Chapter 792: Soul Doppelganger

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Du Guxiu was indifferent in temperament, and he was moody towards women, even those who were beloved.

When he comes, a woman has only two roles, a tool for passing down the lineage and venting the body's needs.

Earlier, he also felt that Mrs. Chi Bi was different from ordinary women.

Like the attitude of marrying Donghuang Ling'er, the group of women in the Prince's Mansion all wept bitterly, for fear that the Princesse would deal with them when she entered the mansion.

Only Mrs. Chi Bi, who had a good understanding of the general, took the initiative to invite her to accompany him to Dongdu to meet his relatives.

Du Guxiu had considered that even if Donghuang Ling'er would marry into the Prince's Mansion in the future, he would promote Mrs. Chi Bi as the mistress of the Prince's Mansion.

But where do you know that Mrs. Chi Bi's handling of the assassin incident was so bad that it left her good impression of being alone in the past.

Women are indeed creatures that will be arrogant and arrogant.

Where does Du Guxiu know, Mrs. Chi Bi's generosity and decentness also vary from person to person.

Mrs. Chi Bi was born in the Bashe tribe.

Snake **** and lewdness, her father has many wives and concubines. She has been intrigued since childhood and is not exclusive to men who have multiple wives.

Her mother-in-law has always taught that only strong men can have many wives and children.

After knowing Du Guxiu, Mrs. Chi Bi blindly respected his strength and status. She does not exclude Du Guxiu from owning other women.

But like a female snake entrenched in her stronghold, if she encounters a powerful woman who can even shake her position directly, she will desperately destroy the other party.

She took the initiative to invite Ying to come to Dongdu in order to measure the weight of the future Crown Princess Donghuang Ling'er early.

If she affirmed that Donghuang Ling'er might bring a little threat to her status, she would directly result in Donghuang Ling'er.

But after seeing Donghuang Linger, Madam Chi Bi expected that Donghuang Linger would not pose a slight threat to her.

The most important thing is that Du Guxiu has no interest in Donghuang Ling'er.

But Yun Sheng is different. Although Mrs. Chi Bi doesn't even know the origin of Yun Sheng, she can conclude that Yun Sheng is different from Donghuang Ling'er with her woman's intuition.

If Yun Sheng also marries into the Prince's Mansion, Du Guxiu doesn't know what she will be like for her.

How will these little nines and nines in Mrs. Chi Bi's heart know alone.

The origin of Mrs. Chi Bi, Du Guxiu knows more or less.

It was just that she was charming and the kung fu on the bed was also very pleasing to him. More importantly, the empress dowager and the emperor of the east capital also had to be controlled by this woman, so he could not kill her for the time being.

But even so, it does not mean that Du Guxiu will spoil her as before.

Mrs. Chi Bi was surprised, she also felt that Du Guxiu's attitude is different today.

Regardless of her frail body, she hurriedly stayed on her knees and knelt on the ground. "His Royal Highness, please also take care of your anger. The slave was not intentionally concealing."

With tears in her eyes, she begged gently with the most delicate voice, and the dress on her body was half-covered, revealing the beautiful scenery on her chest.

As long as it is a normal man, seeing such beautiful tearful scenes, he can't help but step forward and hug her in her arms for a while.

However, he was not a normal man alone.

He looked down on Mrs. Chi Bi who was kneeling on the ground. His long finger picked up Mrs. Chi Bi's tender minibus. When his fingers closed, Mrs. Chi Bi's white chin immediately added two blue marks.

"Chi Bi, don't think you are from the Bashe family, I won't dare to move you, you should know, my true identity, I can kill you at any time," In Eagle Eyes, there is no half pity and past love .

Mrs. Chi Bi was so terrified that she couldn't say a word.

She could feel the terrible coercion exuded from the man.

This man, but the man who shared the same bed with her a few days earlier.

He is terrible.

"However, if you are obedient and help me complete my plan, I will treat you well, whether it is the post-Qin or the Bahuang tribe, I can ensure that you have a place," Du Guxiu's voice slowly Turning soft, the energy in his hands is also much smaller.

He picked up Mrs. Chi Bi's chin and left a cold kiss on her lips.

The fear in Mrs. Chi Bi's eyes gradually became addicted.

Until Du Guxiu left the room, Mrs. Chi Bi sat down on the ground like her body's strength was drained.

She bit her lip without saying a word.

Moody, scary man.

It is clear that the other party is such a person, why her heart can't stop sinking.

Mrs. Chi Bi's face was bleak, and at that moment, the piccolo that she hid in her clothes shook.

Mrs. Chi Bi quickly wiped away the tears in her eyes and adjusted her clothes. Then she took out the Piccolo.

On Piccolo, the magic light flashed and a phantom appeared.

The phantom gradually became real, and finally replaced with a man of equal size.

The person in the phantom, if Yun Sheng meets, will surely recognize it, because this is one of the descendants of the eight wilderness who Yun Sheng had in the Dutian blood realm, and the Chi Muguan of the Bashe tribe. .

"Three sisters, why is your face so ugly?" Chi Muguan and Mrs. Chi Bi are actually two brothers and sisters.

Mrs. Chi Bi and Chi Muguan are from a mother. Although the two siblings had to be separated for some reason since they were young, the feelings of the two siblings have always been very good.

He was surprised to see Mrs. Chi Bi's weakness, and quickly asked what happened.

"Brother, me, one of my soul snake eggs was accidentally swallowed," Mrs. Chi Bi mentioned the matter and gritted her teeth.

It's all that female magician. If it weren't for her halfway, how would Du Guxiu become so terrible, and her magic soul wouldn't suffer such a heavy blow.

Abandon the snake gu that I said earlier, only half of it.

There are two types of snake gu, one is ordinary snake gu, and the other is soul snake gu.

Snake Gu only needs to be fed with the host's blood for ten years, but Soul Snake Gu is different. It must use the host's blood and magic power to feed it for twenty years before it can be transformed into a soul snake.

Snake Gu is intended for ordinary people, while Soul Snake Gu is intended for powerful magicians or warriors.

Soul Snake Gu can only be fed by the direct lineage of the Ba snake clan.

The soul snake of Mrs. Chi Bi was also just hatched a few years ago, and laid three soul snake eggs in total.

Earlier, in order to control everyone in the palace, Mrs. Chi Bi used Snake Gu to control several people, including the East Emperor and the Empress Dowager.

But when it was Donghuangling's turn, because she was stronger than her elder brother and empress, the ordinary snake gully could not control it.

In order to please Du Guxiu, Mrs. Chi Bi deliberately used one to control the Emperor Linger. Where did she know that she would be repulsed by someone?