Chapter 462 Lucky Break

Name:MMORPG : Ancient WORLD Author:
Chapter 462 Lucky Break

Alex did not delay after realizing what Odin was up to and swiftly used the 'Arcane Trance' skill to elevate his time perception and mind clarity as he rushed forth using the void walk, but Thor and Balder were standing, ready to lay down their life to give their guild leader the time needed to execute the skill.

Now that the skill was activated, Alex needed to kill Odin to stop it, and while if it was aimed at him, he just needed to get out of the attacking range to make the skill useless, but he knew better than to believe Odin would even consider using it on him.

Alex knew the skill would take a few seconds to complete, so he closed the distance and delivered multiple quick slashes at the duo protecting Odin, each energy slash carrying strength similar to peak fifth Rank attacks followed by a darkness blast at close range.

But after seeing the invisible shield around Odin block the blast with ease and even stop the chain aimed to ensnare him, Alex took a step back and built some distance.

Alex swiftly began charging his blade with pure darkness while also taking advantage of his altered perception of time to rain down abyssal lances on Odin, who stood firmly gripping the spear with both hands.

After eleven virtual seconds, Alex bridged the distance with a quick void step, appeared before the invisible barrier, and swung his blade, his eyes meeting Odin's mocking gaze.

Thor and Balder quickly unleashed a flurry of defensive attacks but were engulfed in the cascade of pitch darkness, and even though Alex saw the barrier collapse under the down of the relentless darkness, he knew it would not be enough to kill Odin.

So, appearing in the sky, Alex raised his hand and began creating a single sphere of darkness that revolved and compressed to the inside at an alarming pace, and a mere three seconds later, which were virtually eight for him, he threw it at Odin.

Odin still firmly held the spear, the crimson aura of dread growing around it, his face having a mocking grin as he stared at Alex even though his skin was falling apart, with blood slowly rushing out from the destroyed flesh and muscles.

The Quetzalcoatl, sensing the malevolent aura that was growing at an alarming rate, was quick to rush in its direction, knowing he could be at the receiving end of it, but Ra and others kept him at bay.

Alex triggered the false dark sun's explosion manually, causing it to erupt into a colossal sphere of deteriorating darkness that swiftly engulfed tens of meters in silent darkness that ate away anything it touched.

Alex and his team had proved to the world again and again that they could not only stand against the most formidable and strongest players but could also outclass them, and now they have nothing to prove.

Alex watched with the sense of a spear ripping a hole through the wings of Quetzalcoatl and tearing open his chest, and at this point, the spear seemed to be unguled in the crimson aura that burned with such intensity that it was towering over the few meters.

The aura finally burned off after sixteen seconds, leaving behind a bloodied Quetzalcoatl who had a giant hole in all six wings, a large section of his arms missing, and his chest was torn open from the front, the golden spear lodged in his body, firmly stuck in his spine.

Alex watched as the creature's health dropped from 41.4% to 25.8%, which was closer to 16%, making the Olypian guild jump to first place with total damage of 26.3%, while Shadow Oblivion was sitting at 13.4%.

Alex kept his eyes on the Quetzalcoatl as he canceled the Dark enclave and began charging his blade with all of his remaining mana for a final strike.

The remaining players started to disintegrate one by one as they logged out, not caring to die a useless death when there was nothing to gain or lose.

"Ruler, If you want the event points, I am always ready to negotiate a deal that benefits both of us," Odin's voice sounded in the silence of the darkness as he summoned his spear back.

"Ruler, I want my rematch," Killian said, with a bloodied grin on his face as he pointed his massive war mace toward Alex.

Quetzalcoatl stood on the ground with his head down, with his body cloaked in crimson mist as it rapidly recovered from the injuries, a sign that he seemed to be entering a state of berserk.

So, knowing he seemed to be short of time, Alex messaged the team to log out before shifting his sight toward Fulgor, who stood in the sky, his laughter echoing loudly.

"The real fun is merely beginning," Fulgor declared as the continuous tongues of golden lightning pulsating from his body gradually dimmed, their vibrant color fading away.

Alex observed the sudden shift with clear surprise, as in his black-and-white world, he saw changes in Fulgor's figure and even so noticed a tremendous increase in the temperature of the lightning being released by his body.