Chapter 311: Cockroaches

Name:Molting the Mortal Coil Author:
Chapter 311: Cockroaches

Youre still alive? Didnt I already smash you under that rock like a bug?

Sages voice was distorted in his true form, sounding very different from normal. It had a low and almost metallic quality to it. Hed thought things were coming to an end, only to find out he was very wrong.

Silence, Beast. Just because youve inadvertently helped me, it doesnt make up for all the damage youve already caused! Now, hurry up and die. Dont worry, all your subordinates will follow you soon.

She pointed her staff once again and the glowing red eyes brightened. Just like before, a specter appeared. Unfortunately, it wasnt that green flame specter anymore. Instead it was the blood ghost, or at least a very similar existence appeared. It looked almost exactly like the spirit that had entered the huge mound of black oil earlier, except it also lost its lower half. It no longer had legs, its lower body fading away at the waist. It wasnt as large as the green flame ghost, and was the same size as it had been before.

Well, looks like that staff can enslave and control spirits or something. Interesting.

He glanced at the staff and noted that the skull on top of it was still cracked. Before he could look for long he was buried under a flurry of sharp claws. The blood ghost had appeared right next to him and it didnt delay, immediately assaulting him. It was even faster than it was before, and its claws came with such speed that he couldnt keep up. Even seeing a few seconds into the future he wasnt fast enough to dodge every attack it leveled against him.

The blood ghost charged towards him, but he had spun over to the side for a reason. He instantly released the majority of the air compressed within his lungs, catalyzing it with Qi and activating the Divine Breath technique to blast him backwards, directly towards Hei Bai. He rapidly flew out of its attack range and closed within just a few yards of the self proclaimed necromancer. His propulsion just about ran out at that point and he skidded across the dirt, rolling and sweeping his tail out, cracking the short whip at her.

Hei Bai swung her staff twice, the first horizontal swing made the blood ghost disappear and then contacted the whip tail. Blocking the strike with extreme precision. Then she flicked it back the way it came and summoned the blood ghost again, this time standing beside her. She swung the staff upwards, preparing to do something else with it, but was suddenly interrupted. The blood ghost had pounced towards Sage, but at the same time, a dark shape exploded out of the ground behind Hei Bai. A thick black worm, easily three feet in diameter, burst out of the ground and spread its mouth as wide as a person wall tall. It formed an arch and dropped upon Hei Bai from above like the nozzle of a giant, and disgusting, vacuum cleaner.

Hei Bai was gone without a trace.

For a little while. Only a moment passed, Sage was slashed again by the blood ghost, and then the big worm trembled. The insides of the Warp Worm were extremely tough, but that didnt seem to stop it from writhing uncontrollably. Then it flopped onto the ground, lifeless, and Hei Bai slid out of its rear end. Suffice it to say, she was not happy. She pulled herself to her feet and let out another scream. Just like the one shed used to kill the Warp Worm a moment ago, it sent a shock into Sages spiritual sea.

In that off balanced moment, the blood ghost grabbed Sage around the neck like he was trying to capture a snake. Hei Bai was already celebrating, letting out a wicked laugh. She thought her foe had finally been caught and now the dragon just needed to get skinned.

Her foe, on the other hand, was not of the same mind.