Chapter 76: Ancient Codex

Name:Modern Patriarch Author:
Chapter 76: Ancient Codex

A distance that would have taken Core Formation Cultivators over a week to traverse was covered in a matter of half an hour.

Yao Shen had no expectations of honor or fairness from the Demonic Cultivator, but the communication mirror in hand ensured that he had to adhere to some level of protocol. In the middle of All-Haven, his only goal had been to direct the demon away from hundreds of disciples that had no way to defend themselves even if it meant playing directly into his hands.

Yao Shen understood the danger he was exposing himself to. In the demons eyes, he alone exceeded the value of the Azlak Plains dozens of times. No matter how many Core Formation or Nascent Soul cultivators allied themselves together, they had no hope of proving a threat to Yao Shen, let alone a demonic cultivator that had reached the Soul Emperor stage.

Numbers were simply futile in the cultivation world.

He had guessed correctly at the Demonic Cultivators intentions. Fighting Yao Shen took precedence above all else and the Demon couldnt afford to remain in the Azlak Plains for much longer. It meant that his absence had either already been noticed, or would be shortly.

That meant that if Yao Shen couldnt win, fighting a battle of attrition might be a path to survival.

He didnt expect the Eastern Righteous Path alliance to aid him out of the goodness of their hearts, but it was an opportunity to grievously injure or capture a Demonic Cultivator that had trespassed into Righteous Path territory.

Yao Shen knew that the Demonic Cultivator matched his speed was only searching for a pretext. None of the factions wanted a repeat of the Era of Turmoil and as long as the Demon could provide some justification, however lousy it may be, the matter would end at an exchange of resources in compensation. They couldnt demand the Demons head when he was sequestered in the middle of the Bloodsoul forest, after all.

He might not have met the true upper echelons of the cultivator world, but he understood how politicians minds worked. It would not be their territory that was impacted and they would essentially receive compensation for a matter that had not concerned them to begin with-why would they not accept?Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

The thought of stalling had crossed Yao Shens mind multiple times, but ultimately he couldnt bring himself to do so. The whole point of his proposal was to lead the Demonic cultivator as far away from the three divisions as he could and there was no way that his opponent would not see through his attempts.

Moreover, the Elders that had tried to aid him in All-Havens attempted defense would no doubt be using various methods to contact the Eastern Righteous Path alliance, if for no other reason than the simple fact that if Yao Shen were to fall in combat, there was no one in the entirety of the Azlak Plains that could even hold a candle to the demon.

Even now, as clouds of the emotion doubt and uncertainty coiled around him, Yao Shen didnt let any of it show on his visage.

He knew nothing about his opponent except for the fact that he used the Blood and Soul Daos. The Demonic Path was known for using methods that were as bizarre as they were ruthless and Yao Shen was a recently ascended Soul Emperor that wasnt privy to many of the cultivation worlds secrets.

This wasnt a fight that he should be able to win.

Inherited Domain- The Codex

The startled cries of spiritual beasts filled the air as they rapidly fled from the source of the crushing Qi-fluctuation, a few bone-chilling death throes ringing out as weaker spiritual beasts were trampled in the frenzy to flee deeper into the Nayun Forest.

A pool of viscous blood and a field of golden wheat fought for dominion over one another. The blood sought to ruthlessly devour and consume all in its path while the wheat resiliently endured, managing to take root even on a bloodied field when it encroached upon its territory.

A few long moments passed and an equilibrium had been established in the battle of Domains.

Yao Shens Human Dao domain had managed to match Gavrils, but his expression had turned grim.

Though the Demons domain was still obscured by a heavy blood mist, Yao Shens Divine Sense had already scanned it.

Where there had been one enemy, there were now multiple.

One had turned to two.

Two to twenty.

Twenty to a terrifying sixty.

His initial reaction had been to place it as a trick, a domain that masked the original behind dozens of blood clones.


Each enemy had its own unique Qi Signature, with levels of strength that varied from low-stage Core Formation to Peak-Stage Nascent Soul, not to mention a second Soul Emperor level existence.

What is this? Yao Shen thought, perhaps the only thought that he could manage in the spur of the moment.