Chapter 231

Zhao Qiuyue, who is about to turn 18 in two months, is facing such a situation for the first time. Since childhood, she has learned all kinds of killing skills from Shen Tu, but none of them can pose a threat to the man at present.

If she had a choice at the moment, she would have preferred not to come against the man a few hours ago.

"Why let me do such a thing!" Zhao Qiuyue's tears still couldn't stop flowing down.

"Because you make a mistake, you have to be punished. This is only one of the means of punishment. Do you want more?" Zhou Ting said with a smile.

Zhao Qiuyue quickly shook her head and said, "no, no! I promise to be your insider, but I can't hurt my aunt. She's a good person!"

"Am I a bad man?" Zhou Ting asked.

"You. Neither! Then I promise to help you find out my aunt's plan. Let me go!" the little girl looked at Zhou Ting with some fear.

There was no response. Zhou Ting stepped on the accelerator and drove back to Jiangling city. Both of them fell silent on the road. Zhao Qiuyue didn't know what the guy was going to do, and didn't dare to talk.

"Well, here we are. The municipal government is in front. I shouldn't send you in," Zhou Ting pointed.

"No, then I can go," the little girl asked with some uncertainty.

Zhou Ting smiled and said, "yes, but remember what I said, otherwise those little insects will come out!"

Zhao Qiuyue hurriedly escaped. If she stayed with him for another second, she would scream. After all, she is still a little girl and lacks experience in struggle. Zhou Ting has no magical insects, which is just to scare her. He has long seen that the girl is fierce and weak.

Zhao Qiuyue slowly returns to Zhao Jingya's residence. Zhao Jingya is taking a bath.

Through the frosted glass, you can just see her graceful posture.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, Zhao Jingya came out in her bathrobe. This wonderful body made girls like Zhao Qiuyue reluctant to move her eyes. Zhao Jingya's skin is smooth and white like a child. Such a beauty can't be appreciated by ordinary people.

"Miss, you have a good figure!" Zhao Qiuyue couldn't help praising.

"What's the matter? I'm an old woman. Didn't you hear that smelly boy say that I'm about to expire?" Zhao Jingya said slightly.

Zhao Qiuyue's teeth itched when she thought of a hateful guy, but she didn't dare to go against his will. She thought about it and said, "Miss, don't listen to his nonsense! We have ways to deal with him!"

"He's not talking nonsense. This boy's medical skills have been praised by many old gentlemen. He seems to have become a leader of the new generation at the traditional Chinese Medicine Conference! You need to cooperate with him this time in Jiangling. Don't be rash! Did he bully you today?" Zhao Jingya asked.

"No. No!" Zhao Qiuyue subconsciously touched her chest.

Zhao Jingya said coldly, "this boy is really bold. Did he touch your chest?"

Zhao Qiuyue blushed and dared not say anything for fear that she might slip her tongue.

"Xiaonizi, you're moved. Go and look in the mirror. Your face is redder than a monkey's ass!" Zhao Jingya joked.

Zhao Qiuyue covered her face with a voice, and she was ashamed.

Zhao Jingya chuckled, "Qiuyue is already a big girl in our family and will soon be 18 years old! If that boy bullies you, tell me. Of course, if you are willing to bully him, tell me! Your heartless father probably won't care if you have anything to do with that boy. If you like it, I'll make decisions for you!"

"Aunt!" Zhao Qiuyue said upset.

"Well, well, don't tease my niece and granddaughter!" Zhao Jingya hugged her and said.

The bathrobe spread gently, revealing half a round and warped hemisphere. Zhao Qiuyue was stunned and couldn't help but marvel at her aunt's body. But to Zhao Qiuyue's surprise, the other hemisphere seems to be a little smaller.

"What are you looking at? How can you look like those disciples? My aunt is so sad that she let the boy see through. I don't know how he can see it!" Zhao Jingya said sadly.

Qiuyue was stunned. She didn't expect that the bad guy was so powerful. She really fell in love with her aunt. Zhao Jingya's two meat balls are asymmetric in size. It's not a big deal to put them on ordinary women, but Zhao Jingya's pursuit of perfection is simply intolerable.

"Aunt, do you want him to help you treat this?" Zhao Qiuyue asked.

Zhao Jingya glared at her and said, "silly girl, if you want to treat me here, I need to think about it in the long run. At least make sure that boy is willing to help me wholeheartedly!"

Not daring to ask, Zhao Qiuyue pouted: "I think Miss thinks too much of him. Where is he worth your trouble? If you catch him and serve him, he can't do anything for you."

"He should be sincere, little girl. There are many ways to deal with men! Your rude ideas are too naive! There are many other ways to deal with him, such as sending you to seduce him and make him obey under your pomegranate skirt!" Zhao Jingya smiled.

Being joked by her elders, Zhao Qiuyue was ashamed and angry. Waves of heat surged up in her body for no reason, and she couldn't help thinking of her chest.

The next day, Zhou Ting returned to the campus again. He wanted to find Luo Yun.

Zhou Ting was shocked by the lively girl. Zhou Ting found her in the small restaurant after a big circle. The girl sat there quietly eating breakfast. The early morning sun fell on her, which made Zhou Ting excited for a moment.

Zhou Ting went over and sat down.

"What are you doing here?" Luo Yi stared at him.

I didn't expect there was another annoying guy next to me. I didn't know what happened just now. I filtered him directly from my eyes.

"I didn't come to see my defeated generals anyway!" Zhou Ting smiled.

Luo yunjiao said with a smile, "well, brother, hurry to class. I have something to do!"

"What's the matter with you two, Zhou Ting? I warn you, don't worry about my sister!" the defeated general's momentum of speaking was weakened.

Zhou Ting ignored him, took out the notebook, handed it over and said, "your opinion is very good. After reading it last night, I came to thank you!"

"You're welcome, but it's insincere to say thank you!" the girl said naughtily.

"You have bought breakfast, so I'll buy you lunch!" Zhou Ting suggested.

Luo Yun handed over his wrist. The women's watch of Jacques fanbao showed that the time was 8 a.m. "Do you want me to wait until noon?" she said

"Then tell me!" Zhou Ting said.

"Please let me go to the cinema. There's no class in the morning!" Luo Yun suggested.

Naturally, it's no problem, but he meant to come to her to talk about calligraphy. Following her instructions, Zhou Ting drove her to the cinema.

Looking at the posters everywhere, Zhou Ting had no clue and asked Luo Yun's opinion.

"Titanic 3 remake!" Luo yundao.

How could this girl like such an old film? But girls always like these affectionate things. Zhou Ting bought two tickets.

"Sorry, sir, there are only couple seats for the time being!" the ticket girl smiled.

"Then. Lovers seat!" Zhou Ting looked at Luo yundao with a slightly red face.

Popcorn and coke are essential. After they bought them, they got into the upcoming cinema.

This is probably the first time Zhou Ting accompanied a girl to see a movie. Zhou Ting was a little absent-minded. When the gorgeous ship was exposed in front of him, he restrained his mind and stared at the screen.

The girl beside him is very close to him. The advantage of lovers' seat is that there is no gap between the two people, and there is enough space for those messy things.

Popcorn and coke didn't move at all. Luo Yun carefully moved her ass and narrowed the distance between her and Zhou Ting from 5cm to only 2cm. The man beside him was staring at the film and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhou Ting suddenly turned his head, took off his 3 eyes and asked, "have you seen this before?"

"Ah. I saw it when I was very young and forgot it!" Luo Yun's heart beat faster.

A sense of suffocation came. Luo Yun gently stroked her chest. She tried to calm her mood, but she couldn't control it. Especially when she quietly moved her body to stick with him, bursts of dizziness came.

Luo Yun knew it was a suicide attempt, but she couldn't help it because she had coveted the man beside her for a long time. Finally, I had the opportunity to be so close to him and watch the films she had seen countless times.

When Jack painted Ruth's portrait in the movie, Luo Yun's dizziness became stronger. She gritted her teeth and held on to the huge load of her heart.

His hands groped aimlessly and pinched the popcorn. Luo Yun felt like a life-saving straw and pulled it tightly and stuffed a few into his mouth.

The camera comes to the classic scene. Jack stands in the bow of the boat with Ruth in his arms, enjoying the happiness of that moment. Luo Yun's heart gradually sank. She imagined that she and Zhou Ting had replaced the characters in the film.

The heart rubbed and floated. Luo Yun knew he was finished and couldn't control it anymore. The body became numb and stiff. The body fell slightly and leaned against Zhou Ting's shoulder.

It was not easy to focus on the film. Zhou Ting was amazed by such a gorgeous epic blockbuster. Suddenly, the girl next to him leaned over. Zhou Ting was a little surprised.

Thinking about what the girl was going to do, he turned his head and looked at her. He continued to maintain his original posture, and his hands were not interesting. But gradually Zhou Ting noticed something wrong. The girl beside him had a disordered breathing rhythm, like drowning.

Turning his head, Luo Yun closed his eyes and bit his lips with his teeth. He looked very painful.

Zhou Ting quickly hugged Luo Yun and put his hand on her pulse. It's terrible! This girl has a heart attack!

Put the girl flat on her lap. Zhou Ting's big hand reached into her arms and pressed it. The touch at the beginning was wonderful, but Zhou Ting didn't want to put it here at the moment. He kept pressing and gathered real Qi to drill into her body. Keep your head down and give her artificial respiration.

The people next to him noticed that some of them had learned from Zhou Ting and wanted to put down the women around them. They didn't know that they had received a loud slap in the face.

Zhou Ting's first aid worked. Luo Yun gradually opened his eyes and saw Zhou Ting pressing his meat ball and kissing himself.

A great dizziness hit again, and the poor girl fainted again.