Chapter 1233: Same life but different lives

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The woman's pleading failed to win the sympathy of the soldiers.

"Ma'am, please don't embarrass your subordinates. The patriarch is greeting the guests. Seeing you like this, he will be punished again," the Sky Fox soldiers pushed the woman away coldly.

"Bold, how can you treat the patriarch's wife like this!" the maid behind the woman blamed.

It turned out that this woman who looked like Hu Jiusheng turned out to be Hu Ruolan, the wife of Tianhu Patriarch.

There is no emperor in the Tianhu tribal country. The patriarch and the elders are both the highest rulers. The identity of the patriarch's wife is equivalent to the queen of a country. It should have been a high power.

But the woman in front of him, in the Tianhu Palace, has no place.

Over the years, Fox Qianqiu has received a large number of Tianhu beauties into the palace, completely disregarding the so-called Tianhu Patriarch's wife.

The specific reason is that the patriarch's wife, once known as the first beauty of Tianhu, gave birth to a waste daughter.

After becoming a saint, the waste daughter rumored that she was sold to the Promise Continent and lost her innocence.

This matter, although the patriarch has blocked the news, but in the Tianhu Palace, it has long spread.

After the news spread, the patriarch's wife, who was not favored at all, was even less valued.

Even some beautiful women who had just entered the palace dared to bully her directly.

Hu Ruolan missed her daughter and repeatedly begged Fox Qianqiu to send people to the Promise Continent to find her daughter's whereabouts.

"That waste is not worth the tribe's manpower to find it." Fox Qianqiu's ruthless look, Fox Ruolan remembers clearly.

But she still did not give up, and every few days, she would go to Fox Qianqiu once.

"Hu Ruolan, have you had enough trouble? If it were not that you were Wuwei Tianhu, I wouldn't marry you at all. Don't forget. Speaking of identity, you are nothing but an orphan girl." Fox Qianqiuhan Face, came over.

Hu Ruolan is an orphan girl.

She was born in the wilderness and was adopted by the last chief of the Fox tribe.

At that time, Fox Qianqiu chose Fox Ruolan among countless marriageable women, also because of her beautiful appearance, docile personality, and the pedigree of Wuwei Tianhu.

Fox Qianqiu also loved her for a while, especially she also gave birth to Fox Sheng of the six-tailed Tian Fox lineage.

But all this changed after testing that Husheng was a waste.

As a patriarch, Hu Qianqiu has a waste daughter. This has become the biggest criticism of Hu Qianqiu.

For nearly two decades, he has been grumpy about this matter.

I don’t know if it’s because of the waste. Over the years, Fox Chiaki has chosen countless beauties to enter the palace despite the acceptance of the harem. However, among his children, there has never been a high-heeled fox.

Not to mention the six tails, even the five tails did not see one.

Fox Qianqiu attributed all of this to Hu Sheng.

In the first few months of Hu Sheng's disappearance, Hu Qianqiu was still somewhat happy.

The waste was finally gone, and it was a relief for him.

But where did I know, but then that kind of thing happened, that waste was actually sold to the Promise Continent.

Although Husheng is a waste, but his appearance is the same as Hu Ruolan, she is very beautiful, and the Tianhu woman has fallen into the hands of a human race man, with only one ending.

So from the moment I learned that Hu Sheng was sold to the Promise Continent, Hu Qianqiu regarded the daughter as dead.

"Qianqiu, I don't ask for anything else, I just ask you to send someone to inquire about the whereabouts of Hu Sheng. I dreamed yesterday that Sheng Er said she was back," Hu Ruolan's face, tears like broken pearls Rolling down.

She has a cowardly personality, and when the old patriarch was still in her early years, someone could count on it.

The elder patriarch was afraid that she would be bullied, so she specifically directed Hu Qianqiu to take care of her. The two were okay when they first got married, but everything has changed since her daughter Hu Sheng was deemed a waste.

The beloved husband spoke coldly to her and received many beauties.

These Hu Ruolan have no complaints, she just raised her daughter silently, grew up with her daughter, and lived safely in the Tianhu Palace.

However, her daughter suddenly disappeared.

For Hu Ruolan, the whole sky collapsed.

A few years after her daughter disappeared, she washed her face with tears every day.

Hu Qianqiu said that her daughter was already dead, but last night, she dreamed that her daughter Hu Sheng stood alive in front of her.

She still shouted softly as before: "Mother, Sheng'er is back."

Hu Ruolan is convinced that her daughter will not lie to her, she must have returned.

"Dream, Hu Ruolan, you're still dead. I won't send a soldier to find him. I really regret that when I didn't detect her as waste, I killed her! The elder patriarch of the Jiuluan tribe is now As a guest in the Sky Fox Palace, you should stop making trouble. Otherwise, I will drive you out of the palace!" Fox Qianqiu made a bad voice and ordered people to **** Fox Ruolan back to the palace.

Hu Ruolan looked at the huge palace, but his heart was cold.

Fox Chiaki never really cared about her and her daughter.

"Guizhi, you have packed my luggage for me," Xu is crying too many times, Hu Ruolan's eyes are dry at this moment, and no tears can flow.

She believed that she would not dream that way for no reason.

"Ma'am? Are you?" Hu Ruolan's maid looked puzzled.

"I'm leaving the Tianhu Palace, here is no longer my place." Hu Ruolan smiled sadly.

In the heart of Fox Qianqiu, only the glory of his Tian Fox patriarch, the selection of the Tian Hu Sheng Nuo is in full swing, he will not care about his daughter Hu Sheng at all.

After leaving the Tianhu Palace, whether it is the Eight Continents or the Promise Continent, even if it is a life of hers, she will have to find the whereabouts of her daughter Hu Sheng.

The master and servant packed their luggage that night and quietly left the Tianhu Palace.

Standing outside a side door of the palace, Hu Ruolan was a little bit timid again.

After she married Fox Chiaki, she had not left Tianhu Palace for decades.

Hu Du was no longer Hu Du, and she didn't know where to look for her daughter Hu Sheng's whereabouts.

Under the confusion, Hu Ruolan could only walk with her maid on the streets of Hu Du.

At this time, it was already before and after the lantern, and Hudu's bustling streets were full of pedestrians.

Due to the Grand Candidate for the Candidate of the Virgin Fox, Hudu has had a lot of other people who have come and gone from time to time.

Hu Ruolan walked in the crowd, thinking of her daughter in the dream of last night, feeling sour for a while, unconsciously she was separated from her maid Guizhi.

"Oh, you don't have long eyes, but dare to bump into this uncle."

When Hu Ruolan realized, she was already on a completely strange street, and people were coming and going. She collided with a man with a big face.