Chapter 205: Information

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 205: Information

Peak Master Zhen was holding back a laugh. Her current clothing, hairstyle, and makeup made her all look like a stately diplomat. Refined and eminently reasonable. On the other hand, her current laughter completely dispelled that notion. She held back a snicker long enough to speak, I didnt hear you, say that again.

Sage kept his annoyance from showing on his face. She just wanted to tease him, since it was already obvious she wasnt going to help. Even so, he kept the same solemn and polite look on his face as he repeated himself.

I would like to know more about the Hidden Domain, Peak Master. Is there any way I can gain access to the Sects records and research about the Hidden Domain and its materials?

She started laughing loudly now, unable to stop herself. Peak Master Zhen even waved towards her disciple, Jin Shih, who was standing at the other side of a large hall from them. After she got Jin Shihs attention, she turned towards him, pointed at Sage, and then gave Jin Shih a look. The kind of look that could only be described as can you believe this guy?. Her hand was far from blocking Sage from seeing this exchange, which he knew was quite deliberate. Peak Master Zhen just loved to stir up trouble. After a few minutes of back and forth with Jin Shih, who even had a fan to help him exchange pointed looks with Peak Master Zhen, they finally stopped and the Peak Master smiled politely at Sage.

Forgive me. I dont know what it is youre talking about. If the Sect had any Hidden Domains, everything about them would be secret. Anything we knew would definitely not be shared with an Outer Disciple. Its a good thing none of us know anything about any secrets of the Sect like that, if we were to casually talk about those sorts of things, of which none of us know anything about, we would probably disappear. Theres a rumor that the people who disappear suffer a life worse than torture, Im so glad we arent one of them.

Sage quickly nodded, I feel quite sorry for the people that know secrets. Thankfully, I dont know a thing at all. Thank you for your assistance, Peak Master Zhen.

Seems they wont trust me with anything unless I can obtain a higher rank.

Weve collected a dozen new insect and animal species this week from throughout the Holy Flame Province. The neighboring provinces report that theyve already spread the word to the merchant companies in the area that youre looking for new, unusual, and abnormally powerful Beasts and Bugs.

Right at this time, as if on cue, there was a knocking at the gates. A moment later, an attendant ran in. The man bowed to them, he was also a new hire. With them becoming more busy, Wen Wen got more and more important duties so they had to hire more help. His was currently acting as a combination of guard, groundskeeper, and handyman at the moment.

Cui Shufen and Jin Shih have arrived.

Sage quickly had the man bring them inside and he greeted them enthusiastically. While he wasnt exactly on good terms with these two, they were the Personal Disciples of Peak Masters, so it was highly likely they would hold high positions in the Sect in the future. He certainly didnt want to upset them, even though it seemed that Jin Shih already had a bad opinion of him.

I hope its just because hes mischievous like his teacher.

The two walked in, looking around and noticing it hadnt changed too much from when they visited the last time with their Masters. Cui Shufen actually smiled widely and spoke up before Sage could do more than greet them, Wow, so you arent always dirty like last time. You dont look that ugly after all.

Sage could see some annoyance on Jin Shihs face, but he didnt end up mentioning it. Instead Jin Shih flipped open his fan and waved it as he made a sudden offer, I couldnt help but hearing a little bit while we were outside. Its also no secret about the standing purchase orders youve left in the Sect. Since you really like collecting beasts, I figured you might be interested. Theres an auction next month at Daggerguard City, and you should know that will be the best place to obtain the unique plants, animals, and items produced in Green Plateau Province. Its even been said that the Cult of the Woodlord will be auctioning off something very expensive and special this time around.Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.