Chapter 588 Still Fighting

The night was swallowed by the madness that raged in the harpy god Tweety's eyes. Her legion, a force she had grown with love and care over the years had been obliterated by Ravan Bloodfall, and the grief was a gaping wound in her heart. Every beat, every pulse, only served to deepen her anguish and fuel her fury. 

And then there was Mira, the black dragon who had dared to engage her, keeping her busy while her legion was massacred. 

Tweety's feathers bristled at the thought, her talons scraping against each other as if itching to rip into something, anything. Her voice, usually melodious, was now filled with a cacophonous rage that echoed throughout the forest.

[Echoes of the Fallen] she cried out, her voice amplifying the collective screams of her fallen soldiers. The sound swept across the battlefield, resonating with such devastating force that even the trees were torn apart.

Across the field, Mira fought against the waves of sonic force that threatened to tear her apart. She was a dragon, born to withstand the forces of nature itself, but the tormenting screams were more than just an assault. They were a manifestation of Tweety's rage and sorrow.

The sound attack which was laced with Divine essence messed with Mira's sense of balance. 

Mid-air the world seemed to spin around her as she could not judge the direction where the real attack was coming from. 

-175,000 Critical Hit! 

A sharp cut made Mira feel as if her right wing had been chopped off in half, only attached to the rest of her body through a handful of tissues near the edge as she fell spiralling down towards the ground after losing her ability to fly. 

She was wounded, yes, but her spirit remained unbroken. She roared with rage and landed on her feet as she immediately retaliated with Dragons Breath.

Although her show of determination was admirable, it wasn't really very useful as her shot was off-target giving Tweety enough time to unleash her second attack. 

[Wrath of the Storm Mother]

Thunder roared as lightning rained down in torrents, each bolt carrying the destructive force to level mountains. 

Mira dodged one, and barely moved to dodged another, but her massive frame did her no favours as on the ground without the ability to fly with a wounded wing she was like a sitting duck as she was pelted with a relentless assault. 

Against this relentless assault, Mira found herself outmatched. Each thunderbolt left a searing wound on her scales, weakening her further.

Yet, just as Tweety readied her third attack, something changed. Mira, who was sitting on a red HP bar and a nearly empty stamina bar, saw a figure moving slowly but with determined intent towards her.

It was Max! 

His steps were shaky, and his face was as pale as a sheet. Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth, his wounds were severe, and his body screamed for rest. But his eyes, they were a storm in themselves. Unyielding, filled with a silent promise, a fierce determination that refused to be subdued. 

And then he was there, standing in front of her, facing down the harpy god's attack. 

[Shroud of the Tempest] 

Max summoned a barrier of storm winds which spiralled around them, redirecting the deadly onslaught of attacks that Tweety was throwing towards them. 

The resulting impact was massive, the deflected attacks levelled nearby trees and shook the earth beneath them, but the tempest shield that Max had summoned held firm, protecting Mira from the brunt of the attack. 

" Drink " Max said as he passed Mira a bottle of HP regeneration potion and Stamina regeneration potion, while he himself opened a bottle of stamina regeneration potion and gulped it down in one go. 

After finishing the bottle, Max let out a satisfied sigh as he took off for the skies and locked his eyes against that of Tweety, his defiance a challenge to her fury.

" You killed my Matumba and now my legion, I'll give you the most horrific death ever " Tweety said as he gnashed her teeth and began gathering a terrifying amount of divine essence. 

" Potato potato- if I would be keeping count of how many times I have heard the same dialogue in my life, I'll probably have heard it being said more times than you would have been called by your own name " Max said arrogantly as he assumed a defensive stance.

Tweety was about to launch an divine attack, and with him already having used world ember there was no way in hell he could use another divine attack in such rapid succession as his body would pass out from the toll and passing out was not an option for him at the moment. 

Instead, he needed a creative solution to his situation, one that could change the tide of the battle in his favour. 


( Meanwhile On DarkSorrow's end of the battlefield ) 

The tension on the battlefield thickened as the legion commander of the Greengale Phantoms, the tier6 God Thalion made his entry.

Thalion, the famed dark elven commander, walked with an air of superiority that only those born into nobility and gifted with immense strength could possess. His radiant green eyes bore an intense look of haughtiness and contempt for the human soldiers that stood before him.

Surveying the battlefield, Thalion let out a chuckle of derision. The forest warfare that had been going on, full of traps and ambushes, seemed like child's play to him. As a god, he had seen and fought in battles that made these skirmishes look like mere brawls between children. 

[Dark Elven Gale], Thalion announced nonchalantly, his voice resonating through the forest. The ground beneath him started vibrating, and in a blink of an eye, a tempestuous whirlwind burst forth, tearing through the trees and the Bloodfall soldiers. The destructive potential of this attack could lay waste to entire cities if let loose, but contained within the confines of the forest, it became an instrument of precise devastation.

Hundreds of Bloodfall soldiers were swept off their feet, their bodies mercilessly thrown around like ragdolls by the devastating force. Yet, Thalion's arrogant smirk never left his face. With a wave of his hand, he commanded, [ Forest's Wrath].

Vines erupted from the ground, snaking their way around the soldiers, constricting them with crushing force. The woodland, usually a safe haven for the Bloodfall clan, had become a living nightmare under Thalion's command. 

As screams echoed through the woods, Thalion strolled through the battlefield, his unrestricted aura itself causing death and chaos effortlessly.

It was a one-sided massacre and seeing his soldiers fall like autumn leaves, DarkSorrow felt his heart sink.

His strategic expertise and guerrilla tactics were useless in front of such overwhelming power. With a heavy heart, he issued the order, "Retreat, fall back!"

The Bloodfall clan soldiers, who had been putting up a valiant fight, began a steady retreat. As Thalion watched them withdraw, a sinister smile played on his lips. He had only just begun his rampage yet the enemy was cowering back. 

He did not even fully have his fun yet! 

" Run little mice, Run, soon I'll catch and eat you all! " Thalion said as he did not bother giving the retreating soldiers a chase since them moving away meant that his legion got a free march through the forest unobstructed.