Chapter 865 Echoes of Uncertainty: The Weight of Silence

Chapter 865 Echoes of Uncertainty: The Weight of Silence

At the side, Sumeri and Isolde's laughter and chatter filled the room, a stark contrast to the weighty thoughts weighing on Ren's mind. Sumeri's easygoing nature and Isolde's youthful innocence provided a welcome distraction from the gravity of their situation. Ren couldn't help but envy their carefree demeanor, wishing he could shield them from the harsh realities of the world.

And then there was Nikolai, the youngest member of their group, his innocence and naivety a stark reminder of the innocence that Ren feared would be lost if he revealed the truth. Despite his youth, Ren knew that Nikolai possessed a keen sense of intuition, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he might sense something amiss.

As Ren's headache intensified, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, willing the pain to subside. The weight of his decision bore down on him, each member of his guild representing a different facet of the dilemma he faced. It was a burden he wasn't sure they could bear right now.

"Hey Ren, are you okay?" Leonel broke Ren's reverie. "You've been silent there the whole time. Is something on your mind?"

All attention shifted to Ren, their eyes curious and expectant.

Ren took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their collective gaze upon him. Testing the waters, he cautiously began, "I'm just thinking . . ."

Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, and everyone's attention became laser-focused on Ren, their expressions a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

Ren swallowed nervously before continuing, "What if . . . what if the end of the world were to happen soon? What would you guys do?"

". . ."

". . ."

Silence hung in the air, thick with uncertainty and surprise.

No one could react before Ren's unexpected and serious question. Was he joking?

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Did he really just asked that question? Their Ren did?

Nikolai, absorbed in the conversation, responded nonchalantly, "Whatever my sister says, that's what I will do too."

Roz nodded in agreement. "I'm with Leonel's plan too."

With laughter and high fives exchanged between Leonel, Sumeri, Nikolai, and Roz, Ren couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty about their attitude towards the end of the world.

Was it because they thought he was joking that they were giving such carefree answers? Or did they truly feel that way? Ren pondered this question deeply.

Surely, if he were to tell them that he was serious and that the end of the world was imminent, they would prefer a painless death over facing such hardship head-on?

Meaning, suicide?

Maybe that was what the majority would think. Ren considered. Who would want to suffer if the end of the world were approaching?

Besides, it's the end of the world, what could they possibly do against that?

Everyone would likely prefer to give up and die swiftly and painlessly rather than endure the horrors of an apocalypse.

With that in mind, Ren concluded that revealing the truth to them would inevitably lead to their demise much earlier than necessary. Besides, he didn't know when the end of the world would happen, so there might still be a chance that they would evolve in this short of time.

Perhaps if they would evolve, it would change their views and encourage them to fight for their lives.

Right now, however, Ren was certain that none of them had experienced anything out of the ordinary, because he would have known. Leonel and Isolde couldn't keep their mouths shut, and Sumeri, Nikolai, and Roz would eventually inquire about it in their own way.

As for Evie . . . Ren was sure she would confide in him if she experienced anything resembling an evolution, unlike him, who harbored reservations.

Suddenly feeling suffocated by the weight of his realization, Ren understood that his friends were not yet ready for what was to come.