Chapter 862 Choices in the Shadows: The Weight of Evolution

Chapter 862 Choices in the Shadows: The Weight of Evolution

Ren winced as a headache throbbed behind his temples. "Wait, wait. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" he asked, feeling weak all of a sudden. If someone suddenly informed you that the world was crumbling, you'd likely feel a profound sense of weakness and powerlessness, especially if they weren't joking about it.

The evidence lay right before Ren's eyes. He would be a fool or delusional not to believe Angelica and Joker at this point.

It wasn't that Ren wholeheartedly believed their words, but the undeniable sign of his own evolving abilities, coupled with the inexplicable occurrences unfolding in the world around him, made it increasingly difficult to dismiss their claims outright.

The truth, as unsettling as it was, stared him squarely in the face.

"Because if we had revealed the truth earlier, you wouldn't have believed us," Joker responded, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. "We would have merely wasted our breath."

Ren grudgingly acknowledged the validity of Joker's reasoning. If Angelica and Joker had approached him with such outlandish claims before he began experiencing the evolution firsthand, he would have dismissed them as delusional and likely sought to have them institutionalized.

However, now that Ren found himself grappling with the tangible effects of the evolution itself, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, however reluctantly.

"COVENANT is merely a tool to expedite the evolution of humanity," Angelica interjected, her tone solemn. "Its creator must also be an evolved individual who traveled back in time to ensure the survival of as many humans as possible."

"Such endeavors are futile. It would take a miracle if it did work." Joker scoffed bitterly, though there was no humor in his laughter. "Though I must admit, it seems to have worked in your favor," he added, casting a speculative glance in Ren's direction.

Ren's head was spinning with all the new things that he heard. "So why reveal all of this to me now?" he asked. "Surely you didn't just decide to share this important knowledge out of the goodness of your hearts."

With a wink, he bid his farewell. "See you later, Ren. We won't be meeting each other in the game often since I'll be busy in the remaining few days."

"Ren," Angelica chimed in, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency. "If you ever have a change of mind, you know where to find us. But please, reconsider bringing too many humans with you. We won't be able to guarantee their safety. When the time comes, it's every humans for themselves." Her words hung in the air, a somber reminder of the harsh reality they would face. Ren nodded once and didn't offer to say anything more. Angelica offered a small smile before she too departed, leaving Ren to ponder the weight of their discussion.

This wasn't the conclusion Ren had envisioned for their conversation. Who knew that evolution came with such a price?

Initially, Ren had found it thrilling to discover his enhanced abilities and newfound skills, such as gaining blueprints and crafting with the right tools and materials. But now, faced with the reality of the impending catastrophe, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Opening his status bar once again, Ren stared dazedly at his screen. || REN ||

● Crafter, Technomancer

● O Credit Points

● 1st Stage, Apex Evolution

|| E N D ||

Ren possessed a plethora of passive skills and one active skill, but the main skills that would undoubtedly save his life when the time came were [Generate Blueprint] and [Beginner Crafter]. These abilities allowed him to generate blueprints of simple objects and create them with the right tools and materials.

However, right now, his current dilemma was whether he should tell the others about this or not.