Chapter 464 Finale

Name:MMORPG : Ancient WORLD Author:
Chapter 464 Finale

Alex was facing difficulty keeping up with the speed of Quetzalcoatl and Fulgor, and it was because of his cloudy mind that seemed to register things at a fraction of a moment later than what his eyes and senses picked, which made a huge difference in such a fast-paced battle.

As seconds ticked by and the Quetzalcoatl adapted to his improved strength, he became more and more of a threat, his figure a blur as it unleashed a relentless barrage of elemental and physical fury.

While Fulgor was putting up incredible resistance using his mind-bending ability to seamlessly shift any part of his body to pure lightning to avoid any damage, it appears even that had its limitations, as he couldn't turn his entire body to pure lightning.

So, under the relentless attacks, Fulgor was forced to take a few hits every other second, making his health drop at an even faster pace, and at the pace, things were going, he would be dead long before he could farm a third of the needed damage.

'I need to create an opportunity for Fulgor to land a big strike,' Alex thought as he tried to devise a simple plan.

Alex did not plan to let his instincts take over, nor did he consider the option of using the soul attack, so that only left him with his available means to keep the creature at bay for a few seconds.

Alex also eliminated the thought of using all his remaining mana to deliver a strong spell because it would do nothing if it did not land, and he could see that as strong as Fulgor was, he did not have the means to hold the Quetzalcoatl in place.

Alex could also not match in speed or strength to the Quetzalcoatl, so after thinking, he came up with a suicide plan that, if it worked, could give them victory and could also result in his death and, if it failed, would truly end in his death.

'Mana Amplification' 'Mana Overdrive'

'I better make this work,' Alex thought as he used his mana heart to pump his mana by nearly twenty times and began using most of his remaining mana to charge the blade with pure darkness.

Alex did not want to push his heart of ancient, which in turn pushed his body to his very limits, because he had yet to properly recover from the damage he did to his body in the first and second rounds, but to accomplish his mission without messing the very first step, he needed all the help.

After a few seconds, the sword was charged with all but a fraction of his mana, so Alex used the phantom walk, appearing closer to the duo amidst the chaos of clashing elements.

Alex weathered the storm of pain that only intensified the thoughts of letting go of his sanity to give this big bird a proper fu**ing beatdown, but he controlled his emotions and kept his focus on the rapidly dropping health.

'Chrono Sanctuary'

Alex used the skill as his health dropped to 10%, and instantly, a temporal cloak enveloped his body, making it revert to the physical state it was just before he began his fight against Mangus and the players.

The rapidly declining health swiftly began rising, and the damage done to his body recovered at an astonishing speed, surprising even the Quetzalcoatl, who growled as he felt the sudden shift in Alex's aura and the surge of vitality.

Alex felt his mind turned black for a moment as the voices faded away, but understanding there was no time to rest, he pulled the knife of destruction from his waist with his right hand, and with him already holding the space knife in his left, in a swift motion he initiated plunging the dual knife into the massive arm of the Quetzalcoatl.

The two knives, under the influence of Decay Surge and Space Slash skills, powered by a million mana, each dug into the hulking arm of the Quetzalcoatl with little resistance.

The destruction Alex did was not even a tenth of the percentage, but his goal was to anger the Quetzalcoatl, buy any time he could and divert his attention from Fulgor.

It was a make-or-break moment, and his efforts were paying off, as the Quetzalcoatl released a wild surge of flames and lightning that destroyed the flesh and muscles of his face and put such pressure that Alex could heart his skull cracking, and an instant later he felt an impact on his chest that stopped his breathing.

Alex felt the blood drain from his arms and his breath taken away, and before he could fully register the damage, he felt piercing pain from his cheek as the Quetzalcoatl-clawed hand went right through the center, nearly destroying both his heart.

Alex felt darkness covering his eyes, with his power getting sapped away from his body as an elemental blast struck head-

on, hurling him back through the now weakened pillar of darkness.

Alex's last thoughts were not about winning or losing the event but instead recalling the numerous clashes he had throughout the event, the many near-death experiences, and realizing how this marks the end of this adventure.