Chapter 895 Four Pillars: Reunion

Chapter 895 Four Pillars: Reunion

Not expecting a couple of notifications to pop out just as he was about to return to Veldanyr, a slight frown appeared on Valyr's face as he took a look at it.

Though, as he continued reading through the notifications he'd received, the frown on his face gradually disappeared.

Instead, a bitter smile took its place.

'Having gone through a lot of things after entering the Gates of Transcendence, it seems I've gradually begun to overlook this quest.'

As this thought came to mind, a faint sigh escaped his lips as he closed the rift he'd just opened.


"Hmm?" Unsurprisingly, Vaughn took note of this, looking at Valyr with slight confusion. "I thought you were leaving?"

Valyr let out a wry chuckle in response. "I thought so as well. However, I just remembered that there's one more thing I need to do in this place before I leave."

"Mind coming with me for a bit?" asked the young man, prompting Vaughn to raise his eyebrow in curiosity.

"Would coming with you deduct one of the three requests I've given you to use?" replied Vaughn back.

"Who knew you'd be this stingy?" said the young man as he let out a bit of laughter in response. "In any case, let's just say it does for now."

"Well, if that's the case, then I have no choice but to come along," said Vaughn, to which Valyr nodded in response. UppTodated from nô/v/e/lb(i)n.c(o)/m


Closing his eyes for a bit, Valyr sensed the authority he had over the entire inheritance, familiarizing himself with the various features he had just gained access to.


After going through the various features in his mind for a bit, the young man felt like he had gotten the gist of how to make use of it, prompting a rift leading back to the inheritance proper to appear before the two.

With the appearance of the rift, Valyr looked at Vaughn, urging him with his gaze to cross it.

Seeing as it involved using one of the requests he'd given him, the man did what he was told, with the young man following behind him.


Crossing through the rift, the two ended up arriving at the middle of the plains surrounding the city ruins, prompting a wry smile to appear on Valyr's face.

'I intended for us to appear at the city ruins,' thought the young man to himself, inwardly making a note after that to become more used with controlling the inheritance.

Looking at the aberrations that roamed the plains for a bit, a faint smile adorned Valyr's face as he soon activated [Flight of the Azure Dragon].


Conjuring an azure dragon that he could ride on, the young man offered Vaughn to ride with him.

Of course, with it being Valyr's request, there was no need for the man to decline. "You've gained a lot more from Sellifer than I thought."

Valyr smiled at that. "Though she allowed me to comprehend Azure Energy, you could say that the inheritance is the main reason why I've gained so much."

Taking note of the being's long fingernails, a smile adorned Valyr's face as a screen appeared before him.

"It's nice to see you again, Vlrvadh," replied Valyr as he responded back through the chat screen. "Though it'd be nice to talk with you about what I've been doing since I've last entered this place, I need your help on something important."

"Since it's you, I don't mind," said Vlrvadh after fiddling around with his screen for a bit. "So, what do you need help with?"

"Take me to the Sapient One," said Valyr through his response, prompting Vlrvadh to go silent for a bit.

Looking back at Valyr, Vlrvadh soon noticed that the young man was pointed to the man beside him.

Faintly surprised that he hadn't noticed the man's existence till now, Vlrvadh returned his attention to the screen after Valyr sent a message. "This person that came along with me is someone the Sapient One needs to meet."

"..." Reading Valyr's response, Vlrvadh remained silent once more, looking back and forth between Valyr and the man he brought for a bit.

After some time, Vlrvadh eventually looked at Valyr and nodded, sending the young man a message before turning around.

"Well... I'm not sure whether the being that came along with you bears any ill will towards us or the Sapient One, but I'll let it be for now since you brought the being here."

"Follow me."


"Where are we heading?" While the two of them were following Vlrvadh from behind, Vaughn struck up a conversation with the young man.

"Their community," replied Valyr, faintly smiling as he thought about what would happen when the two of them would meet. "Anyways, how are you feeling?"

"What do you want me to feel?" said Vaughn as he looked at Valyr with a raised eyebrow.

Noticing that the young man's gaze was leading him towards Vlrvadh, Vaughn soon looked back at the former and slightly shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I'm slightly surprised that the descendants of my generation have turned out that way, but it's not too surprising," said the man. "After all, evolution is not only based on one's genes, but on one's environment as well."

"Then again, I must say it's quite surprising that the blood of the old humans still exist in this place," the man continued, his gaze towards Valyr now that of slight gratitude. "If you didn't inform of this place, I probably wouldn't have known even after I transferred the ownership of you."

"Did you really not know of this place?" Valyr looked back at Vaughn with slight incredulity. "With you having authority over the entire inheritance, wouldn't you have known of this place a long time ago?"

At those words, Vaughn wryly smiled. "I may be a Greater God, but this memory extension can only exert the strength of a Myth-level being. There's only so much I can do, you know?"

"But if your main body were have to used this authority, would you have noticed it?" asked Valyr once more, prompting the smile on Vaughn to turn bitter.

"Yeah," replied Vaughn, only to sigh soon after. "And I'm disappointed in myself for not noticing earlier."

After walking through the narrow corridors of the underground for a bit more, Vlrvadh and the two eventually found themselves in Dnal fo Nigiro, the place where the Forgotten Ones thrived.

Unsurprisingly, the two had attracted the attention of many as they roamed through the streets. After all, the two looked vastly different from them.

Though, with the people having seen Valyr back then, and with Vlrvadh leading the way, many of the people merely looked at the two from afar.

With that, it did not take long for the three to arrive at the place where they needed to be, with Vlrvadh sending Valyr a message once they arrived.

"Since you've already come here in the past, there's no need for me to accompany you this time around," said Vlrvadh through the system as he stood guard near the entrance. "I'll just stand guard here for the meantime."

"Anyways, I've already sent a message beforehand."

"The Sapient One is expecting you."