Chapter 996 A big revelation

Chapter 996 A big revelation

It took Kremeth 7 days to trace Felix and the key officials of his organisation.

It wasn't an easy task, he first needed to track the movements of the Red Umbrella establishment owner who would at the end of each day head out with two mercenaries to deposit that day's money collection to a secondary point.

From that secondary point, the money trail went underground and Kremeth had a hard time tracking them, however, with a bit of snooping around during the daylight when the underground tunnels were not used much, he managed to trace it to the basement of a popular bakery in Zandar.

The next day, as he observed the bakery all day, he realised that many powerful adventurers entered the bakery for absurdly long periods of time as while they went in empty hand and came out with bags full of goods, it took them somewhere between 2-4 hours to come out which was much longer than the average customer.

Unsurprisingly all these adventurers that spent a long time within the bakery, belonged to the same guild and a quick check of their guild assets within the city led Kremeth to discover the small illegal port point that this guild operated from where they granted pirates a place to dock and a safe entry into Zandar.

From bribing local officers to hiring a private mercenary force, the Red Umbrella group used many nefarious means to bend and break the law and had a complete hold over the city of Zandar and while Felix did not seem directly linked to any of this shady work, there was no question in Kremeth's mind that he was behind this all.

The big break for Kremeth, however, came when he spotted Felix himself on the streets of Zandar as although he was covered in a hood and escorted by 10 powerful guards, his excellent red eyes and his arrogant use of language was something that was hard to miss.

He was seen entering the largest Red Umbrella establishment in the city and right after he entered, The bakery owner, the smaller establishment owners, The guildmaster of the affiliate guild and some of the pirate representatives all entered the same building, as Kremeth understood that a big meeting was about to take place.

Realising that this might be his big chance, since meetings like this did not happen often, Kremeth ambushed and beat up a pirate heading towards the meeting mid-way and stole his clothes and invite pass, before making his way to the establishment himself.

At this moment, what he was doing was nothing more than a daring gamble, however, since Max did not intervene, Kremeth felt like he was on the right track.

Max Rajput has bloody handpicked all his internal ministers and they are loyal as hell to him.

What we need is to raise a spy and start investing in him today so that maybe ten years down the line he becomes a part of Max's inner circle" Felix said as Kremeth felt his heartbeat quicken.

This shady organisation was not planning anything for today or tomorrow, but rather ten years down the line and were planning to be really patient about how they overthrew the government!

" Ten years is too far- We need to move quicker" The adventurer group leader said as Felix shook his head and banged his fist on the table.

" Max Rajput CAN'T be defeated. He killed Dracula damnit, the same entity that my father died against and that too after being a tier weaker.

He's the supreme lord of the universe and can wipe out a billion organisations like us with a snap of his finger.

Till he rules, there is NO chance of us doing anything, however, the day he ascends or dies is the day we are preparing for today.

It might come ten years later, it might come fifty years later, however when it comes is when we strike as although Max Rajput is untouchable, His son is a joke and can't fill his shoes.

The Rajput bloodline ends with Max, and we shall make sure of it" Felix said as he exploded with passion and ensured that his point of view resounded loud and clear within the room.

The adventurer leader was not happy with this response, however, he understood that it was the right answer.

Max Rajput was untouchable indeed and there were already rumours in the market about how he single-handedly beat all three angel monarchs black and blue without breaking a sweat.

Such a being could not be challenged, but maybe the next generation of Rajput's could.

After all, Kremeth Jr was definitely not his father.