Chapter 868: Unmarried first

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

This time, Taiyuan Mountain, located on the shore of Penglai, is very lively.

The fishermen on the seashore haven't seen anyone enter and exit Taiyuan for many years, but after the purple cloud on the Dashan Mountain dissipated, some people entered Taiyuan one after another.

A few days ago, a large-scale hunter also settled in the mountains.

However, unlike the savage hunters who feared the villagers, these hunters under the banner of "Tian Fa" were well-trained and never disturbed the villagers in the fishing village.

Even occasionally buying some daily necessities is also respectful.

The hunters told the fishermen that they came to repair the ruins of Taiyuan on Taiyuan Mountain, and they will take root here.

During this period, Penglai also sent some summoners to come over, claiming that Taiyuan Mountain made their territory.

However, the summoners who were not able to live forever once just entered the mountain and heard a roar. On the sky, a warrior with a sound of Hong Zhong drove out all the summoners in the court.

Then, some people dressed as civilians also moved into Taiyuan Mountain one after another.

Taiyuan Mountain, which has been abandoned for many years, gradually became angry, and the fishermen also had good neighbors again.

On this day, not long after the sunrise, the renovated Taiyuan Castle stood majesticly on the mountain forest, like a pearl in the crown, shining brightly.

Outside the castle, the hunters of the Tianfa Hunting Corps are conducting daily drills.

Suddenly, a thunder roared like a spring thunder exploded in spring, and the newly repaired castle shook three times.

The former Great Zhou Wusheng, now the temporary owner of Taiyuan City, Yunba River, jumped in the castle early in the morning. With a throat, he greeted the eighteen generations of the great Zhou Emperor.

Those hunters who are still training are not surprised, this voice, the only one in the world, must be the leader of the regiment's father General Yun Ba Heyun.

Speaking of the old general, when he was a big marshal and a marshal, he was used to killing the enemy and giving orders, and his voice was like a gong.

The old general has been in a good mood since he moved away from Dazhou and settled in Taiyuan City.

Emperor Tiangao is far away, Yunba River has not been as smooth as in these days, and he still hums a few words.

But today, it was obviously wrong. Around the early morning, the head and his wife had just rushed over, an expression of anxiety in their faces, and they did not know what news was brought, which caused the old general to get angry early in the morning.

It was an edict from Yun Canglang that made Yun Ba River so angry.

"What's the point? Ye Beiming's kid, who was unmarried, took the break first, and Lao Zi was going to abolish him!"

This edict has now been posted on the bulletin board of the whole week. It is written in black and white, and it reads Yun Fu's rebellion, and Ye Beiming is closed.

As soon as this news came out, the Manchu Dynasty was sensational.

Who is Yun Sheng? Yun Bahe, a few years ago, the granddaughter of Yunfu's son who just recognized the ancestors of the ancestors. Although Yunba River is no longer the Wusheng of Dazhou, but a double Wusheng of Yunfu, Yuncanghai is like this Sky magician.

Yun Sheng even entered the magic elite camp for further study. She and Ye Beiming had an unmarried first break, and suddenly the city was full of trouble.

"Father, don't be angry first. Sheng'er's marriage was decided in a hurry. The older brother said earlier that he doesn't agree with the marriage," Yun Canglang saw Yunba's heyday, he could only be on the sidelines. Words of comfort.

"Huh, do you think Lao Tzu is satisfied with Ye Beiming's kid? I have said long ago, that kid is unreliable, the man looks so good, he must be a strong foreigner, and he must have a straw pillow. Our family is slender, capable and beautiful, and wants to marry All of her people can go from the top of Taiyuan Mountain to the foot of Taiyuan Mountain," Yun Bahe glared with a beard blowing his beard.

In his eyes, his baby granddaughter is a fairy in the sky. Ye Beiming's boy was unmarried and rested first?

Why does he deserve it?

"Then, the red-haired kid from Qin who wanted to marry Sheng'er from our family, and who, Shenger's green plums and bamboo horses," Yun Bahe counted one by one, fearing that others would not know that his granddaughter had How popular.

"Old General, please also calm your anger, this matter is that the Great Zhou Emperor willed to do it alone, and the North Pluto Lord only learned about it afterwards," Yun Bahe was so angry that Zhou Qingchuan was just brought in.

When Yun Sheng left Taiyuan Mountain, he commissioned Zhou Qingchuan to help repair Taiyuan City.

It is also due to the empty ship and a large number of craftsmen of the Promise Chamber of Commerce that Taiyuan City can recover as before in such a short time.

People such as Zhou Qingchuan and Yun Bahe are also familiar.

Seeing that there are outsiders, Yunba River is not good to attack, but he is still a fire to Ye Beiming.

"Don’t persuade anyone, the old man just sees that Da Zhou’s father and son are not happy, Ye Chengtian is a white-eyed wolf, where can his son be better," Yun Bahe said when he was here. one place.

"General Yun, I came here today, but I came here as a lobbyist. I don’t deceive you from saying that I and Lord Beiming are also familiar. There is a letter here that he asked me to hand it over to Yunsheng. But I have no news of Yun Sheng, so I can only give the letter to two people. I hope that after reading this letter, I can understand the intention of the Northern Hades."

Zhou Qingchuan said nothing and took out a letter.

Zhou Qingchuan also learned yesterday that Ye Beiming was unmarried and took a break from Yunsheng. He was shocked at the time by both the Yun family and his son.

He even went to the door to question Ye Beiming himself.

Zhou Qingchuan did not shy away, and told Ye Beiming his intentions about Yun Sheng.

"North Pluto, although you and I are business partners, but I have always regarded you as a brother. I know you first, Yunyun is behind, but Yuncheng, I am also sincere. I once married Yunsheng wholeheartedly. As a wife, why don’t you give me a step first and lose to you? I don’t have any complaints. But if you’re sorry for Yun Sheng, you and my brother, just stop here.”

Zhou Qingchuan's remarks were moved after Ye Beiming heard them.

The answer he gave to Zhou Qingchuan was on that letter.

After listening to Zhou Qingchuan's explanation of the matter, Yun Bahe's expression calmed down, but he still didn't get angry, "Huh, I'm going to look at it, what the kid has to explain."

Yun Ba screamed and opened the letter written by Ye Beiming.

Seeing clearly the handwriting on the letter, Rao was a veteran of the battlefield like Yunba River. He didn't even change his complexion and took a breath.

Ye Beiming's letter contains only eight characters.

Ye Beiming actually wanted...

"Well, Hugh wrote the letter and he wrote the letter. How does the old man know which one is true and which one is false," Yun Bahe was still somewhat dissatisfied.

It is embarrassing, but his granddaughter is so troubled, who will dare to marry Yunsheng in the future.

"General Yun Lao, Head of Cloud, only needs three more months for the Northern Hades. All the truth will come to light," Zhou Qingchuan believes that anyone who sees the letter at first glance will not believe it, but he believes it. Too.

Ye Beiming said that he would definitely do it.

After reading those eight words, Zhou Qingchuan was completely relieved.

In this world, I am afraid that only Ye Beiming would dare to say these eight words.

Yun Sheng, the night of Beiming, is the luck of her life.