Chapter 122.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 122.4

[Part 4/6]

A sweet voice resounds from behind. When I turn around, I see glossy, dark purple hair. It's Onitsuki Sumire, the lady of the Onitsuki family, standing behind me.

"Lady (Fujin), this is..."

"While it might have been fine when you were just a 'servant,' you're now a 'household member.' Please refrain from behaving like some common underling from back then. You wouldn't want to unnecessarily worry those around you, right? And it would also affect the reputation of the person who singled you out... You understand, don't you?"

"I apologize."

'(* ́・ω・) The pain of midwinter cold is piercing..."

I deeply bow and apologize to Sumire's scolding. It was a subtle but good line of nonsense for a stupid spider. Truth be told, I was more angry than sad.

(Seriously, saying it so easily...!!) The origin of this chapter's debut can be traced to N0v3l--B1n.

Internally, I spew a storm of curses and insults. Take me in? Pushing me into an honorary position and stripping away my freedom and influence, and then saying it's a good thing...!!

"Indeed, you seem to be quite spirited. That's fine."

"...!! Haha."

'((((; ゚Д ゚))) Wh-what is going on!?'

Did she see through my inner thoughts or deduce them from my expression? Did she simply take a guess, or was it from the gaze peeking through my face? Either way, I respond as if I'm unfazed, even though I'm shaken inside. We're both trying to outmaneuver each other, it seems...!!


"By the way, the girls are so distant. It would be better if they rode the same carriage since they came all this way. Is this what they call puberty?"

'(・`ω・ ́) My sisters want to rebel!!'

After a brief silence between us, Sumire utters such a comment while gazing out of the window. She states it without any shame, as if it's someone else's business. The next words from the spider? I don't know, nor do I care.

(No laughing matter...)

This time, Onitsuki's Joraku group consists of well over a hundred people if you include the laborers. Therefore, the number of prepared horse-drawn carts and ox carts easily reaches over a dozen. Six of them have turned into "Mayoiga (Stray House)," which accounts for half of the carts owned by the Onitsuki family.

The lord and lady of the family each have their own carriage, the advisor is riding with Shirowakamaru and Tamaki in one, another carriage is for the Murasaki's group, and then one for the rest of the family members and household members... Initially, there was a suggestion that the sisters ride in the same carriage as the lord and lady, but that idea was discarded due to their opposition.

From the perspective of Aoi, I can understand her resistance, as it's akin to stamping her own death warrants. As for Hina, her reasons remain a mystery. Perhaps it truly is the age of puberty... I can't help but have such a trivial thought cross my mind unintentionally.

"...We're about to reach the meeting point."

'( ́・ω・`)? What's that?'

I report the fact succinctly while gazing at the scenery of Onitsuki Valley. It happened right after that. As we passed through the valley, I spotted the shadows of numerous carts and people ahead.

At the center, a particularly large ox cart with the Tachibana family crest engraved on it was stationed, guarded by escorts....

* * *

'(・`ω・ ́) Even if you hide as a beast, come and I'll bite you!!'

When I turned around and asked, I saw a girl wearing a white Ichimegasa, reminiscent of our tour in the capital, peeking from beneath a hanging cloth. Her beauty showed through the gaps in her clothes, and she smiled innocently, as if trying to deceive. It was a sweet smile that could make nine out of ten people sigh.

...No, it's not about getting caught. If it was some renowned assassin, they would have killed me by now, right? More importantly, why is a noble like her here? Consider your position!

"More importantly... how did you manage to come here? I can't believe the attendants allowed it."

"I was in Princess Aoi's cart until a moment ago."

"I see... I understand now. I get it."

'( ・`д・ ́) Wha...!? What do you mean!?

I didn't need to explain it to the slow-witted spider, but at some point, she switched with a Shikigami that looked similar to her. Well, it's not going to be long before she's found out, and it's dangerous.

"I've also borrowed a Coat from here, and I have guards as well."

'(* ́∀`)ノ I have a voluminous Balmung Fezalion too!!'

She said this as she showed me the Coat that I was familiar with. She must have been wearing it until recently. If that's the case, are the guards the youkai known as Chouei, a type of reconnaissance? And what is it Balmung Fezalion? Did that silly spider change the name of "the nail" again?

...Among the three Hondo Shikigami that Onitsuki Aoi controls, Chouei is skilled in stealth and is quite advanced among others in the story. Moreover, just like the Magatama, those who come into contact with Chouei and are recognized by it can receive the benefits of its abilities. Until now, no one might have been aware of her presence here.

"...I understand that you've taken the minimum safety precautions. However, the danger hasn't changed. Please return. Do you need an escort?"

"Really, you're so cold! Since I've come all this way, you could at least entertain me a little!"

"Even if you say that... huh!? Just come this way for now..."

'(;^o^) Gufufufu, young lady, can you come here for a minute?'

It wouldn't be wise to leave her exposed in the midst of cart traffic and laborers. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into an alleyway. Also, can't that silly spider stop saying weird things?


"I apologize if that was a bit rough. ...Did it hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. ...I don't mind being a little forceful, you know?"

"What are you saying..."

'(* ́ω`*) Papa is wild speed!'

Kayo playfully answered my question while stroking my grabbed wrist, leaving me slightly dumbfounded. Negotiations required eloquence, and humor was an important element of eloquence, but unfortunately, I couldn't understand her playful words, and I certainly didn't want to grasp the meaning behind the silly spider's jests.

"Of course, it's not a jest. Tomobe-san, it wouldn't work. You wouldn't be able to charm a woman like that."

"I have no plans to charm anyone, so no thanks."