Chapter 205

Name:Miss,Come To Me Author:Liu Yi Tian
The courier calls Peng Shiyi, delivers the express to the hospital ward where Peng Shiyi lives, and then leaves.

During this period, Peng's family tried their best to stabilize Peng's poetic mood and try not to let her hear the rumors about those people outside.

On the one hand, it's not pleasant for her to stir up trouble. On the other hand, I'm afraid she won't have much to look forward to in the future. Peng Chao is still waiting for Peng to get married when his poetry is restored, so as to stabilize the situation while marrying a good family.

After receiving the express, Peng Shiyi sat on the head of the bed with a bracket around her neck. She asked the nurse to show her the private express list. At the same time, the nurse had opened the express for her neatly.

There is no sender's information and telephone number on the express bill. It only indicates that it was sent by Shengshi company, but it clearly states her name and telephone number.

At this time, who will send her express?

She is thinking about this, Yu Guang suddenly saw a pile of photos in the hand of the nurse. The objects in the photo are Cheng Yanxia and Fang Jiangyi. She immediately stares at them and grabs all the photos from the nurses.

Her hand has been trembling, quickly look at all those photos, the whole person can't help shaking in anger.

Cheng Yanxia and Fang Jiangyi go to Shengshi company together, pick up their children at school together, and even take their children to dinner together. Fang Jiangyi even reaches for a paper to wipe Cheng Yanxia's mouth.

Peng Shiyi's hands are full of blue veins. He seems to have asthma, and he crumples the picture in his hand.

What do you mean, it's not enough to harm her now, but also to deliberately send some precise photos to stimulate her! Cheap, human, cheap, human! It must be Cheng Yanxia, the woman, who sent her photos on purpose! Flaunt to her, flaunt that she won, flaunt now in brother Jiang Yi or her side!

Peng Shiyi gnashed her teeth and almost broke her lip.

The nurse was startled by the situation. Knowing that the photo was wrong, she quickly reached for the photo in her hand. If there was something wrong with this person during her care, she could not bear the responsibility.

But Peng Shiyi's hand is like an eagle's claw. He holds the photo tightly and refuses to let go of anything.

Even madly push the nurse away, hysterically tear all the photos into pieces, broken a bed, all the ground is the fragments of the photos. She grabbed her hair and screamed. She looked like she was crazy. It was very scary.

The nurse turned pale and pressed the call bell beside the bed to call the nurse and doctor.

When the doctor and nurse arrived, Peng Shiyi still pulled her hair and yelled.

"Bitch! Ah! You die, you die! Why don't you die! He's mine, he's mine

Several people pressed Peng Shiyi on the bed, and the nurse skillfully gave her a tranquilizer. Under the effect of the medicine, Peng Shiyi gradually became paralyzed, and her consciousness was confused. She still held a piece of picture in her hand and could not stop yelling.

Before she was about to fall asleep, she curled herself up in a ball. Two lines of bright tears ran down the corner of her eyes and moistened a pillow towel. She cried in despair: "brother Jiang Yi..."

I may really lose you.

The nurse and the doctor wiped the sweat on their forehead, and they were choked by the patient these days. The nurse simply said the situation just now, and the doctor gave detailed instructions.

"She can't be stimulated any more in her present situation. Don't stimulate her any more, and don't mention anything that will make her excited. Hurry to clean up the ward, so that she won't wake up and see these emotions out of control again. "

The nurse should clean the whole ward neatly without leaving any trace.

When Peng Shiyi wakes up, what she sees is the clean and tidy ward. She has been confused for a long time. Until the tingling on the back of her hand came, she had been infusing medicine, just so excited struggle, the back of her hand was bleeding.

The nurse's smiling face appeared in front of her. She was chipping an apple.

"Miss Peng, you wake up. Do you feel better? You haven't eaten much all day. Have some fruit."

Peng Shiyi's eyes fell on the fruit knife in her hand and gradually became sharp.

The nurse followed her eyes to see the knife in her hand, and quickly turned to avoid seeing this kind of thing.

"You can eat it right away. You are not in good condition recently. You should take a good rest. No matter how many unhappy things you have, you have to take good care of yourself to solve them, right. In fact, my daughter is about the same age as you, and she is a little younger than you. She is very rebellious in adolescence. Sometimes I don't know how to discipline her... "

Gradually, the nurse began to make friends with her.

Finally, she cut the apples into small pieces and put them into her mouth with a toothpick. Peng Shiyi can hardly eat a few pieces. She seldom has such a quiet time recently.

"Auntie, where's my cell phone? Give me my cell phone." After what she had just done, she had made up her mind to do something.

This time, even with her own drag into hell, she will never let Cheng Yanxia that bitch better! Even if she died, she would be buried with her!Nursing workers are very embarrassed. Peng's family has repeatedly explained to her that Peng Shiyi must not touch similar electronic products. The important thing is not to let her have a chance to see those bad rumors, so as not to stimulate her illness.

So she said, "your mobile phone is with your mother. It's not good to use those electronic products during the rest period. When you get well and go home, your mother will give it to you."

Peng Shiyi tugged at the corners of her mouth and showed a smile. She did not know the family's plan and what they were worried about.

She said very cleverly: "don't worry, I just want to call a friend and let him come to see me and talk to me. I'm bored these days. Don't worry. I won't do anything else with my cell phone. "

Her clever appearance makes people particularly uncomfortable, and the nursing workers are a little stunned.

She hesitated for a moment, thinking that if Peng Shiyi got better earlier, she could get rid of herself. If it wasn't for the salary, who would be willing to guard such a patient who might break out at any time.

"Give me your number and I'll dial for you."

Peng Shiyi fluently reported a series of phone numbers. After receiving the mobile phone, she asked the nurse to wait outside the door. She wanted to speak the phone alone.

"Hello, who is it?" The man's big voice on the phone.

Peng Shiyi's eyes were fixed and said, "brother Diao, it's me, Peng Shiyi."

The man pretended to be surprised: "Oh, Miss Peng, we haven't contacted each other for a long time. Suddenly, we came to me and had work to do?"

PENG Shiyi didn't smile, but said, "yes, do a big business for me. If you can make it, I can give you a million dollars. You can leave Shoujing and go back to your hometown to avoid the limelight. After the limelight, you can go out again. ” , the fastest update of the webnovel!