Chapter 895 Unforeseen Affections

Chapter 895 Unforeseen Affections

"Egh? Pamela, what are you doing here?" Elena asked, her voice laced with bewilderment as Pamela suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"What did you do?" Ren inquired, his gaze shifting towards Pamela with suspicion.

"And what did you throw at Azazel?" Evie added, her expression remained stoic.

Pamela felt a weight settle in the pit of her stomach as she grappled with the consequences of her actions.

How could she have been so careless?

How could she have let her own fears and doubts cloud her judgment in such a critical moment?

As she looked around at her friends, their faces etched with a mix of bewilderment and suspicion, Pamela felt a knot form in her stomach.

"I-I . . ." Pamela stammered, at a loss for words as she struggled to explain herself.

But before she could gather her thoughts, Elena's voice rang out, breaking the tense silence. "Hey, what's happening to Azazel?"

All eyes turned towards Azazel, who had been silent until now. Suddenly, he burst into fits of giggles, his eyes transforming into heart shapes as pink rays sparkled around him.

Then, with surprising boldness, Azazel approached Lorelai, his expression filled with admiration. "My, what a gorgeous lady you are!" he declared, his words dripping with flattery.

"Ah, fair maiden of unparalleled grace, your beauty outshines the very stars themselves!" Azazel exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration.

Ren and the others turned their gaze towards Pamela, their faces couldn't be painted.

"What did you do to him?" Ren's gaze was penetrating.

They were already having a hard time dealing with Lorelai, and now this unexpected twist added another layer of complexity to their predicament.

In a miraculous feat, Azazel managed to evade all of Lorelei's attacks with a grace and precision that seemed impossible. It was as if he could anticipate her every move, a skill he had never demonstrated before.

Ren and the others observed this remarkable turn of events, their astonishment mirroring that of Nyxos, who couldn't believe his eyes.

A sense of unease stirred within Nyxos as he sensed that something was amiss.

"You! What did you do?!" Nyxos accused Pamela, his voice laced with anger.

Pamela's legs almost gave way beneath her as Nyxos cast her a furious glare. "M-me . . . I . . . I didn't do anything!" she protested, her voice trembling with fear.

"It looks like the tide of battle has indeed changed," Elena chuckled softly, offering Pamela a thumbs up. "You did well, Pamela."

Evie nodded in agreement, her expression apologetic. "I thought you turned into an enemy for a second. I'm sorry if I doubted you."

Pamela was at a loss for words, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Fear dominated most of her feelings at the moment, leaving her uncertain of how to respond.

"If you're thankful, can you do something about Nyxos over there?" she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper in her lament.

"With Lorelai occupied with Azazel, we can finally focus on the boss," Ren said. He could finally breathe a little after what was going on.

The tension in the air could be felt as Ren and the others prepared to strike Nyxos, their weapons poised for battle.

However, before they could make their move, Azazel's voice rang out loud and obnoxious, shattering the silence with his unexpected declaration of love.

"You're the one! I'm in love with you at first sight! Please marry me!"

Azazel's words echoed through the chamber, catching everyone off guard.

Ren and the others turned their attention towards Azazel, their expressions a mix of surprise and disbelief.

They watched in astonishment as Azazel, with a wild abandon, flung himself towards Lorelai, his movements fueled by a passion that seemed to defy reason.