Chapter 976: The ancient green dragon above the four great beasts

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

"It turned out that the ancient training of Dihong City turned out to be true. In this world, there are really people who can awaken many pieces of emperor jade," what made Xuan Tutian angry was that just now, he found "The Great Regent King" The body has multiple breaths of emperor jade.

The breath of the emperor jade, one red and one white, is clearly the white tiger emperor and the Suzaku emperor.

Prior to the death of the former city lord, Emperor Hongcheng would tell the new city lord a last word that he was looking for someone who could awaken four emperors and reopen the road of fire.

However, among the many generations of city lords, not to mention the people who awakened four pieces of emperor jade, even those who could wake up two pieces of emperor jade at one time, never appeared.

Unexpectedly, this time there was a rebellion in the city, and there was a person who could wake up Suzaku and the White Tiger Emperor at the same time.

Although this person is still an out-of-towner, no matter whether he is from Dihong City or the regent king of Dazhou, as long as he is brought into the tomb of the emperor, then he will be able to reopen the Fire God Road.

As soon as the divine road opened, the gods were just around the corner. In Xuan's eyes, the light of greed and longing flashed.

He seemed to see a fat and juicy prey, shaking it in front of him.

"Urban Master, you want to use me to open the way of God, I will send you two words, "Dream!"" How could Yunsheng not know the ambition of Emperor Hongcheng, she smiled like a flower.

As she moved her eyebrows, Xiaohei and the local tyrants thundered like thunder.

Yun Sheng also waved his magic scepter, and the dark thorns on the ground, and the roaring flame phoenix, attacked Xuan Tuotian together.

"Yellow mouth child, dare to show ugliness in front of the lord of the city like this! I let you see and see, I totem the power of the green dragon!" Xuan wanton roared with a lot of blue dragon-shaped jade in his hands.

That Yu Pei transformed into a short blue flute.

Xuan Wutian blew the short flute. From the flute body, what came out was not the flute sound, but a low growl that sounded like a throat in Warcraft.

Xuan Tutian's body was shocked, and a blue light rushed straight out of him.

That blue light broke the roof of the city's main palace and rushed into the sky.

Above the city walls, the father and son, the elders, and the city residents who were still glued together were all shocked by this blue light.

Seeing the direction of the source of blue light, everyone looked different.

Xuan Meimei and Mrs. Qing cried and laughed as they saw the savior: "It is the father (Urban Master), and the father (Urban Master) is here, he really will not leave our mother and daughter."

The elders are also afraid.

Such a big movement, the city master actually wants to use the power of the totem blue dragon.

It was ten years since the last summoning of the Blue Dragon, a battle between the city owner and several powerful players who called the emperor.

Who is it that can lead the city to actively use the power of Qinglong.

The unbreakable expression changed from the initial shock to panic.

He suddenly thought of it, Yun Sheng, Yun Sheng was away, is it that she and Xuan Ran Tian met!

Without even breaking the wheel, he dared not think about it, and rushed towards the main palace of the city.

Above midair, a massive force rushed into the clouds, and a turbulent blue vortex of power was circling continuously.

The vortex is turning faster and faster, and the whole sky is like to be pressed down.

In the cloud vortex, a beast shadow showed a shape from fuzzy to clear.

At the time when the cloud vortex was formed, Yun Sheng only felt that the Shennong medical bracelet on his arm was as hot as a hot iron.

When the terrible existence in the cloud vortex appeared, the pressure of a mythical animal was overwhelming, like the tide, rolling in.

Above the sky, thousands of meters above the sky, a gigantic cyan dragon hovering and flying like an ancient city wall.

The blue dragon head has horns, eyes like two stone mills, and a dragon full of power. Each piece of blue scales is like the hardest shield. Under the thunder and lightning, there is a frightening chill.

On the back of Qinglong, there are a pair of powerful giant wings. With the shaking of the giant wings, the clouds and waves are rolling, and the whole sky is like experiencing the stormy sea. The clouds are rolling and murderous.

Emperor's totem blue dragon.

Among the four totem gods and beasts, the blue dragon is at the top of the list, and it is also the most preserved beast among the four totem gods and beasts.

Because the dragon clan, even among the gods and beasts, is also the existence of the supernatural beings.

Qinglong suddenly appeared, this is Yunsheng's first time, so close to see the strength of such a strong, such terrible physical strength of Warcraft.

This behemoth, like the modern endless Great Wall, made Yun Sheng and everyone frightened.

At this moment, Qinglong proudly looked at Emperor Hongcheng and everyone on the ground.

"The power of the green dragon, this is the blue beast of the city master!"

On the gate of the city, that end was like a mirage, and the extremely real Qinglong made everyone daunted.

Above the gate, the guards looked at the sky in horror, and their hearts shivered.

The dragon's body was hovering in the air, just like a towering hill, between its throughput, the sky and clouds were tossing, electricity was flashing, and thunder was ringing.

With the appearance of the blue dragon, two figures like meteors flew out of the main palace and stopped in the air.

Dixuan City Lord Xuantian days!

The regency king of the Big Week "Ye Beiming."

"Xuan Wantian, you actually used the power of the dragon in the city!"

The unyielding sky rises from the sky, and it is opposite to the horns of the Yunsheng and Xuansi days.

"Yuanwu, there is no seriousness in there. You take advantage of the absence of the city's owner, and wage a mutiny, seize the throne of my city's owner, and capture my wife and daughter, even if the city's owner disobeys the ancestor's admonishment, it is forced by you," Xuan Shou After the **** called out the dragon, he was proud and arrogant.

"The ignorant ants dare to offend me, the Lord of the Blue Dragon, and the one who is against me, only die," Qinglong's deep voice spread throughout the Emperor Hongcheng.

The fury of the gods and beasts destroys the world.

Even if Xuan Tuo is not going to kill him today, Qinglong will surely be alive.

Suddenly, the giant green dragon swept the tail of the dragon, and wherever the rising hurricane passed, flying sand and rocks.

In Dihong City, a large number of houses were under Dragon's Fury. The roof fell, the walls collapsed, and the ground cracked. Some city residents who had no time to escape were pressed under the eaves under the walls.

All of a sudden, the cries of children, and the cries of the elderly and the women, continued.

"Unbroken, immediately send the old, weak women and children in the city to the underground refuge! Quick!" Yoshiyuki exclaimed loudly.

The wheel was not broken under Long Wei, and Ben was still a little shocked. After being so drunk by his father, he immediately woke up.

He understood the meaning of his father. Today, Xuan Xuan was alone and summoned a totem blue dragon. A fierce battle was inevitable.

The strong will fight, and only the innocent citizens will be injured.

At this time, even the elders and others could not help being angered by what Xuan Tutian did.

They abandoned their prejudices and ran into the city, looking for relatives and helping those trapped city residents.

Unbreakable rescued an injured old man and saw Yun Sheng in mid-air.

"It doesn't matter, it's important to save people. I have local gold and Warcraft protection. You don't need to control me," Yun Sheng said loudly.

~ On the weekend, all the men came back, reached out their claws to discuss the monthly ticket, and released the fox when they got it~