Chapter 1042 The next phase

Chapter 1042 The next phase

Rudra was the first one to feel the death of the perfect warrior.

" HE DID IT.... MAX HAS DEFEATED THE PERFECT WARRIOR" Rudra shouted at the top of his lungs as every single celestial could not believe their ears.

Joy, disbelief, euphoria spread amongst every celestial like a wildfire as within seconds every single one of them began cheering like madmen.

" QUICK, HELP ME DESTROY THE PERFECT WARRIOR'S SEED" Rudra said, as within a split second all fourteen celestials gathered at his peak ready to unleash their ultimate destructive moves at once.

The moment Rudra tore the seed of chaos out of his body and placed it on the surface of his celestial peak, half a dozen peak tier8 attacks and half a dozen karmic tier9 attacks descended upon the seed of chaos at once as let alone the seed of chaos, even Rudra's entire celestial peak was obliterated to dust.

With the seed turning to dust, yet another piece of the perfect warrior's soul core was destroyed, with the only thing anchoring him to this universe now being his soulmancer Odin.

" Come On now, Odin, keep your word... old guy" Rudra murmured as he peered down from the celestial realm towards Rajput Capital where the queen was holding Odin hostage.


( Odin's POV )

Tears of joy began to stream down Odin's eyes when he realised that the perfect warrior had finally been defeated.

For close to ten thousand years, Odin had been desperately waiting for this day to come and in this long period of time there were many moments where he thought that perhaps this day would never come.

It seemed like the entire celestial realm was starting to collapse, however, the more knowledge celestials knew that it wasn't the celestial realm that was collapsing but rather the universe which was being integrated into the Tower Of Ascension.

Rudra and the six other celestials who had not used karmic essence to destroy the seed of chaos and hence were still alive, looked towards the opening in the sky with suspicion as they had no idea what the future held for them.

" Hercules was defeated? How interesting..." A feminine voice said from beyond the crack as slowly a female figure emerged from within.

The woman who emerged had a humanoid body and was adorned in pure gold armour with an aura halo behind her head.

Her strength seemed to be at the tier9 mark and although she had seemingly emerged from the realm beyond the celestial realm, she seemed more concerned about the strength of Rudra and the others rather than Rudra feeling any threat from her.

" How blasphemous, there are 15 major contributors to the fall of the champion. What a monstrous batch this is" The woman said as although Rudra did not understand the context behind her sentence, she did not like the underlying sarcasm behind her voice.

" Gods and great warriors of Universe four, I'm Hera, the mother goddess of the third universe.

On behalf of all us Olympian god's of the third universe, I congratulate you on defeating the floor guardian of your universe and gaining the right to join your universe with the Tower Of Ascension..." Hera said as she finally stopped making sly comments and started to perform her job as the welcoming representative.

" In about two days' time, the history of universe four will begin to unravel and the universe as you remember it will cease to exist with the only individuals who would remember the old world being yourselves and your champions.

Based on the contribution chart of your role in defeating Hercules you will be given appropriate rewards of your choosing by the tower.

As your senior, I'd advise you to think carefully about the rewards you wish to choose as you will most likely never get this opportunity again.

My time here is up, however, I shall meet you all again on floor 90 of the tower" Hera said as she receded back into the crack she came from without giving Rudra or anyone else a chance to ask her about the tower or the other side.