On the mainland, only the truly powerful can know what "it" is.

Gu Feng said earlier that the mainland elite battalion had the ability to open the entrance to the blood beast of the Celestial Beast.

In fact, this is not entirely true. The secret of the animal blood world is not a secret in the eyes of the mainland's highest powerhouses, such as sky magicians and martial arts level powerhouses.

Many strong men will enter the Du Tianbei blood world for trials.

However, most of the areas they tried were concentrated on the outer periphery of the Heavenly Beast Blood Realm. Few talents would enter the middle wall. As for the depth of the Beast Blood Realm, that is the real taboo.

Because of the depth of the animal blood world, there are poison and blood evil all year round.

Only those who have elixir or super powers can get in.

And to grasp these elixir and path, to put it bluntly, there are only a few major organizations on the mainland and some super strong families, and even the core royal family of the royal family.

Only they will know the real secret of the blood of the beast.

That is, the whole beast blood world is supported by a huge magic circle.

Regarding the cause of the Dutian beast blood world, there is the most brief explanation in "Continental History", that is, thousands of years ago, the human race and the eight wild beast races fought a **** battle for the Promise Continent.

But the history books record only part of the facts.