Chapter 149.4

Name:Mob Yandere Author:
Chapter 149.4

[Part 4/5]

There was anger and ridicule in his cold words, but it seemed like the most emotional thing I'd ever seen.

It was a straightforward, directed malice.

"Gah, Higa!? Kuh...!!?"

Desperately, I try to release the arms that are squeezing me. But I am no match. It doesn't move an inch. It's futile. If it continues like this...

(If it continues like this... what will happen?)

I imagine. What will happen after I'm killed? What will happen to Aoi? What will happen to my master? No, it surely won't end with just that.

The question tainted with delusions of being asked by Yuusei just now, the worst case would be harm coming to the servant group or my hometown family...

"That, no!!?"

'Ghhh, haa!?'

I grab the woman's neck almost as if compelled to do so. Just protecting won't ensure survival. If I'm to be killed, I'll kill before that—simple logic. I reflexively executed it.

'Gah, ugh...!?'

The face showed surprise at the unexpected counterattack. The hand strangling my neck slightly loosened. I tightened my grip even more. With both arms and one arm, moreover, in a straddling position, there's no question as to who has the advantage.


I snarled ferociously, displaying a triumphant grin. I delight in the fact that the deranged life is within my grasp. Intoxicated with a sense of superiority. Haha!! Just a little more, a bit more, a bit more, just a little more...!!

"Tomo, be..."


And then, I froze at the words escaping from her lips. A cold shower doused my thoughts that were heated by the moment. Understanding my own actions, I trembled. About to release my arm instinctively... In the next moment, she murmured.

"Please... kill me."

She pleaded.

"I beg you, within me, inside of me, I plead...!!

'If you loathe me!! Then just disappear already!!'


The interrupted voice of my master is an infuriating man's angry voice. Catching a glimpse of the tragic battle unfolding in my eyes... I instinctively tightened the strength in my slackened arm. Squeezing with all my might, squeezing my master.

"You b*stard! You damn son of a b*tch!! You moth*rfucker!!!?"


I screamed. I screamed like a madman. Screaming while strangling, being strangled, strangling each other, thrusting our murderous intent at one another. Cursing. Hexing.



And she chuckled. Hehehehe. Kusukusukusu. Concealing her charming, glossy lips painted with vibrant red with her sleeve, she laughed, laughed, and laughed.

"Poor thing, having your once-in-a-lifetime confession ignored... As the lady of the house, it's a different matter, but as a mother, it feels like my heart is about to burst with pride."

The lady closed her eyes and spoke in a truly solemn tone. It was so deeply sincere, absurdity reached its peak.

"I understand. No more questions. ...Was it tough for you? This mission, I mean."

"...Thanks to the Dagger bestowed upon me by the lady, I was able to successfully purify the target."

I expressed gratitude indifferently to the blatant words of encouragement. In the first place, it was abnormal for me, alone, to be tasked with exterminating the pseudo-evil god that would supposedly resurrect in the mountain depths during a ritual. Especially considering the nature of the bestowed Dagger (tantō), a curse-tool... It was truly excessive makeup. Beneath it, the swirling malice, enmity, and murderous intent were unfathomable.

"It's quite. ...Let's report to that person that things have been resolved safely. And this..."

And then, the lady placed it in front of my eyes. A bug cage sealed with countless charms. At the same time, she quickly took a step and approached.


Suddenly, a cold palm touched my cheek. Soft fingertips gently stroked. Wrapped around my jaw, my head was forcibly lifted upwards.

Right in front of my eyes and nose was the face of a woman. Eyes filled with indescribable emotions gazed into my eyes, the depths of my eyes, and even deeper.

It was as if peering into an abyss.



Our breaths mingled. The breaths blended together. A freezing silence dominated. I tried to maintain the calmness of my heart. But time felt endlessly long.

"Well, then."

...Suddenly, it ended. The lady released her hand from my cheek and moved away. I remained frozen in place, listening to the next words.

"To report the details to that person, I will be out of the room for about half 2 hours. ...Until I return, please wait quietly here."


I released my breath and bowed my head, suppressing the fear, tension, and anger that gnawed at me. I endured it. I endured it by lowering my head deeply.

After that, I heard footsteps. The sound of sandals sliding on the tatami mats. The shoji paper door closed, and silence fell... After a few beats, I let out a deep exhale. My posture, slightly faltering, loosened the tension. Sweat poured down my face.

"Haa, haa, haa..."

I composed myself and calmed my racing heart. Then, I reached out towards the bug cage.

...Before that woman returned, I had to release the beastly instinct swirling within me.

"Ku... it hurts..."

My fingertips touched the talisman. I carefully peeled off one talisman after another. They were seals designed to hinder the release of my inner self, weak against external interference. Touching them caused numbness, nothing more.

That's right. It should be just that... So why does this emptiness of guilt fill my chest every time I remove a talisman?


Despite my confusion, my hand didn't stop. I kept peeling, peeling, and peeling. And when I peeled off the final talisman, I released the bug cage and opened the lid.