Chapter 1409: Sudden changes in life and death

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of God Doctor Mad Princess: Genius Summoner!

Yun Sheng's words just fell, and the high priest looked at the sky again, bursting out of phase.

The blood spear that had already occupied the excellent situation, in a section of the spear body, suddenly broke apart and broke into two pieces.

The priest holding the mirror of the dark destiny in the beast altar suddenly felt that the whole body of blood was rolling, unable to help his heart, and a spit of blood spurted out.

Only a crackling sound was heard, and the Dark Destiny Mirror exploded at once.

The dark eight waste artifact is the same, the power is greatly reduced.

The blood spear broke off, and the offensive was suddenly short.

On the other hand, everyone in the Promise Continent saw that the other party was unable to form an army, and the morale was greatly boosted.

The power of the Shielded Heavenly Shield has expanded several times at once.

"Yun Sheng, you are the ghost." A pair of blood eyes appeared in the sky, which were the eyes of Du Gu Xiu.

"Du Guxiu, tell the high priest that the counterfeit goods are counterfeit goods, the dark eight waste artifacts will never be comparable to the genuine eight waste artifacts." Yun Sheng said, raising his hand, the eight waste artifacts were greatly revitalized, eight beams, The light soars.

"Do you think you won this way? Haha, I tell you, this is just the beginning. Among the few blood stars, there is the Qilin blood of the patriarch. The blood gas, ordinary people and Warcraft are once contaminated. , It will melt down. I will take no soldiers and soldiers to make the entire Promise continent into a world of purgatory." Du Guxiu said, a roaring explosion in the sky.

I saw the seven blood stars hanging in the sky, exploded with a loud bang.

When the blood star exploded, it turned into an aerosol and was blown away by the wind.

"No, there is a difference in the blood mist." The sudden change made Yun Sheng and others caught off guard. When they reacted, the blood mist had spread to all parts of the mainland.

After combining the relic and the heart of Yexiu, Du Guxiu was full of hatred for the Promise Continent. His flesh and blood was full of his violent and violent.

The Heavenly Blood Realm was guarded, but the blood star turned into a blood mist, but everyone did not expect it.

The blood mist sees that the wind has spread, and the speed is fast, and even the God Realm Treasure Ship may not be able to catch up with its speed.

But within a day, the seven groups of blood mist had begun to spread frantically in every corner of the mainland. It was like a terrible plague that caused countless mountains and cities to change dramatically overnight.

As soon as the blood mist touched the tree, the tree changed, and the original tree rooted in the soil turned into hands and feet, swallowed venom, and crawled out of the soil.

As soon as the blood mist touched the Warcraft, the Warcraft was mad and attacked when it saw someone.

Blood Mist entered the city, the six human relatives did not recognize, killing his wife and son.

In countless cities, blood flowed into rivers. Seeing the tragic situation of this scene, Yunsheng and other talents knew that the hatred of the Eight Wild Beast Clan against the human race has reached such a point.

"No. This blood mist is more difficult to control than the blood cloud of the day, even if it is used by the military of major countries. It is difficult to control it." Chang Siming receives every day from the temples in various places. The message reports how many people have been contaminated by blood mist and how many cities have fallen.

Melting down the blood mist is a more terrible slave than war and disease.

"Before finding a way to control the blood mist, we must try to preserve the people of various countries as much as possible. I think, this time, I have to ask Mingri to help." Yun Sheng took the initiative and she told her intentions.咵.

"You mean, let people in several big countries that haven't been infected by blood mist for a while, first go to the Underworld to avoid it?" Biao's expression is also very dignified. She is waiting for the **** of the post, the safety of the human world, she must be responsible .

She had already regretted it at this moment, and put Du Gu's foot into the magic circle.

She really should kill the kid with a knife, and get rid of the trouble forever. This is good. The kid's strength is actually even more terrible than the Kirin kid.

Boom was on the day of the dark day. At first, the day of the day was unwilling to agree to the request of the boom, after all, he had helped the boom once.

Unauthorized transfer of the undead human race to the underworld on a large scale is in itself against the rules of the underworld.

"You can be saved if you don't save, otherwise, these people are all dead, and they haven't all been taken to the Underworld. By then, the Underworld will be squeezed and exploded, and your Underworld God will still be one and two big." He said vigorously.

Mingri was so entangled that there was no way to do it. In the end, he could only promise to use Sifang Mingjiao to transport part of the human race to the Underworld.

After receiving the promise of the dark day, the rulers of several great powers, including Donghuang Linger, also heard the news.

They informed the people of the cities and towns about the urgency of the situation.

However, due to the limited number of Sifang Mingjiao, the transfer of the human race is still very slow. After weighing each country, they decided to prioritize the frail elderly children and women to leave first.

"Mother, I want to be with my mother." On Sifang Mingjiao, a child was crying and was going to find her mother.

Due to personnel problems, Sifang Mingjiao can only transport 500 people at a time.

Looking at the children who were broken up and crying, and the family and friends who were reluctant, Yun Sheng stood silently.

"Small wild cat, don't be sad, this doesn't blame you, you have tried your best." Ye Beiming did not know when, and walked to Yun Sheng.

He knew that in these days, Yun Sheng has been working hard, uniting doctors and light magicians from all over the mainland to find a way to crack the blood mist.

Those warriors and magicians with fighting spirit and magical power can barely reach a few days, but ordinary people can't.

She had not rested for days and nights, and her eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, which made Ye Beiming feel bad.

"As a medical doctor, I should have rescued and helped the wounded, and saw so many innocent people. Because of my mistakes, I fell down one by one, but I couldn't find any cure." This is the first time in Yun Sheng's life. Feeling powerless.

This kind of blood fog should be a disease similar to modern infectious diseases.

Only people and Warcraft contaminated with blood mist and blood mist can carry out secondary infections.

But she tried her best to find the source of pollution and treatment plan.

"You will definitely find it. Ji Rumo and they also discussed all night. You are all the best healers and magicians on the mainland. You only need to give you some time. You will be able to find ways to control and cure blood mist. "Ye Beiming embraced Yun Sheng in his arms. In terms of medical skills, he could not give her any advice. All he could give was encouragement."

"Actually...night fox, I have an idea. If it succeeds, I may have a chance to find a way to control the pollution of blood mist." Yun Sheng hesitated, gritted his teeth, and wandered one in his mind for several days. The way to say it.

"What? You said you are going to enter the heavily polluted area of ​​blood mist, looking for a cure? This is too dangerous." Ye Beiming heard Yunsheng's idea and frowned.