Chapter 100.5

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 100.5

[Part 5/5]

Magoroku directed his gaze at me, the master of the house. Iruka sneered, seizing the opportunity, and I intervened. It was the usual routine. Unfortunately, no one would be pleased with Iruka's leftover bathwater, not just me. Can't you see the stray hairs from your ears and tail floating around? Try putting yourself in the shoes of the person who always has to clean up after you. Or better yet, clean up after yourself.

"Do as you please. However, you must gather your own hair, and then I'll go next. And after that..."

"I don't mind going last. Mari, is being third okay?"

Magoroku called out to the small figure sewing in the corner of the room. The blind girl responded to her brother's voice, smiling with her eyes closed.

"I don't mind being whenever is convenient for everyone. Please don't worry about me."

"All right, it's settled then. Now, Magoroku, prepare it quickly."

Upon hearing my command after hearing the considerate response from the selfless girl, Iruka swiftly removed her clothes without a trace of shame. She was nothing more than a feral brat.

"You... Magoroku, I'll keep an eye on the kitchen fire, so prepare the bath quickly. If you don't hurry, this idiot will catch a cold."

"Yes, I understand!"

Folding the scattered clothes, I made the request to Magoroku. In response, Magoroku added some firewood to the stove and headed towards the back of the kitchen. There was a Goemon bath behind the shed, utilizing the heat from the kitchen stove.

"With this amount, it should be ready!"

"Then let's go!"

"At least try to cover up a bit."

As Iruka attempted to leave the house completely naked, shaking her fat buttocks and breast through the window, I calmly threw a towel at her and she jumped in. Humans are adaptable creatures, and I have become accustomed to responding calmly to Iruka's actions.

...Wait, isn't this more like a parent's behavior towards a child?

'(* ́∀`*) And that's my little sister!!'

""There's no way""

As the voice echoed in my mind, I immediately retorted. I feel like I heard another retort from outside, but I'll ignore it for now. Please, stop talk to me directly in my head, even though I've sealed you inside the cage.

"Oh, Tomobe-san? Is something wrong?"

Mari, who was next to me, flinched at my sudden outburst. She looked up at me with a frightened and anxious expression.

"Ah, no... I was just babbling nonsense like an idiot. You don't have to worry about it."

"I see..."

Mari responded to my explanation, seemingly not understanding it well. Even though she doesn't understand, she can sense that I'm not lying from my tone of voice, so she's perplexed but accepts it.

"Oh, by the way... Is that Iruka's outfit?"

While paying attention to the source of the kitchen fire, I sat cross-legged and noticed the outfit Mari had been sewing. It was Iruka's black outfit. Upon closer inspection, there were also my clothes and probably the clothes of other servants piled up nearby.

The black clothes for servants is not uncommon to wear, as there are also rough tasks involved. However, it's not easy to request new clothing as they are not cheap. So, unless there is significant damage, we usually sew and mend them ourselves. Lately, Mari has taken on the task of gathering and sewing them.

"Don't push yourself too hard. Your body isn't strong enough."

"I appreciate your concern. However, it's just sewing, so... I want to be of some help to Tomobe-sama and Iruka-san, even if not as much as my brother."

She smiled self-deprecating smile. I respond silently, understanding that poorly chosen comforting words can sometimes disturb the other person's heart. At least, that's how Mari seems to be right now.

"I see. Just don't overdo it, okay?"


It seems Iruka had forgotten something and started rummaging through the shopping bags from the village. And when Iruka found it, she threw it towards me.

"Hey, hey, don't throw things. ...Wait, a Hina doll?"

I received the item in my hand while feeling exasperated by Iruka's careless actions. It was a wooden carved doll... a 'Hina doll' that fits in the palm of my hand.

"This is also part of the compensation for the trouble I caused last time. Remember? Your birthday is coming up soon, right?"

Probably referring to the compensation for the previous year's Namahage incident. As for the birthday...

"When did you find out?"

"Before I ran into you. Suzune and I were chatting in Hotoya Village. I think it was a custom from across the sea, if I recall correctly."

"I see."

My sister remembered it quite well. With that thought in mind, I glanced at the wooden Hina doll in my hand. Celebrating birthdays, especially for individuals without any notable fame, is actually rare both historically and culturally. Even in Fusō-kuni or modern-day Japan, except for Shichi-Go-San (a ceremony for children of specific ages) and Genpuku (a coming-of-age ceremony), birthdays are not particularly celebrated.

From my memories of my past life, I quietly performed the act of celebrating birthdays, which is undervalued in this country, for my siblings, even if it wasn't anything significant. Usually, it involved treats like wild strawberries or biwa fruit and occasionally a small toy...

"I see. You remembered."

Because of my age, I only gave to my younger siblings, but it was satisfying to see them so excited and happy. And above all, I was delighted that my sister remembered my birthday. It was a bit embarrassing, and without thinking, my eyes became moist...

"Wait a minute. This is worth at most 30 mon, right? Are you trying to use this cheap trick to get away with your usual mischief?"


"I knew it! Whoa, it's cold!?"


As I was about to express my gratitude, I realized Iruka's cunning intention and started questioning her, but she clicked her tongue in response. Water droplets soaked into her wolf ears and tail were blatantly flicked towards me. It was a behavior reminiscent of a soaked animal shaking itself dry.

"Hmm, da (bleh)!"

Seizing that opportunity, Iruka hastily fled back to the bathtub from the door. She snickered and ran away as if mocking me.

"That d*mn girl...! Mari, wipe yourself with this."

Being partially soaked myself, I reluctantly took out a towel and wiped my face, offering it to Mari as well. Then I sighed.

"What a ridiculous guy."

Complaining like that, I glanced at the wooden Hina doll in my hand once again. For some reason, a smile appeared on my face. When I talk to her, all the challenges and problems I bear seem insignificant. In reality, my position in the Onitsuki family, or even as a 'human,' can be described as walking on thin ice...

"Truly, what a ridiculous guy..."

The words I pondered for the second time unintentionally seemed to have a slightly softer tone, which was unexpected...

Author footnote:

Kayo-chan fan art in a bunny receptionist outfit. By the way, rabbits seem quite lustful, don't they? => click here

The youth old hag fan art in a bunny receptionist outfit. Uemon's mind seems like it's going to explode... => click here

A four-panel manga of Princess Aoi x Shiro => click here

And there is Princess Aoi fan art with her hair up => click here