Chapter 1004 What the perfect warrior wants

Chapter 1004 What the perfect warrior wants

Drax's back was drenched in sweat and his feet were quivering even though he did not wish for them to as for the first time since he got a body of his own he felt the very 'alive' feeling called the fear of death.

Never in a million years had he ever imagined that there would suddenly appear an opponent whose strength he would be unable to even fathom as staring that opponent in the eye with his own life on the line made him feel the fears of mortality.

' So this is what Max must have felt when he faced all those opponents with his own life on the line.....

It looked easier when it was being done by someone else' He thought as through quaking hands he pressed his palms towards his opponent and chanted the spell

[ Elite Blast ]

Rudra's signature attack, one which used the power of an active supernova and funnelled it towards an opponent, was the best move that Drax was capable of dishing out.

It was a move whose strength was at the very peak of tier8 and even if a celestial was hit by the move they were bound to take damage.

It was Drax's hail mary as he hoped that the attack would be strong enough to ward off his enemy.

His opponent, who seemed extremely calm as the attack approached him, suddenly panicked a little when the queen appeared behind him out of nowhere and placed his body in a master lock!

The queen had slipped her tendrils around his waist and through his armpits going all the way behind his neck.

She was planning to sacrifice her manifestation just to ensure that this opponent took the brunt of this attack first as watching these events unfold, Drax felt assured that his opponent was going to be hit with a critical blow. Findd new stories at

' Yes! With the queen immobilising him, There is no way he can dodge this' Drax thought as he awaited the moment where his attack reduced his opponent to ashes, but to his absolute surprise, at the very last microsecond, the opponent turned phaseless like Sir Jhonny and suddenly slipped behind the queen, grabbing her manifestation by the neck and using her as a meat shield.


Drax watched on in horror as the queen's near indestructible body deflected his Elite Blast while taking all the damage.

Behind her, the opponent blocked the attack with a sly smile on his face as at that moment Drax became assured that this opponent was not someone that he could beat!


" Two Sword Style... Perfect Reso-"

He was about to use a two sword style attack to counter the opponents move, when suddenly his uncle Max appeared in front of him and swatted the perfect warrior's attack away as if it were nothing.


The perfect warrior's counter exploded in the far distant space as Kartikeya watched in awe as to how attacks that needed him to put his life on the line to defend against could be just swatted away by his uncle.

" Kartikeya, I'll take it from here... don't involve yourself in this fight" Max said as although he did not complete his sentence by saying " Don't involve yourself in this fight because you will only be a nuisance", Kartikeya understood his meaning and excused himself.

" Uncle he's the same bastard that tried to kill me before..... the ultimate opponent that my father is trying to beat" Kartikeya said as although he did not know that the opponent that he was facing was called the perfect warrior, he tried to explain the situation to Max as best as he could before leaving.

Max nodded to his words signalling the fact that he was aware, as Jake had already told him about who this intruder was.

" You must have endured a massive Karmic Backlash to send a projection down to the controlled universe.... Why did you do it?" Max asked as he generated a massive tier10 barrier around himself, the queen and Drax, trapping the perfect Warriors' projection with him inside as well.

" I've come here to collect something that's in your possession, something that's of great interest to me.

If you hand it over without much drama, I will be generous and not cause a genocide while I'm here.

If not, I'm planning to maybe halve the universal population" The perfect warrior replied as the Elite Blast finally wore off and the queen's flesh sizzled in his palms.

Naturally with her incredible regeneration abilities the queen was fine and dandy within a split second, however, instead of engaging in combat with the perfect warrior she teleported beside Max and duplicated herself to create two guardian clones.

" Oh yeah? What is it that you want? What made you personally take a trip down to the controlled universe?" Max asked as he was curious as to what it was that even the perfect warrior coveted as without wasting a second the perfect warrior said " I want the yang seed! Or as you named it, the seed of creation....."

At this instant, Max felt his stomach roll as he understood that the perfect warrior was after something that Max could absolutely not hand over to him.

Rudra's soul was linked to the seed of creation and the powers that the seed held were unfathomable.

Handing it over to the perfect warrior was akin to strengthening his opponent by a significant margin and Max was not interested in such an outcome whatsoever.

" No deal ....." he said with fury in his eyes as he charged towards the perfect warrior.