Chapter 78.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 78.4

And if my younger brother works for the government, even if it is just a menial job, and my younger sister is in the service of the village headman, a very successful family, then it is a great success without any complaints. Although they cannot afford to be complacent, the possibility of going hungry is relatively low.

"It's going well. Now I'm at ease."

The fact that my family's life was stable was enough to make me feel rewarded. I was convinced that all my hard work and suffering had been worth it. It was like a salvation.

If I had to pick something I wanted to do after this reunion, it would be to help my sister with her request... But ignoring what that Ezo guy did to me, I can't defend him. I mean, I'm not in a position to do that. There's nothing I can do about that. I'm honestly just glad she didn't join him.

However, there was something that bothered me about that Ezo guy's actions. But, well, that could wait until the interrogation.

More importantly, I had a major decision to make. And I'm going to make it through this encounter.

"...There's no other choice. I've got to make up my mind."

With these words, I make up my mind. But I was at a loss as to what to do. After all...

(At this point, it has deviated so much from the original story...)

What caused it to happen or was it part of the plan from the beginning? Whatever the case may be, the "Magajuu," which was supposed to destroy the main character's hometown at the very beginning of the scenario, has been killed off. There is no way to awaken her now. It's hopeless. It's also impossible to bring in another herd.

No, there may be a way if only to bring youkai to this place. The spiritual veins in this area are excellent, and the boundary prevents its spiritual energy from being noticed by the outside world. If I break even one of the key points of the boundary that are being repaired now, that alone will attract all kinds of youkais, attracted by its scent. However, it is not certain that the main character will be awakened. In the worst case, the main character who is still alive may die by a mistake. Above all...

"I don't want to put her in danger..."

Looking towards where Suzune, no, my little sister had gone, I mutter. That would be counterproductive. After all, I'm walking a tightrope in this shitty world for myself and my family in this life. I can't just abandon my sister and ignore the miserable end that awaits her if I do so, as it was in the original story. It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible.

"Haha, well, that's fine. It's nothing new to receive unreasonable demands or face unexpected situations."

I smile wryly, like I'm trying to be strong. It's not what I wanted, but whether it's fortunate or unfortunate, it's too late to worry about that now. That's why I've made up my mind. I have to make a choice to deviate from the scenario of this world...

"At best, I'll put up a futile struggle. After all, being unyielding is my forte."

I'm ready. Even though I understand that there will be nothing but anguish and despair, pain and fear, I am determined. Because it was my duty as the eldest brother to my sister. So...

"At best, live a long, peaceful, carefree... and happily, for as long as possible."

I glanced at my sister as she walked away from me in the distance, and muttered a prayer. I wanted my family to live happily in this life at least...

* * *

It was the middle of the night, when the clock struck three.

Among the guest rooms prepared by the Hotoya family, who were the lord of the village, the one that was specially allotted to her was a particularly spacious and luxurious room. It was a large tatami room... and in the corner sat the daughter of the Tachibana family, on a zabuton cushion. A Japanese harp (Koto) sat next to her.

"Leo-kun, that's enough for now. Please put this koto away. I'll take a rest for a while by myself with a cup of tea."

Kayo orders gently to the young boy who has been preparing tea at her side, after she has stopped practicing the koto. The boy, who like her is of Nanban descent, turns his young face to his master.

"I understand. However, it's getting late, so please retire for the night soon."

The boy, who must have been warned by Otsuru, warns Kayo not to stay up too late. Kayo smiles in response. It is a smile of love that captures the hearts of those who see it.

"I know, I know. Leo-kun, make sure you don't stay up too late, okay?"

"Y-yes... Now if you'll excuse me."

'...You have quite the courage yourself'

"No, I can't be compared to you, the one who is with Blue demon-sama. I almost fainted many times, you know."

Kayo declares at the words of the hummingbird who remains in the room. It was not modesty, but a fact. It was a wise decision to pick the flowers and empty them beforehand. She could have fainted, or even worse, wet herself.

'What an unintended compliment ...And I'm quite curious. Do you really need to accept so much humiliation for a mere servant?'

Kayo immediately understood what the shikigami meant. For the daughter of one of the wealthiest merchants in the country to accept humiliation to any extent for the sake of a mere servant, it must look strange to a third party.

"Hehehe, I'm just a supporting character from the start."

Kayo boasted cheerfully without a hint of irony. However, her eyes were not smiling at all. They were cold and vacant.

Kayo knew that she would never be the main heroine, because no matter how hard she tried, she would always be second best or later. That's why she could be so self-deprecating and couldn't give up on her dreams, even if it meant demeaning herself.

"That's why I'm still lingering like this... Hehehe, don't look at me like that. I know I'm abnormal."

Rolling "her beloved" in her mouth, Kayo makes excuses to the Shikigami who is frowning at her. However, even though she makes excuses, Botan does not seem to have any intention to stop her admittedly abnormal behavior.

(Really, why are all these women so crazy?)

Botan internally scolds and sighs. Ultimately it doesn't matter to her what kind of relationship he has with whom, but it was difficult to deal with such abnormal and strange troublemakers around. And the few people with common sense are the main culprits in this situation. It makes her want to sigh.

"...Miss Hummingbird, please take care of that person for me, okay?"

After a pause, Kayo pleaded with Botan. Botan manipulated her shikigami to look at Kayo. Her expression, which had been eerie and even frightening before, was now tinted with severity.

'...I, too, would like to avoid any losses he may suffer at present. I will take all possible measures.'

However, even though it was because of the demon's warning, her silence until the last minute would have resulted in a considerable distrust. After everything was said and done, who knows how much worse that servant's impression of her would be...

"No, I envy you. Tomobe-san must rely on you much more than he does on me, isn't that right? It's a world of difference between us."

'D-Don't get it wrong. We're just cooperating out of mutual interests.'

Botan declares, dismissing Kayo's words with too much reluctance. Her shikigami shakes its head and makes a small twittering sound, then glances at Kayo again.

'Well then, it's unpleasant to move as that demon said, but let's proceed as planned.'

They bow to each other, then Hummingbird flew away through the window. Kayo gazed at the makeshift shikigami as it flew off into the outside world.

"...cooperating out of mutual interests, huh?"

Kayo thought that she had been so worried about the deterioration of her relationship with him again.

"Well, I guess it's better for me if she doesn't become too honest."

The less competition, the better. This competition is unfortunately a zero-sum game, because the fewer the participants, the greater her potential dividend.

"Now then...hehehe, I must fulfill my role as well, shouldn't I?"

Kayo murmured sweetly, as if in heat of passion and like a dreaming maiden.

Even though she knew how much of a disadvantage it would be to her, just thinking that it was for his sake made Kayo look forward to that moment...